Economía Aplicada ( Estadística y Econometría) - (EAEEC)
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Internet use and academic performance: An interval approach
(Springer Nature, 2022-05-21)As children spend more and more time on electronic devices and social networks, there is a growing concern about the influence that these activities may have on their development and social well-being. In this context, the ... -
Teacher Self-Efficacy, Instructional Practice, and Student Outcomes: Evidence from the TALIS Video Study
(Sage Journals, 2024-12-23)In this paper we use novel data to test the direct and indirect paths between teacher self-efficacy and student outcomes. This includes how teacher self-efficacy is linked to student, teacher, and expert rater views of ... -
Socioeconomic school segregation in Canary Islands
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-05-23)This study provides evidence about the degree of socioeconomic segregation in Spain’s primary schools. In particular, the analysis is based on data from Canary Islands, a Spanish region with low level of academic performance ... -
The power of expectations on students’ years of schooling
(Springer Nature, 2021-07-15)Both students and parents have expectations about students’ academic future. The present study analyses the influence of both sets of expectations when students are at age 15-16 on level of education achieved by students ... -
Predicción de series temporales económicas con datos masivos: perspectiva, avances y comparaciones.
(Funcas, 2021)Este trabajo analiza cómo la predicción económica ha ido evolucionando en función de los datos disponibles y cómo la reciente disponibilidad de datos masivos está transformando los métodos utilizados para el pronóstico. ... -
Earlier diagnosis of lung cancer in a randomised trial of an autoantibody blood test followed by imaging
(EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD, 2020)The EarlyCDT-Lung test is a high-specificity blood-based autoantibody biomarker that could contribute to predicting lung cancer risk. We report on the results of a phase IV biomarker evaluation of whether using the ... -
3-month versus 6-month adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with high-risk stage II and III colorectal cancer: 3-year follow-up of the SCOT non-inferiority RCT
(NIHR JOURNALS LIBRARY, 2019-12)Background: Oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy administered over 6 months is the standard adjuvant regimen for patients with high-risk stage II or III colorectal cancer. However, the regimen is associated with ... -
Reducing the basic reproduction number of COVID‑19: a model simulation focused on QALYs, hospitalisation, productivity costs and optimal (soft) lockdown
(Springer Nature, 2023)Even if public health interventions are successful at reducing the spread of COVID-19, there is no guarantee that they will bring net benefits to the society because of the dynamic nature of the pandemic, e.g., the risk ... -
From Spreadsheets to Script: Experiences From Converting a Scottish Cardiovascular Disease Policy Model into R
(Springer Nature, 2021)Given the advantages in transparency, reproducibility, adaptability and computational efficiency in R, there is a growing interest in converting existing spreadsheet-based models into an R script for model re-use and ... -
Three Versus Six Months of Adjuvant Doublet Chemotherapy for Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Multi-Country Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Impact Analysis
(CIG MEDIA GROUP, LP, 2021)Background: The Short Course Oncology Treatment (SCOT) trial demonstrated non-infer ior it y, less toxicit y, and cost- effectiveness from a UK perspective of 3 versus 6 months of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy for patients ... -
Healthy eating and lifestyle in pregnancy (HELP): a cluster randomised trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a weight management intervention for pregnant women with obesity on weight at 12 months postpartum
(Springer Nature, 2021)Objective To assess whether a weight management intervention for pregnant women with obesity was effective in reducing body mass index (BMI) 12 months after giving birth. Methods Pragmatic, cluster randomised controlled ... -
Economic evaluation of culprit lesion only PCI vs. immediate multivessel PCI in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: the CULPRIT‑SHOCK trial
(Springer Nature, 2020-10-07)Background The CULPRIT-SHOCK trial compared two treatment strategies for patients with acute myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary artery disease complicated by cardiogenic shock: (a) culprit vessel only percutaneous ... -
SCOT: a comparison of cost-effectiveness from a large randomised phase III trial of two durations of adjuvant Oxaliplatin combination chemotherapy for colorectal cancer
(Springer Nature, 2018-11-13)BACKGROUND: The Short Course Oncology Therapy (SCOT) study is an international, multicentre, non-inferiority randomised controlled trial assessing the efficacy, toxicity, and cost-effectiveness of 3 months (3 M) versus ... -
Does grade retention affect students’ achievement? Some evidence from Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)Grade retention practices are at the forefront of the educational debate. In this article, we measure the effect of grade retention on Spanish students’ achievement by using data from Programme for International Student ... -
Alternation bias and sums of identically distributed monetary lotteries.
(Elsevier, 2017-12-06)The alternation bias is the tendency of people to believe that random events alternate more often than statistical laws imply. This paper examines the theoretical effect of this psychological bias on preferences over ... -
Improving scope sensitivity in contingent valuation: Joint and separate evaluation of health states
(Wiley Online Library, 2017)We present data of a contingent valuation survey, testing the effect of evaluation mode on the monetary valuation of preventing road accidents. Half of the interviewees was asked to state their willingness to pay (WTP) ... -
Protocol for an economic evaluation of the randomised controlled trial of culprit lesion only PCI versus immediate multivessel PCI in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: CULPRITSHOCK trial
(BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, 2017)Introduction Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit lesion for patients with acute myocardial infarctions is an accepted practice. A majority of patients present with multivessel disease ... -
Cognitive skills and the LOGSE reform in Spain: evidence from PIAAC.
(Springer Nature, 2017)We use data from the Spanish sample of the Programme for the International Assessment of AdultCompetencies to analyze the effect of the LOGSE (Spanish acronym for General Law of the Education System) reform passed in ... -
Valuation of safety under reference-dependent evaluation of income
(Elsevier, 2015-03-24)We analyze data of a Spanish nationally-representative survey where subjects reported their willingness to pay (WTP) for road safety improvements, specifically they hypothetically paid for a reduction of the risk of a ... -
School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in Andalusia.
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-07-23)School segregation by socio-economic background is a feature of most education systems and impacts negatively on educational outcomes for poor children. Evidence on this issue is lacking for the Spanish primary education ...