Listar EAEE - Artículos por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 43
Evaluación de los efectos de los Fondos Estructurales en la economía andaluza
(Revista de Estudios Regionales, 1999)En este artículo se plantea como objetivo principal la evaluación de la incidencia de los Fondos Estructurales sobre indicadores relevantes de la economía andaluza. Previa identificación del volumen y asignación por ramas ... -
El Nuevo Marco Input-Output y la SAM de Andalucía para el año 1995
(Cuadernos de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Málaga, 2001)El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una Matriz de Contabilidad Social de la economía andaluza para el año 1995 (SAMAND-95), siguiendo la tendencia, desde hace unos años, de regionalización de este tipo de análisis. ... -
Comparative analysis of short-term rental homes and traditional accommodation in Andalusian tourist cities: intensity, density, and potential expansion areas
(Taylor and Francis, 2001-09-29)Accommodation is one of the main sectors affected by the emergence of platform economies. This issue has been addressed by many researchers, but they have mainly focussed on Airbnb and large cities. Thus, there is a need ... -
Crecimiento económico y política de transferencias a partir de una matriz de contabilidad social de Andalucía
(Asociación Internacional de Economía Aplicada (ASEPELT), 2002)En este artículo describimos la metodología utilizada para construir un modelo lineal de demanda para analizar la distribución de la renta, haciendo uso de una matriz de contabilidad social regional donde las familias están ... -
A Fuzzy Clustering Approach to the Key Sectors of the Spanish Economy.
(Economic System Research, 2006)La búsqueda de los sectores clave de una economía ha sido y es uno de los temas más recurrentes del análisis input-output. Además de su liderazgo para impulsar el desarrollo, concepto demasiado amplio e impreciso, un sector ... -
Survival Analysis of the Spanish hotel Industry
(Tourism Management, 2016)El principal objetivo de este estudio es un análisis de supervivencia del sector hotelero español. Para ello se ha utilizado una muestra de 1033 hoteles de 1997 a 2009. La metodología incluyó un análisis econométrico de ... -
A duopoly game under uncertainty about product differentiation: A separating or pooling equilibrium?
(2016-11-14)This article analyses price competition in a two-period duopoly model in which only one firm knows the degree of substitutability between products. Using a Hotelling model, we analyse the informed firm´s incentive to reveal ... -
Social costs of illicit financial flows in low- and middle-income countries: the case of infant vaccination coverage
(Oxford University Press, 2017)The liberalization of capital flows is generally associated with prospects of higher growth. However, in developing countries, opening the capital account may also facilitate the flow of capital out of the country through ... -
Municipal solid-waste recycling market and the European 2020 Horizon Strategy: A regional efficiency analysis in Spain.
(Elsevier, 2018)This paper focuses on the analysis of the efficiency of Spanish regions in the development of the recycling market in their respective territories through the use of a novel Data Envelopment Analysis method with multiple ... -
Impact of introducing eco-innovation measures on productivity in transport sector companies
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-01-10)This paper analyses the impact of factors related to innovation and the environment, among others, on labour productivity in the Spanish transport sector. The methodological approach used in this study was based on the CDM ... -
Impacts of irrigation efficiency improvement on water use, water consumption and response to water price at field level.
(Elsevier, 2018-04-30)Increasing irrigation efficiency has been suggested as a solution in water scarce areas but its potential rebound effect (increased ex-post water consumption) is receiving growing attention; paradoxically, although improved ... -
Innovation and business performance for Spanish SMEs: New evidence from a multi-dimensional approach.
(Sage, 2018-06-19)This article examines the impact of product, process and organisational innovations on two alternative dimensions of business performance: finance and operations. Two indicators capture financial performance: sales ... -
Effects of the Irrigation Modernization in Spain 2002–2015
(Springer Nature, 2019)Regions and basins suffering from water scarcity have promoted the modernization of irrigation systems, defined as irrigation efficiency enhancement as a measure for the adaptation to a growing demand and a limited supply ... -
Learning through experimentation in an oligopoly market with asymmetric information
(Wiley Online Library, 2019)Unlike previous literature, in which firms compete in the market with the same information, this article analyses a two-period duopoly game in which only one firm is completely informed about the market conditions, whereas ... -
Pricing policies in a market with asymmetric information and non-bayesian firms.
(Central University of Finance and Economics, 2019)This article analyses price competition in a two-period duopoly model in which only one firm is aware of the degree of substitutability between products. Using a Hotelling´s model, we analyse the informed firm´s incentive ... -
The relationship between types of innovation and SMEs’ performance: A multi‑dimensional empirical assessment.
(Springer Nature, 2019-01-01)This paper examines the impact of different types of innovation on the business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using a multi-dimensional analytical approach. Based on a wide sample of Spanish SMEs, ... -
Illicit Financial Flows: Another Road Block to Human Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
(Springer Nature, 2019-03-30)This article analysed the relationship between illicit inancial lows (IFFs) and human development, as measured with the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI), using data for 56 low- and middle-income countries for ... -
Internet’s User Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility in Hotel Services
(MDPI, 2019-05)El objetivo de este estudio fue utilizar las percepciones de los usuarios de Internet para analizar el efecto de las dimensiones social, económica y ambiental de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) implementada por ... -
A Model for Measuring Fair Labour Justice in Hotels: Design for the Spanish Case.
(MDPI, 2019-08-26)There is a growing awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability as a global movement. The hospitality sector is one of the major industries driving socioeconomic development worldwide (especially ... -
Water Cycle and Circular Economy: Developing a Circularity Assessment Framework for Complex Water Systems
(Elsevier, 2020)Water –the most vital resource, negatively affected by the linear pattern of growth –still tries to find its positioning within the emerging concept of circular economy. Fragmented, sectorial circularity approaches hide ...