Listar EAE - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 263-282 de 327
Technology, Governance, and a Sustainability Model for Small and Medium-Sized Towns in Europe
(MDPI, 2020-01-20)New and cutting-edge technologies causing deep changes in societies, playing the role of game modifiers, and having a significant impact on global markets in small and medium-sized towns in Europe (SMSTEs) are the focus ... -
Teleworking: The Link between Worker, Family and Company.
(MDPI, 2022-09-01)Telework is presented as a model of work organisation that changes the paradigms of business culture in many organisations, reshaping established management and social systems. The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions ... -
Tendencias en pobreza y exclusión en Europa
(Cáritas Española, 2010)A pesar de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo por parte de las instituciones eurocomunitarias en la lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social, el problema aún persiste en la sociedad europea de nuestros días. En el presente ... -
Tendencias y estrategias en la industria del crucero: principales areas del turismo de cruceros en el mundo
(, 2015)El análisis del turismo de cruceros lo abordamos en el presente trabajo, a través del estudio de las tendencias más recientes de la industria, destacando las estrategias de marketing que siguen las principales compañías ... -
Testing the cultural group selection hypothesis in Northern Ghana and Oaxaca
(Cambridge University Press, 2016)We examine the cultural group selection (CGS) hypothesis in light of our fieldwork in Northern Ghana and Oaxaca, highly multiethnic regions. Our evidence fails to corroborate two central predictions of the hypothesis: that ... -
The "Four Core Elements" as a measuring instrument: From simplicity to complexity in tourist destination
(MDPI, 2021)An adequate image of a tourist destination is a key instrument to attract tourists who will contribute to the development and economic growth of the place. The objective of this study is to analyze the formation and measure ... -
The creation of academic spin-offs: university-business collaboration matters
(Springer, 2024)In discussions about Entrepreneurial Universities, it is essential to recognize that academics are at its heart and almost certainly the most important protagonists, particularly those who engage in academic spin-off ... -
The customer retail app experience: Implications for customer loyalty
(Elsevier, 2021-12-09)Retailer mobile applications are one of the principal retail purchase and information search channels. Customer experience is key to retail app success. However, its dimensions and impact on retailer performance have ... -
The effect of science and technology parks on tenant firms: a literature review
(Springer, 2022-07-06)Science and technology parks (STPs) are non-spontaneous agglomerations aimed at encouraging the formation and growth of on-site technology and knowledge-based frms. STPs have difused worldwide, attracting signifcant, and ... -
The effects of esports viewers’ customer experience on intention to purchase sponsoring brands: the mediating role of social identification.
(Emerald, 2024-12-30)Purpose – The aim of this study is to understand how the dimensions of esports streaming viewers’ customer experience influence their intentions to buy brands produced by sponsors, both directly and through the mediating ... -
The effects of human-game interaction, network externalities, and motivations on players’ use of mobile casual games.
(2018-08-14)Purpose - This paper empirically examines the factors that influence the acceptance and use of mobile casual games. Methodology - A theoretical model is proposed based on the theory of reasonable action, the uses and ... -
The effects of outdoor training on the development of emotional intelligence among undergraduate tourism students
(Elsevier, 2018-06-26)The recent development of the tourism industry has brought with it an important change in the skill levels required of professionals (Chung, 2000, Kandampully and Suhartanto, 2000.,Otting et al., 2009). The literature ... -
The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives and their Effect on Products Innovation and on Processes Innovation.
(Universidad del Pacífico, 2019)The main aim of this empirical research is to prove that the Emotional Intelligence of senior executives exerts a direct and positive effect upon the Innovation within the different enterprises. The study has been managed ... -
The impact of COVID-19 on European tourists’ attitudes to air travel and the consequences for tourist destination evoked set formation.
(Elsevier, 2022)We study how risk conditions derived from the COVID-19 pandemic may impact on both the desire to travel and intention to visit of tourists and, therefore, on different stages of the destination choice process. We analyse ... -
The impact of social changes on MICE tourism management in the age of digitalization: a bibliometric review
(Springer Nature, 2024)The meetings, incentives, conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) tourism has inten- sively grown in recent decades. The MICE sector has also been strongly affected by social and technological changes, especially new social ... -
The influence of aesthetics and emotions on reuse intention and compulsive behaviour in food delivery usage
(Emerald, 2024-06-03)Purpose–Thisstudyaddressestheimpactofaestheticsand formalityin FoodDeliveryApplications (FDAs) in evoking emotions, and how these influence the intention to reuse and compulsive usage, providing critical insights for ... -
The intention of consumers to use augmented reality apps in gastronomy – case of Málaga
(Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2022-04-07)The intention of consumers to use mobile applications with augmented reality is analyzed in order to assess which variables have the greatest influence on their use by consumers. The UTAUT-2 model has been used, analyzing: ... -
The location of airport an added value to improve the number of visitors at US museums
(Elsevier, 2023)There are no scientific studies in the context of airports and museums relationship, which analyze the impact of airports for identifying the relationship between museums and air accessibility, as well as promotion ... -
The Organizational Commitment in the Company and Its Relationship With the Psychological Contract
(Frontiers, 2021-01-14)Business organizations in their work environment, aspire to create a high level of performance and low levels of absenteeism and turnover. Organizational commitment is considered a key factor in achieving this objective, ...