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An updated checklist of serpentinophytes for research andconservation in ultramafic ecosystems on the southernIberian Peninsula (Spain)
(Wiley, 2024)Although checklists are essential tools for managing and conserving ultramafic ecosystems, no updated checklist currently exists for ultramafic ecosystems on the southern Iberian Peninsula. Thus, the objectives of our study ... -
Euphorbia flavicoma subsp. bermejense (Euphorbiaceae): a new obligate serpentinophyte from the southern Iberian Peninsula.
(Magnolia Press, 2016-09-09)A new subspecies of the genus Euphorbia is described and illustrated. The new taxon occurs on rocky peridotite soils as an endemism forming part of the serpentine open scrublands in the province of Malaga (southern Iberian ... -
Effects of climate change on Platanus flowering in Western Mediterranean cities: current trends and future projections
(Elsevier, 2023-10-12)Ornamental trees can reduce some of the negative impacts of urbanization on citizens but some species, such as Platanus spp., produce pollen with high allergenic potential. This can exacerbate the symptomatology in allergic ... -
A deep learning LSTM-based approach for forecasting annual pollen curves: Olea and Urticaceae pollen types as a case study
(Elsevier, 2023-11-16)Airborne pollen can trigger allergic rhinitis and other respiratory diseases in the synthesised population, which makes it one of the most relevant biological contaminants. Therefore, implementing accurate forecast systems ... -
Smart Tree: An Architectural, Greening and ICT Multidisciplinary Approach to Smart Campus Environments.
(MDPI, 2021-10-29)At present, climate change, pollution, and uncontrolled urbanism threaten not only natural ecosystems, but also the urban environment. Approaches to mitigate these challenges and able to provide an alternative for the use ... -
A study of functional traits reveals serpentinomorphoses and new taxa in populations of Mediterranean Genista.
(Magnolia Press, 2019-03-04)In this work we try to determine whether the modifications in the functional traits of a plant species, both morphological and phenological, and caused by the adaptive serpentinomorphoses syndrome are enough to differentiate ... -
Plant functional traits and groups in a Californian serpentine chaparral.
(Wiley, 2017-11-14)We studied a type of Californian ultramafic chaparral to determine functional groups which can help reduce the complexity of ecosystem management. The study was realized in McLaughlin Reserve, State of California, USA. ... -
Metal accumulation by Alyssum serpyllifolium subsp. malacitanum Rivas Goday (Brassicaceae) across different petrographic entities in Iberian ultramafic massifs: plant-soil relationships and prospects for phytomining.
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-01-12)In the ultramafic area of Spain, a high quantity of petrographic entities is present. Data on the variability among populations of hyperaccumulation are scarce. We investigated Alyssum serpyllifolium subsp. malacitanum for ... -
The resource availability hypothesis (RAH) and cross-cultural patterns: which one explains West African Cochlospermum species’ uses in Benin?
(BMC Springer Nature, 2022)Benin, widely used Cochlospermum tinctorium and C. planchonii as food, medicine,etc. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled harvest of their rootstocks exposes them to local extension risk. This study aimed to (i) assess the use ... -
Variations in leaf traits modulate plant vegetative and reproductive phenological sequencing across arid Mediterranean shrublands.
(Frontiers, 2021-07-23)Structural and nutrient traits of a leaf are important for understanding plant ecological strategies (e.g., drought avoidance). We studied the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content ... -
Assessment Protocol to Evaluate the Degree of Conservation of Habitats of Community Interest: A Case Study for the 5220* HCI in the Westernmost Localities of Europe.
(MDPI, 2023)The westernmost European nucleus of the 5220* Habitat of Community Interest (HCI) is located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia). In this area, the 5220* HCI is characterized by the presence of scrublands of Gymnosporia ... -
Variations in Leaf Traits Modulate Plant Vegetative and Reproductive Phenological Sequencing Across Arid Mediterranean Shrublands
(Frontiers, 2021-08-23)We studied the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon content (LCC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorous content (LPC), and the phenophase sequence index (PSI) in 126 Mediterranean perennial species from predesert ... -
After Fire Regeneration in a Mediterranean Serpentine Mountain.
(EnPress, 2019)The objective of this study is to know the response to fire of the main members of the group of serpentine plants, which habit the Spanish Mediterranean ultramafic mountain, to help in their management. For this purpose, ... -
Composition, ecology and conservation of the south-Iberian serpentine flora in the context of the Mediterranean basin.
(CSIC, 2013-06-30)Peridotite outcrops have special lithological (serpentine) and soil characteristics; they also support an unique flora and vegetation “that clearly differ from that of other soil types. One of the most important peridotite ... -
Effect of sucrose preculture and culture inoculum density on cryopreservation of olive somatic embryos
(Elsevier, 2023-12)This study reports improvement of a protocol for cryopreservation of olive somatic embryos by using the droplet-vitrification method on aluminum foil strips. Two different approaches were considered in order to optimize ... -
Identity and functional characterisation of the transporter supporting the Na+-dependent high-affinity NO3− uptake in Zostera marina L.
(Wiley, 2023-07-05)Zostera marina is a seagrass, a group of angiosperms that evolved from land to live submerged in seawater, an environment of high salinity, alkaline pH and usually very low NO3−. In 2000, we reported the first physiological ... -
The high climate vulnerability of western Mediterranean forests
(Elsevier, 2023-06)Understanding the effects of climate change is one of the most challenging goals for biodiversity conservation. The forests of Andalusia, in Southern Spain, are part of an important Mediterranean Basin biodiversity hotspot. ... -
Temporal and spatial variability in population traits of an intertidal fucoid reveals local-scale climatic refugia
(Elsevier, 2023)Global change is imposing significant losses in the functional traits of marine organisms. Although areas of climatic refugia ameliorate local conditions and help them to persist, the extent to which mesoscale effects ... -
Assessment Protocol to Evaluate the Degree of Conservation of Habitats of Community Interest: A Case Study for the 5220* HCI in the Westernmost Localities of Europe
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-01-06)The westernmost European nucleus of the 5220* Habitat of Community Interest (HCI) is located in the province of Málaga (Andalusia). In this area, the 5220* HCI is characterized by the presence of scrublands of Gymnosporia ...