Listar EAE - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 103-122 de 328
La Economía y la Psicología ante el problema de la inactividad de las personas con discapacidad
(UNIVERSIDAD LOYOLA ANDALUCÍA, 2011)La situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad continúa siendo muy negativa, a pesar del creciente interés social por el colectivo. Muchos estudios anteriores coinciden en señalar las bajas tasas de actividad como ... -
Economic, Non-Economic and Critical Factors for the Sustainability of Family Firms.
(MDPI, 2020-10-19)Family firms make a significant contribution to wealth creation. Despite the proliferation of large corporations, the model remains in place. The peculiarities of the company-family relationship mean that these organizations ... -
Editorial: Healthcare management: challenges for improving performance and quality of patient services.
(Frontiers, 2023-09-20)In healthcare, institutions face constant challenges due to technological advances and increasing societal expectations, particularly in times of pandemic. Personnel management becomes essential in these critical ... -
Effect of Social Identification on Esports Viewers Behaviours
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-11-12)While the literature on esports is growing exponentially, little work has been undertaken into understanding the reasons that lead viewers to buy sponsored products and demonstrate engaged and loyal behaviours towards ... -
Effects of a collaborative and gamified online learning methodology on class and test emotions
(Springer, 2023)This study examines the influence of students’ individual attitude and social interactions on participation in collaborative and gamified online learning activities, as well as the influence of participating in those ... -
Effects of Physical Activity and COVID-19 on Healthy Student Strengths in the University System: Implications for Post-Pandemic Management.
(MDPI, 2024-01-19)The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of millions worldwide. It has also brought about abrupt disruptions to the entire university system, whose students form a crucial ... -
Effects of Social Media on Enotourism. Two Cases Study: Okanagan Valley (Canada) and Somontano (Spain)
(MDPI, 2020)The aim of this article is to analyze the social media effects on enotourism. Two territories of similar extension and with historical coincidences in their development have been selected: the Okanagan Valley, Canada, and ... -
Effects of the spectator's emotional attachment to esports players on the sponsoring brand.
(Emerald, 2024)Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand whether the spectator’s emotional attachment to esports’ players is key for the sponsoring brand’s outcomes. A theoretical model based on the attachment, social influence ... -
(2018-10-29)The brand might create a position of the territory that could be useful for the development of geographical spaces. It could also become a solid basis upon which to make decisions about the tourism planning of a city. This ... -
Emotional intelligence, leadership, and work teams: A hybrid literature review
(Elsevier, 2023-09-29)Emotional intelligence (EI) has been widely researched in different fields of knowledge. This paper reviews the literature on emotional intelligence, leadership, and teams in 104 peer-reviewed articles and reviews provided ... -
Employee experience: a systematic review.
(Historia de los Sistemas Informativos, 2024-10-28)The increasing employee focus on job and personal satisfaction has led to growing interest in Employee Experience (EX). This article aims to provide an overview of the knowledge and intellectual structure within ... -
English, German, and French Tourists Are Key to the Success of Andalusian Destinations (Spain).
(MDPI, 2023-08-17)Why was this research undertaken? Because in some tourist destinations the number of international tourists has a greater impact on the number of overnight stays at hotels compared to domestic tourism. The aim of this ... -
Entrepreneurship as a multidisciplinary phenomenon: culture and individual perceptions in business creation
(Emerald, 2022-11-15)Purpose: Entrepreneurship is presented as a vehicle for innovation and social development. Given the importance of entrepreneurship, the objective of this study was to analyze the psychological and sociological dimensions ... -
Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy: A Twitter Intelligence Approach.
(IGI Global, 2020-07-01)The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, ... -
España y su frontera sur en el contexto de la Unión Europea: un siglo de conflictos económicos y políticos
(AUDESCO, Asociación Universitaria Europea de Estudios Comunitarios, 2023)Las opciones de futuro de la frontera hispano-marroquí, y de los territorios españoles en el Norte de África, que conforman uno de los flancos de la frontera sur de la Unión Europea, deben considerar que las soluciones a ... -
Essays on Economics, Disability and Employment. Ensayos sobre Economía, Discapacidad y Empleo, P. Alonso González, D. Cantarero Prieto, J.J. Núñez Velázquez, M. Pascual Sáez (Eds.). Delta Publicaciones, Madrid (2009).
(Elsevier Masson, 2010-04)The negative situation of disabled people used to be an issue traditionally neglected by economic science. However, there does seem to be an economic factor in the satisfaction of these people’s needs. An economic approach ... -
Evaluation and comparison of selected methodologies to investigate occupational accidents.
(IOS PRESS, 2023-03-24)ANTECEDENTES: La elección de la metodología "adecuada" para llevar a cabo el proceso de investigación de accidentes laborales no es una tarea fácil. Cada metodología tiene unas características conceptuales y prácticas ... -
Evolution of Men's Image in Fashion Advertising: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Diversity.
(MDPI, 2024-01-12)Abstract: Investigates whether societal and fashion evolution has contributed to a departure from traditional stereotypes. The research methodology comprised three phases: content analysis, surveys, and in-depth ... -
Executives’ Knowledge Management and Emotional Intelligence Role: Dynamizing Factor towards Open Innovation
(MDPI, 2021)The main aim of this empirical research was to classify the profiles of executives of Spanish companies. We classified the executives’ profiles based on two key factors of innovation: knowledge management and emotional ... -
Expert perspective on health and safety determinants in wineries.
(IOS Press, 2022-04-21)BACKGROUND: The scientific literature contextualizes health and safety (H&S) in two major models, the first is based on a holistic perspective with H&S processes in all company departments, and the second approaches health ...