BV - Artículos: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 63
Cellulose–Callose Hydrogels: Computational Exploration of Their Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties
(ACS, 2024-02-27)Este estudio investiga las propiedades de las estructuras de celulosa-calosa. La mezcla de dichos polimeros muestró una mejor absorción de agua y una liberación de marcadores colorimétricos más lenta en comparación con ... -
Insights into the effects of polygalacturonase FaPG1 gene silencing on pectin matrix disassembly, enhanced tissue integrity, and firmness in ripe strawberry fruits,
(Oxford Academy, 2013-07-19)Este estudio examina el impacto de la reducción del gen FaPG1 en fresas, que se ha relacionado con la disminución del reblandecimiento de la fruta y la prolongación de la vida útil postcosecha. Se encontró que las fresas ... -
Fruit softening and pectin disassembly: an overview of nanostructural pectin modifications assessed by atomic force microscopy,
(Oxford Academy, 2014-07-25)En esta revisión, se discuten primero las características principales del proceso del desmantelamiento de las pectinas durante la maduración de los frutos, y luego se revisa la caracterización nanoestructural de las pectinas ... -
Unravelling the nanostructure of strawberry fruit pectins by endo-polygalacturonase digestion and atomic force microscopy.
(Elsevier, 2016-12-19)Este estudio analizó las pectinas de las fresas utilizando microscopía de fuerza atómica (AFM) para visualizar sus cadenas y agregados. Las pectinas se trataron con una enzima específica, lo que resultó en una reducción ... -
The nanostructural characterization of strawberry pectins in pectate lyase or polygalacturonase silenced fruits elucidates their role in softening
(Elsevier, 2015-06-14)Este estudio investigó el papel de las pectinas en el reblandecimiento de la fresa, mediante plantas transgénicas con silenciamiento de los genes FaplC (liasa de pectato) y FaPG1 (poligalacturonasa). Los frutos transgénicos ... -
A nanostructural view of the cell wall disassembly process during fruit ripening and postharvest storage by atomic force microscopy
(Elsevier, 2018-02-13)Este artículo revisa las principales características del proceso de desensamblaje de la pared celular asociado al reblandecimiento de los frutos desde un punto de vista nanoestructural, según lo proporcionado por estudios ... -
Structural changes in cell wall pectins during strawberry fruit development
(2017)Strawberry is one of the most important soft fruit. Rapid loss of firmness occurs during the ripening process, resulting in a short shelf life and high economic losses. To get insight into the role of pectin matrix in the ... -
Interactions between callose and cellulose revealed through the analysis of biopolymer mixtures
(Nature Research, 2018-10-31)Este estudio investigó las propiedades físico-mecánicas de los (1,3)-β-glucanos (calosa) mediante mezclas con celulosa en soluciones de líquidos iónicos e hidrogeles. Los resultados muestran que la adición de calosa reduce ... -
Elucidating the role of polygalacturonase genes in strawberry fruit softening
(Oxford Academy, 2020-12-31)En dicho artículo se investigó el papel de los genes de poligalacturonasa (FaPG1 y FaPG2) en el reblandecimiento de la fresa. El silenciamiento simultáneo de ambos genes no aumentó aún más la firmeza. A nivel genético, ... -
Development of a high throughput system for genetic transformation of olive (Olea europaea L.) plants
(Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2010-05-06)En este trabajo se publicaron los primeros resultados encaminados a la obtención de un protocolo eficiente de transformación genética en olivo, haciendo hincapié en la selección del antibiótico de selección y el uso de ... -
CRISPR/Cas9 editing of the polygalacturonase FaPG1 gene improves strawberry fruit firmness
(Oxford Academy, 2023-02-01)La firmeza es uno de los rasgos de calidad más importantes en las fresas. La vida útil postcosecha de esta fruta está altamente limitada por la pérdida de firmeza, donde la descomposición de la pared celular juega un papel ... -
Environmental drivers of the seasonal exposure to airborne Alternaria spores in Spain.
(Elsevier, 2022-02-02)Alternaria conidia have high allergenic potential and they can trigger important respiratory diseases. Due to that and to their extensive detection period, airborne Alternaria spores are considered as a relevant airborne ... -
Trends and future projections of Olea flowering in the western Mediterranean: The example of the Alentejo region (Portugal)
(Elsevier, 2023-06-17)Olives are one of the most economically relevant crops in the Mediterranean area but this region is experiencing a strong warming due to climate change. Therefore, it would be of great interest to estimate the possible ... -
Applying wind patterns and land use to estimate the concentrations of airborne pollen of herbaceous taxa in a statistical framework
(ELSEVIER, 2023-03-23)Airborne pollen concentrations are influenced by wind direction, wind speed, temperature and rainfall among other meteorological variables, but they are conditioned by local land use. Combining land use and wind frequencies ... -
An updated checklist of serpentinophytes for research andconservation in ultramafic ecosystems on the southernIberian Peninsula (Spain)
(Wiley, 2024)Although checklists are essential tools for managing and conserving ultramafic ecosystems, no updated checklist currently exists for ultramafic ecosystems on the southern Iberian Peninsula. Thus, the objectives of our study ... -
Euphorbia flavicoma subsp. bermejense (Euphorbiaceae): a new obligate serpentinophyte from the southern Iberian Peninsula.
(Magnolia Press, 2016-09-09)A new subspecies of the genus Euphorbia is described and illustrated. The new taxon occurs on rocky peridotite soils as an endemism forming part of the serpentine open scrublands in the province of Malaga (southern Iberian ... -
Effects of climate change on Platanus flowering in Western Mediterranean cities: current trends and future projections
(Elsevier, 2023-10-12)Ornamental trees can reduce some of the negative impacts of urbanization on citizens but some species, such as Platanus spp., produce pollen with high allergenic potential. This can exacerbate the symptomatology in allergic ... -
A deep learning LSTM-based approach for forecasting annual pollen curves: Olea and Urticaceae pollen types as a case study
(Elsevier, 2023-11-16)Airborne pollen can trigger allergic rhinitis and other respiratory diseases in the synthesised population, which makes it one of the most relevant biological contaminants. Therefore, implementing accurate forecast systems ... -
Smart Tree: An Architectural, Greening and ICT Multidisciplinary Approach to Smart Campus Environments.
(MDPI, 2021-10-29)At present, climate change, pollution, and uncontrolled urbanism threaten not only natural ecosystems, but also the urban environment. Approaches to mitigate these challenges and able to provide an alternative for the use ...