Listar Economía Aplicada (Estructura Económica) - (EAEE) por título
Mostrando ítems 113-132 de 147
Relationships between foreign direct investment and official development assistance with trade-related illicit financial flows. Evidence from low- and middle-income countries
(Emerald, 2023-03-17)Purpose This paper aims to analyse empirically the association between flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), net official development assistance (ODA) inflows and trade-related illicit financial outflows. Design/me ... -
Reposicionamiento de un destino desde el turismo de sol y playa hacia el turismo cultural El caso de Málaga
(2022)Los cambios en la demanda turística exigen flexibilidad en los destinos turísticos para adaptarse a ella. En este trabajo se analizan los esfuerzos de la ciudad de Málaga (España) para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos cambiando ... -
Respect for environment and willingness-to-pay of the customer in the spanish hospitality industry
(2014-02-13)Respect for the environment could be a differentiating attribute over competitors and will lead to competitive advantages. Some authors highlight the fact that, providing the environmental setting is valued by clients, it ... -
The Role of the Models of Strategic Partnership in the New World Order. Euro-Russian Relations and the Eurasian Economic Union in Strategic
(UMA Editorial, 2019)Before the conflict in Ukraine, the EU-Russian relationship was developing in the format of a Strategic Partnership, and Russia was in fact already considered to be one of the EU’s ten strategic partners. However, the main ... -
Ruta del vino Ribera del Guadiana
(2014-07-03)El presente trabajo analiza la apuesta por un producto turístico prometedor:el enoturismo. Se analiza la situación de partida del sector agropecuario extremeño, la actualidad del caso del viñedo y una estimación de futuro:el ... -
El sector público en el análisis macroeconómico : el efecto de crowding-out de las políticas estabilizadoras
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1983) -
Sectoral heterogeneity in patterns of educational mismatch in tourism: a gender comparison
(2022-11-17)The study of the effects of educational mismatch has shown this phenomenon to generate inefficiencies due to a misallocation of resources. These inefficiencies are more detrimental for countries such as Spain, where education ... -
Sectorial heterogeneity in patterns of educational mismath: a gender comparison in Spanish tourism
(2022-06-30)This paper aims to study the determinants of educational mismatch from a gender perspective, analysing the sectoral heterogeneity that may arise among these determinants in four key productive branches within the Spanish ... -
Selecting a pooling equilibrium in a signaling game with a bounded set of signals
(2019-07-10)In this paper, we study a general class of monotone signaling games, in which the support of the signal is limited or the cost of the signal is sufficiently low and as a result, there are multiple pooling equilibria. In ... -
SERCA: un proyecto de mejora de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la Economía Aplicada a través de la lesson study.
(2024)SERCA, como Proyecto de Innovación Educativa (PIE22-075): Ser, Cooperar y actuar con sentido. Aprendizaje activo y evaluación educativa a través de la Lesson Study en el ámbito de conocimiento de Ciencias económicas, ... -
Several approaches for the traveling salesman problem
(UMA Editorial, 2021-09)This doctoral dissertation studies and characterizes of a combination of objectives with several logistic applications. This combination aims to pursue not only a company benefit but a benefit to the clients waiting to ... -
Showcasing Spanish gastronomy through Iberian ham tourist routes
(Elsevier, 2023-10)Iberian ham is one of the flagships of Spanish gastronomy, deeply rooted in Spanish culture. However, its interest as a tourism resource is still scarce, so tourist routes around it have been developed. This study analyses ... -
Signaling games with a highly efective signal
(2024-09-04)We study a class of signaling games in which one of the signals induces the receiver to take an action that provides the sender with the highest utility. This class of games has multiple pooling equilibria, but the equilibrium ... -
Sobre turismo y crecimiento económico. Análisis de causalidad de granger en panel con datos regionales españoles
(2017-07-14)En este paper estudiamos la existencia de relaciones de causalidad à la Granger entre crecimiento económico y desarrollo turístico con datos regionales españoles. Para ello recurrimos a datos mensuales del índice de ... -
Sobre turismo y crecimiento económico. Análisis de causalidad de Granger en panel con datos regionales españoles
(2017-11-21)En este paper estudiamos la existencia de relaciones de causalidad à la Granger entre crecimiento económico y desarrollo turístico con datos regionales españoles. Para ello recurrimos a datos mensuales del índice de ... -
Social costs of illicit financial flows in low- and middle-income countries: the case of infant vaccination coverage
(Oxford University Press, 2017)The liberalization of capital flows is generally associated with prospects of higher growth. However, in developing countries, opening the capital account may also facilitate the flow of capital out of the country through ... -
Socio-economic determinants of efficiency in reducing child mortality in developing countries
(2016-04-08)Efficiency issues in health investments have received increasing attention, mainly as a result of the growing amount of resources invested in developing countries and their mixed impacts on outcomes. The empirical ... -
Study on mastering data for tourism by EU destinations.
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2022)In the European Union, tourism represents one of the main sectors for job and business creation, source of income, and territorial development. Moreover, tourism has social, cultural, and environmental implications, as it ... -
Survival Analysis of the Spanish hotel Industry
(Tourism Management, 2016)El principal objetivo de este estudio es un análisis de supervivencia del sector hotelero español. Para ello se ha utilizado una muestra de 1033 hoteles de 1997 a 2009. La metodología incluyó un análisis econométrico de ... -
The evolution of the P2P accommodation sector in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(2022-11)In the last few years, the development of disruptive business models, such as the sharing economy, had an important impact on all economic sectors. Within the tourism sector, collaborative tourism was one pillar of the ...