Listar DLAD - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 14-33 de 80
Arte y cultura, mecanismos bélicos de evasión, propaganda y recaudación: la danza en Málaga durante el período republicano de la Guerra Civil española.
(Universidad Andrés Bello, 2019-07-17)La ciudad de Málaga resistió el Golpe de Estado de julio de 1936 que desembocó en la denominada Guerra Civil española, permaneciendo como frente de guerra republicano hasta el 8 de febrero de 1937, fecha en que fue tomada ... -
Assessment of perceived exertion among runners: exploring the interplay of heart rate, performance and sports habits.
(Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2024-02-29)The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is an indicator that uses numerical scales and verbal and/or visual descriptors and is used at a sports level to determine the intensities of physical exercise.The objetive of this study ... -
Classroom willingness to communicate among EFL secondary school students in Poland and Spain
(Universidad de Granada, 2024-06-28)Los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar la voluntad de comunicarse en el aula de estudiantes de inglés como LE en centros de educación secundaria de Polonia y España, e identificar los factores que predicen este tipo ... -
“Cognition, Intelligence and Movement”: Extracurricular Physical Activity as a Promoter of Intelligence in Schoolchildren
(2022-03-20)The main objective of this study was to assess the existence of significant relationships between motor capacity, academic performance and intelligence in a sample of 67 pre-adolescent children, between the ages of 8 and ... -
De Aveiro a Mazagón, Antónia Rodrigues, ‘’A Cavaleira Portuguesa".
(Dykinson, 2023)Resumen Aproximación a la historia de Antónia Rodrigues, La cavaleira portuguesa, una mujer que travestida de hombre llegó a dirigir tropas contra la invasión musulmana. Nacida en Aveiro en 1580, en un barrio de ... -
De música, propaganda y publicidad en el No-Do
(Fotocinema. Revista Científica De Cine y Fotografía, 2019-01-27)Convertida ya en una disciplina artística de la comunicación audiovisual, la música se vuelve un instrumento imprescindible para la publicidad y promoción de una imagen, símbolo o concepto publicitario, ayudando a recordar ... -
Del cine a la televisión: un nuevo formato audiovisual para el Noticiario de NO-DO
(Historia y Comunicación Social. Universidad Complutense., 2022-11-15)Con la llegada de la televisión a España, junto con la época de esplendor de la publicidad comercial en los años sesenta, se estableció un nuevo modelo de comunicación persuasiva que repercutió en los Noticiarios de NO-DO ... -
Does school physical education really contribute to accelerometer-measured daily physical activity and non sedentary behaviour in high school students?
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-01-11)Physical education has been highlighted as an important environment for physical activity promotion, however, to our knowledge there are no previous studies examining the contribution of physical education to daily ... -
Does students’ self-determined motivation toward Physical Education influence the effectiveness of a fitness teaching unit? A cluster-randomized controlled trial and cluster analysis.
(Elsevier, 2020-08-08)Objective: The aim was to compare the effect of a Physical Education (PE)-based fitness teaching unit to improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels between students’ motivational profiles toward PE in high-school students ... -
Effect of a Sport Education-based teaching unit in Physical Education on high school students’ social networks and quantitative sociometry scores: A cluster randomized control trial
(Universidad del País Vasco, 2021-10-25)The present study aimed: (a) to examine the effect of the Sport Education-based teaching unit on students’ sociometric status and quantitative relationship indices from a macro-analysis perspective (classroom-group level); ... -
Effect of an inside-outside school alternated teaching unit of knowledge of the environment for practicing physical activity: A cluster randomized control trial
(2021-08-05)Purpose: To examine the effect of two physical education-based alternated teaching units on students’ environmental knowledge for practicing out-of-school physical activity (PA), perceived autonomy support, self-determined ... -
Effect of Coronavirus 19 on Maintaining Balance in Skilled Athletes
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-08-23)Preliminary studies have reported that motor control is negatively impacted following an infection of COVID-19. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 on maintaining balance in highly skilled ... -
Effect of Physical Education-based stretching programs on hamstring extensibility in high school students: A systematic review.
(Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia, 2020-03-09)The purpose of the present review was to examine the effects of Physical Education-based stretching programs on hamstring extensibility in high school students. Relevant studies were searched from 10 databases. The results ... -
Effect of warm-up on fitness performance of schoolchildren. A systematic review
(De Gruyter Poland., 2022-03-17)The impact of different types of warm-up protocol on children’s performance is clearly an unresolved issue that has not yet been satisfactorily investigated. Consequently, the purpose of this review was to analyze the ... -
Enjoyment, anxiety, and out-of-class foreign language use among Spanish foreign language learners
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-09)This study investigated the relationship between Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE), Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA), Out-of-Class Foreign Language Use (OCFLU) and learner factors (FL and FL proficiency level). ... -
Estudio de caso sobre el desarrollo de la competencia oral en Educación Infantil y Primaria en un centro público.
(Ediciones Complutense, 2020-07-01)Las dificultades para implementar prácticas orales en el aula con una evaluación rigurosa sitúan a la competencia oral en desventaja respecto a otras destrezas comunicativas en el sistema educativo actual. El objetivo ... -
Evaluación de la fuerza relativa de las extremidades superiores con la Plataforma de Bosco
(Universidad de Málaga/ Fernández García JC, 2013-07-30)El propósito del estudio fue comprobar si la Plataforma de contacto Ergojump, utilizada para medir la capacidad de impulsión de las extremidades inferiores a través de saltos, era válida para hacerlo sobre las extremidades ... -
Evaluation of a Proposal for Movement Integration in the Teaching–Learning Process in Early Childhood Education
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-01-09)Physical activity is essential to child development, but studies show that children are increasingly inactive. Due to schools being considered privileged environments to promote physical activity, the aim of this study ... -
Exploring Spanish studio music teachers’ views on topics related to creativity.
(SAGE, 2024)While creativity is a primary focus in music education, its exploration within the realm of music studio teaching is considerably less extensive compared with other educational contexts. Moreover, the related research ... -
Factors predicting classroom WTC in English and French as foreign languages among adult learners in Spain
(Sage, 2021-11-01)This study aimed to identify associations and predictors of willingness to communicate (WTC) of adult foreign language (FL) learners and whether they are contingent upon the FL being learned. To this end, our research ...