Listar Economía Aplicada (Estructura Económica) - (EAEE) por título
Mostrando ítems 132-147 de 147
The evolution of the P2P accommodation sector in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(2022-11)In the last few years, the development of disruptive business models, such as the sharing economy, had an important impact on all economic sectors. Within the tourism sector, collaborative tourism was one pillar of the ... -
The gender wage gap across the wage distribution: evidence in tourism at the sectoral level.
(2023)Statement of the research question: Tourism activities, such as accommodation, catering, transportation, and cultural services, present a heterogeneous occupational structure from a gender perspective. The gender wage gap ... -
The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol
(Elsevier, 2021)The presence of the real estate investment trust in the Spanish real estate market since 2013 has led a significant number of the housing stock being offered for rent in the most popular cities around the country. In the ... -
The labor market in the Spanish hospitality industry: An overview from a gender perspective
(2014-05-19)The main objective of this work is to analyze the labour market of the hospitality industry in Spain from a gender perspective. For this proposal, we analyze the effects of educational mismatch on workers’ occupational ... -
The relationship between types of innovation and SMEs’ performance: A multi‑dimensional empirical assessment.
(Springer Nature, 2019-01-01)This paper examines the impact of different types of innovation on the business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using a multi-dimensional analytical approach. Based on a wide sample of Spanish SMEs, ... -
Tourism and ICTs: Advances in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability: Proceedings of the TURITEC 2023 Conference, October 19–20, 2023, Málaga, Spain
(Springer Nature, 2024)This open-access book presents the best research papers from the XIV International Congress on Tourism and Information and Communications Technologies (TURITEC2023), held in Málaga, Spain from 19 to 20 October 2023. The ... -
Tourism expenditure of EU-27 regions under the global economic crisis
(2015-07-17)This study focuses on the underpinnings of the households’ tourism expenditure decisions during the global economic crisis in 2009. In particular, this study tests if during an economic crisis, decisions on tourism expenditure ... -
Tourism expenditure under the global economic crisis: the role of climate in the place of residence
(2013-12-04)Tourists from different European regions have reacted heterogeneously during the Global Economic Crisis. Such variability is due to different preferences and willingness to pay for tourism. This paper explores the underpinnings ... -
Tourism: Panacea or poision? - Exploring the phenomenon of tourism development in Goa (India)
(2014-07-14)El fenómeno turístico se ha convertido en uno de los elementos mas relevantes como factor de dinamización y desarrollo en los países emergentes. El presente trabajo se ha centrado en la influencia que ha tenido y tiene en ... -
Turismo de invernadero. El caso CLISOL
(2014-07-03)El "Mar de Plástico" de Almería supone, aunque pueda parecer lo contrario, un recurso turístico complementario a la oferta del sol y playa gracias a entidades como la empresa Clisol. La agricultura almeriense auna la ... -
Turismo poscoronavirus, ¿una oportunidad para el poscrecimiento?
(Cátedra de Turismo CajaCanarias-Ashotel de la Universidad de La Laguna, 2020-07)El contexto actual derivado de la crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 está marcado por la incertidumbre y presenta una serie de retos múltiples para la sociedad en general y para el turismo en particular. Un escenario que ha ... -
El turismo responsable como respuesta a la idea de turismo para todos
(2016-12-23)Se analizan los efectos del turismo como uno de los pricipales sectores económicos del mundo. Y se propone el aprovechamiento de su efecto multiplicador para poner en valor los recursos locales. -
Understanding tourists´ economizing strategies during the global economic crisis
(2014-06-24)This paper explores how tourists from 165 regions of EU-27 countries cut back their tourism expenditure during the global economic crisis in 2009. This study disentangles the cutback tourism expenditure in two mutually ... -
Using Educational Investment as a Screening and Signaling Device in the Labor Market
(2023)In the classical Spence´s model, workers have private information on their productivity and they use educational investment in order to signal their productive skills to an uninformed employer. Differently, we consider a ... -
Water Cycle and Circular Economy: Developing a Circularity Assessment Framework for Complex Water Systems
(Elsevier, 2020)Water –the most vital resource, negatively affected by the linear pattern of growth –still tries to find its positioning within the emerging concept of circular economy. Fragmented, sectorial circularity approaches hide ... -
Wine tourism and COVID-19: impacts and responses from the perspective of wine route’s wineries.
(Uhu Publicaciones, 2023-11-12)Wine tourism is a subsector of gastronomic tourism that, according to the World Tourism Organisation, has been increasingly in demand among visitors worldwide. The Serranía de Ronda has an outstanding wine-growing tradition, ...