Listar DES - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 44-52 de 52
Same-Sex Marriages, Divorce and Children from the Prism of Methodological Triangulation
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-02-16)This article delves into the social reality of same-sex couples breaking up in Spain, seeking to answer questions, such as: When and why does divorce occur? What type of divorces occur and what is child custody like? To ... -
Sexual Division in Parenting: A Normative Context That Hinders Co-Responsibility
(Sage Journals, 2022)Recent decades have seen an increase in women’s employment rates and an expansion of egalitarian values. Previous studies document the so-called “motherhood penalty”, which makes women’s employment more difficult. Demands ... -
The Catholic Church and Consolidation of Democratic Civil Society in Spain
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2019-07-05)This article examines how the Catholic Church assisted the transition to democracy and consolidation of democratic civil society in Spain through a position of political neutrality. By abstaining from any active role in ... -
The Effects of COVID-19 Confinement on the Spanish Family: Adaptation or Change?
(University of Toronto Press, 2020-08-28)Spain is one of the countries that has been most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. As a southern European country, Spain is characterized by high levels of sociability and the vital role of the family in its ... -
The Evolution of Gender Segregation over the Life Course
(Sage in association with American Sociological Association, 2018-10)We propose a measure of gender segregation over the life course that includes differences between women and men in occupational allocation, degree of time involvement in paid work, and their participation in different forms ... -
Transiciones a la maternidad a través de las generaciones. Factores causales del nacimiento del primer hijo en España
(Federación Española de Sociología (FES), 2022)El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la transición a la maternidad de las generaciones de mujeres nacidas en las décadas de 1960, 1970 y 1980. De manera particular se trata de estudiar el efecto de las características ... -
La transparencia en las Cortes Generales a la luz de las recomendaciones del GRECO: el Código de conducta de los Diputados.
(Revista Española de la Transparencia, 2020-03-12)En el presente trabajo pretenden exponerse las principales recomendaciones que el Grupo de Estados Contra la Corrupción del Consejo de Europa (GRECO) viene formulando a España en materia de transparencia. De modo más ... -
Two Sides of the Coin: The Link Between Relational Exclusion and Socioeconomic Exclusion.
(2021-12-15)Social capital, derived from the individual embeddedness in a net of personal relationships that gives access to a pool of potential resources, is crucial in understanding how some people experience a higher risk of falling ... -
Las uniones mixtas y sus descendientes en España. Evolución y consideraciones sobre la mixticidad
(2021-02)Este artículo ofrece un estado de la cuestión sobre las uniones mixtas entre nacionales y extranjeros y sus descendientes en España, lo que se ha llamado de forma más abarcadora «mixticidad». Siendo un fenómeno en aumento ...