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Trust and cooperation: a new experimental approach.
(Wiley, 2013)Several theories within different disciplines emphasize the role of trust in fostering cooperation in human social life. Despite differences, the core of these notions of trust is affectively motivated loyalty, whichmakes ... -
Deciding to cooperate in Northern Ghana: trust as an evolutionary constraint across cultural diversity.
(Cambridge University Press, 2015)The upper-east and northern regions of Ghana offers a unique opportunity to study the influence of evolutionary social dynamics in making cooperation possible, despite cultural differences. These regions are occupied by ... -
Trust matters: a cross-cultural comparison of Northern Ghana and Oaxaca groups.
(Frontiers, 2015)A cross-cultural analysis of trust andd cooperation networks in Northern Ghana (NGHA) and Oaxaca (OAX) was carried out by means of ego networks and interviews. These regions were chosen because both are inhabited by several ... -
Personal trust increases cooperation beyond general trust.
(PLOS, 2014-08-22)In this paper we present a new methodology which, while allowing for anonymous interaction, it also makes possible to compare decisions of cooperating or defecting when playing games within a group, according to whether ... -
Confianza y cooperación. Una perspectiva evolutiva.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2013)En esta contribución pretendemos reivindicar la necesidad de tener en cuenta las relaciones de confianza a la hora de tratar de entender la evolución de la cooperación. En este artículo, tras motivar el interés de tener ... -
Trust, Social Capital and the Evolution of Human Sociality.
(The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2012)In this contribution we want to integrate conceptuals developments in Theoretical Biology, Sociology and Anthropology into an Evolutionary Psychology approach. Evolutionary Game Theory tries to model the evolution of human ... -
Who infuences family tourism decisions? Incorporating children’s perceptions
(Springer Nature, 2025-02-04)This article continues the work of Rojas-de-Gracia et al. (2019) in which they question the appropriateness of relying on a single partner, male or female, to identify the decision-maker in tourism decisions. That study ... -
Bibliometric analysis and network mapping of the scientific literature on the influence of public relations on well-being and happiness.
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona., 2023)Managing employees’ happiness and well-being as a business strategy offers positive outcomes for companies, as has been widely studied in the scientific literature. In the field of public relations, published studies address ... -
How does innovation emerge in open platform ecosystems?
(Springer, 2025-01-20)New collaborative contexts like open platforms represent a growing area in which the institutions are questioned and, in some cases, challenged (de-institutionalized) as part of a process that drives market innovation, ... -
La cooperativa como alternativa de emprendimiento colectivo. Su presencia y fomento en las universidades públicas andaluzas
(CIRIEC España, 2023-11-30)La universidad juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del espíritu emprendedor de una sociedad. De las distintas alternativas vehiculares de emprendimiento, existe una con características singulares, que es la ... -
An Exploratory Study on Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment and Peace Process. The Case of Colombian Women Victims of the Armed Conflict
(MPDI, 2020-12-13)The Colombian armed conflict is the oldest internal confrontation in the entire American continent and has placed Colombia as one of the countries in the world with the highest volume of internally displaced persons. There ... -
Digitalization of Agri-Cooperatives in the Smart Agriculture Context. Proposal of a Digital Diagnosis Tool
(MPDI, 2020-02-12)The use of digital technologies has been recognized as one of the great challenges for businesses of the 21st century. This digitalization is characterized by the intensive use of information technologies in the different ... -
Understanding the entrepreneurial resilience of indigenous women entrepreneurs as a dynamic process. The case of Quechuas in Bolivia
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-07-21)Little literature exists regarding the study of entrepreneurial resilience of indigenous women entrepreneurs (IWEs) in environments challenged with isolation, marginalization, or poverty. New insights that explain the role ... -
The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives and their Effect on Products Innovation and on Processes Innovation.
(Universidad del Pacífico, 2019)The main aim of this empirical research is to prove that the Emotional Intelligence of senior executives exerts a direct and positive effect upon the Innovation within the different enterprises. The study has been managed ... -
Executives’ Knowledge Management and Emotional Intelligence Role: Dynamizing Factor towards Open Innovation
(MDPI, 2021)The main aim of this empirical research was to classify the profiles of executives of Spanish companies. We classified the executives’ profiles based on two key factors of innovation: knowledge management and emotional ... -
AI in Marketing Management: Executive Perspectives from Companies.
(Sumy State University, 2024-12)The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing and business communication is transforming corporate strategies, offering significant opportunities while presenting notable challenges. This study examines ... -
Innovative interventions and provisions of accommodations to students with disabilities
(Taylor&Francis, 2020-04-23)The literature on the inclusion of students with disabilities in the university setting highlights the great importance of the faculty’s willingness to provide quality accommodations. However, current studies offer only ... -
Feeling the risks: effects of the development of emotional competences with outdoor training on the entrepreneurial intent of university students
(Springer, 2014-05-05)Nowadays, one of the roles of universities is the promotion of entrepreneurship, particularly, among students. Research on entrepreneurship at an individual level of analysis focuses on the personal characteristics and the ... -
The effects of outdoor training on the development of emotional intelligence among undergraduate tourism students
(Elsevier, 2018-06-26)The recent development of the tourism industry has brought with it an important change in the skill levels required of professionals (Chung, 2000, Kandampully and Suhartanto, 2000.,Otting et al., 2009). The literature ... -
Films and destinations—towards a film destination: A review.
(MDPI, 2021-01-18)The destination image is a complex construction in which the different sources of information consulted are decisive. Among these information sources, we can find films, which have a relevant function to create destination ...