Listar Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Diseño y Proyectos - (EGIDP) por título
Mostrando ítems 68-87 de 89
Opportunities for olive oil value chain enhancement through the by-products valorisation: A life cycle assessment in the Andalusian region (Spain)
(2020-10-13)This work presents a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the production of virgin olive oil in the most representative region of Spain (Jaen). The total cultivation area of Jaen is around 620,000 ha, where 580,000 ha are dedicated ... -
Optimization of a low weight electronic differential for LEVs
(2018-10-29)It is presented a performance analysis of an Electronic Differential (ED) system designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). We have developed a test tricycle vehicle with one front steering wheel and two rear fixed units ... -
Pedagogical strategy for lifelong learning.
(2023)Based on one of the fundamental principles of the educational model of the European Higher Education Area concerning the development of the capacity to achieve lifelong learning, this project has been carried out in which ... -
Photovoltaic charging multi-station with modular architecture for Light Electric Vehicles
(2019)This paper deals with a modular architecture for recharging the batteries of light electric vehicles (LEVs) using a photovoltaic (PV) generator. The architecture is divided into two hierarchical levels. At the top level ... -
El Plan General de Málaga de 1983. Un instrumento para la transformación urbana
(UMA Editorial, 2016)La investigación analiza el Plan General de Ordenación Urbana de Málaga de 1983, bajo la luz de los 35 años transcurridos desde su inicio. Este documento perteneció a la primera generación de planes generales de la ... -
Promoting Circular Economy around Plastic Waste: A New Design of Recycled Plastic Shredder
(2023)The development and construction of the plastic shredder presented here is part of the MAREA Plastic project, which aims to be a meeting point between the university community and society, through science and technology. ... -
Proposal and operational evaluation of a device for external and internal photodynamic therapy treatments
(Elsevier, 2024-12-05)Photodynamic therapy (PDT) light sources must match their emission spectrum with the absorption spectrum of the photosensitizer, provide precise treatment definition, deliver adequate irradiance, avoid thermal damage, and ... -
Propuesta de generador/acumulador fotovoltaico por adaptación de contenedor de mercancías. Análisis de potencialidades atendiendo a su configuración y situación geográfica.
(2023)El precio final de referencia en mercado mayorista de la energía eléctrica en España según e·sios ha experimentado una subida en los últimos años, pasando de valores de precio medio horario final en el entorno de los ... -
Quiero imaginar un lugar para esta arquitectura,construir una arquitectura para ese lugar. Por una ciencia práctica de lo singular
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2012)Motivada por un reencuentro con la universidad por parte del autor y con el pretexto de una revisión crítica de la profesión ejercida, esta tesis decide abordar un estudio sobre paisaje y arquitectura desde lo particular. ... -
Robust energy management in isolated microgrids with hydrogen storage and demand response
(Elsevier, 2023-09-01)Hydrogen is called to be one of the main energy vectors in future energy systems, especially for energy storage, where this carrier presents some interesting features. Its application in microgrids might help to improve ... -
Simbiosis entre clima, lugar y arquitectura. Desarrollo de estrategias bioclimáticas aplicadas en la Costa del Sol Occidental
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Análisis de la incidencia del clima local en la configuración urbanística y el diseño arquitectónico de los sectores residenciales de baja densidad situados a lo largo de la Costa del Sol Occidental. -
Los Sistemas de Gestión Documental de Proyectos. Un análisis y optimización aplicada a los Proyectos de Ingeniería en Edificación
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)La presente memoria de Tesis Doctoral ha seguido un largo recorrido desde sus inicios allá por el año 2007, dado el interés del doctorando por la mejora de la gestión de los proyectos que se desarrollaban en aquellos ... -
Smart cities’ development in Spain: a comparison of technical and social indicators with reference to european cities
(Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022)The evolution of the Spanish cities towards their digital transformation, integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), and improvement of social cohesion have been promoted by the government. However, this evolution has ... -
Smart-Cities urban mobility management architecture for electric vehicles
(Messe Stuttgart, 2017)Improving efficiency is one of the most important objectives of the Smart Cities standards, and Electric Vehicles (EVs). TICS can help to soften one of their main limitations –autonomy– planning efficient driving strategies. ... -
Sun-protective Properties of Technical Sportswear Fabrics 100% Polyester: The Influence of Moisture and Sweat on Protection against Different Biological Effects of Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation
(Wiley, 2022-07-25)*.-Objectives: Protection against UV radiation is the most effective tool for skin damage in outdoor sports. The use of technical sportswear is now widespread but the degree of protection these fabrics offer against UV ... -
Teaching practice for subject of graphic expression through project based learning
(2013)Project-based learning PBL (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos, ABP) is a participatory methodology which foments skills demanded by the company, in addition to being a teaching strategy which helps to achieve competence in ... -
La tecnología de impresión 3D en el mundo de la repostería. Cortadores de galletas
(2017)Actualmente, el sector de la repostería cretiva está en alza y en el mercado existe un gran surtido de instrumental de cocina. Si bien en los últimos años las tiendas clásicas de artículos de repostería han ido creciendo ... -
The Place of Descriptive Geometry in the Face of Industry 4.0 Challenges
(MDPI, 2023-12-12)Industrial process automation has long been the main goal in production lines that seek to decrease human involvement. However, it is broadly agreed that a collaboration between humans and technologies must still exist as ... -
The potential role of UV and blue light from the sun, artificial lighting, and electronic devices in melanogenesis and oxidative stress.
(Elsevier, 2022-02-04)Our exposure to blue light from artificial sources such as indoor lights (mainly light-emitting diodes [LEDs]) and electronic devices (e.g., smartphones, computer monitors, and television screens), has increased in recent ... -
La Transición en la Restauración del Patrimonio. La Catedral de Málaga (1976-2004)
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)El patrimonio cultural, tal y como lo entendemos hoy, no ha gozado siempre de la importancia que tiene en la actualidad. Ha ido progresivamente evolucionando y ganando mayor reconocimiento institucional y social a lo largo ...