Listar Economía Aplicada (Estructura Económica) - (EAEE) por título
Mostrando ítems 65-84 de 147
Gender of supervisors. Does it matter?
(2014-09-23)This study analysed the effect on the wage gap of women´s access to supervisory jobs within each establishment in the Spanish labour market. Previous empirical studies have found that the promotion of women has a positive ... -
Gender of workers´ supervisors. Does it matter?
(2014-12-16)This study analysed the effect on the wage gap of women´s access to supervisory jobs within each establishment in the Spanish labour market. Previous empirical studies have found that the promotion of women has a positive ... -
A gender perspective on the human capital returns of hospitality firm's managers
(2018-11-05)The aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of existing differences in human capital returns and in other variables considered in this analysis among the business managers of the hospitality sector, paying special ... -
Gender wage gap along the wage distribution: Evidence at sectorial level.
(2022-06-30)This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish services sector, through the specific analysis of its four main sub-sectors: hospitality industry, transport industry, travel agencies services and ... -
Ham Tourism in Andalusia: An Untapped Opportunity in the Rural Environment
(MDPI, 2022-07)Iberian ham is a food product of great quality endorsed by Protected Denominations of Origin, which is beginning to be marketed as a tourist product, and visits to pastures, ham dryers, etc., are becoming tourist attractions ... -
Horizontal and vertical coordination and integration of subjects of the department of applied economy (Economic Structure) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses of Degree in Tourism at the University of Malaga
(2017-06-12)The Department of Applied Economics (Economic Structure) of the University of Malaga has its headquarters in the Faculty of Economics, although its professors teach in six centers of our University. We intend to develop ... -
How do macroeconomics’ students assess the use of digital learning resources? A post-pandemic analysis.
(2024)This study analyses student assessment outcomes on three types of Digital Learning Resources created for online teaching of Macroeconomics during the Covid-19 pandemic: digital teaching notes, digital PowerPoint presentations ... -
How to make innovation policies more effective: the challenge of considering the institutional context
(2022)The necessity to optimise the processes of design and implementation of instruments that stimulate R+D+i is a matter of urgency due to both the existing public sector budget constraints and the dubious effectiveness of ... -
ICT investment in Spanish SMEs of service and retail sectors. Is it determined by managers gender?
(2023)This study investigates the role of the entrepreneur’s gender on digitalization strategies undertaken by SMEs in the service and retail sectors. Specifically, we aim at testing how the gender of the entrepreneur may affect ... -
Illicit financial flows and the provision of child and maternal health services in low and middle-income countries
(BMC International Health and Human Rights, 2020) -
Illicit financial flows in low- and middle-income countries: A hindrance to human development.
(2018-06-08)Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are cross-border transfers of funds that are illegally earned, transferred, or utilized. Although it is widely recognised that these flows drain the scarce public resources available to finance ... -
Illicit Financial Flows: Another Road Block to Human Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
(Springer Nature, 2019-03-30)This article analysed the relationship between illicit inancial lows (IFFs) and human development, as measured with the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI), using data for 56 low- and middle-income countries for ... -
Impact of illicit financial flows on infant vaccination coverage in developing countries.
(2017-10-09)Objectives This paper analysed the impact of illicit financial flows (IFFs) on the infant immunisation coverage rate as a first step in analysing the social costs of IFFs in developing countries. Background The ... -
Impact of introducing eco-innovation measures on productivity in transport sector companies
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-01-10)This paper analyses the impact of factors related to innovation and the environment, among others, on labour productivity in the Spanish transport sector. The methodological approach used in this study was based on the CDM ... -
Impact of introducing ecoinnovation measures on productivity in transport sector companies
(2016-12-12)The transport and storage sector, like other sectors of the Spanish economy, is experiencing the effects of the current economic crisis. The Annual Services Survey prepared by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics ... -
Impacts of environmental sustainability measures on rural accommodation
(2021-01-19)El turismo de naturaleza constituye hoy día uno de los segmentos de demanda turística con mayor dinamismo, siendo el alojamiento en casas rurales una de las alternativas alojativas más demandadas por los turistas. El ... -
Impacts of irrigation efficiency improvement on water use, water consumption and response to water price at field level.
(Elsevier, 2018-04-30)Increasing irrigation efficiency has been suggested as a solution in water scarce areas but its potential rebound effect (increased ex-post water consumption) is receiving growing attention; paradoxically, although improved ... -
Implementation of the CDM model to the analisys of the hotel sector
(2016-06-07)The main aim of this study was to determine the impact of innovation on productivity in service sector companies — especially those in the hospitality sector — that value the reduction of environmental impact as relevant ... -
Inflación e incertidumbre inflacionaria. Un estudio aplicado con datos regionales españoles
(2013-11-25)El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la relación de causalidad que puede existir entre inflación e incertidumbre inflacionaria, empleando datos regionales españoles para el periodo 1978-2010. Se utiliza un procedimiento ... -
Innovación, actividades intensivas en conocimiento y productividad en el sector servicios
(2018-05)En este trabajo pretendemos determinar si el proceso de innovación y su impacto sobre la productividad del trabajo en empresas de servicios difieren según el grado de intensidad en conocimiento de los distintos subsectores ...