Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) communication
systems are an increasingly widespread and emerging technology
due to their flexibility, low cost and usability properties. Hence,
the demand for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) cases
that require large data transmission and low latency in cellular
networks are increasingly. In this work, the assembly, integration
and networking of a UAV quadrotor for First Person View (FPV)
system connected by LTE is presented. Different configurations
of the link between the UAV and the Ground Control Station
(GCS) are proposed, such as connection by LTE cloud-based
server, direct LTE connection and direct WiFi connection. With
these configurations, experiments are carried out to characterise
the network metrics that model this service according to the
telemetry, control and video traffic. The main contribution is the
definition of a closed mathematical expression provided to define
the Quality of Experience (QoE) for FPV use cases considering
the video quality in terms of Video Multimethod Assessment
Fusion (VMAF), network latency and video resolution as inputs.
This expression will be applied to lab experiments taking into
account link performance, in which network changes based in
packet loss and latency alterations will be introduced to measure
the QoE of the UAV system.