Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por tipo "info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart"
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 49
How fortunate we are indeed to have such a poet on these shores’: Shakespeare, Monty Python, and the Tradition of the Wise Fool
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2014)This paper purports to explore the presence of William Shakespeare in Monty Python’s creations, a presence which is not limited to the explicit allusions to the Bard himself or to the characters, the events or even the ... -
Liminal Encounters between Literature and Music in Contemporary British Women's Short Stories.
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2020-01-03)This chapter examines how the short story offers a fertile ground not just for the depiction of the crossing of national, ethnic, and cultural boundaries, but also for the challenge to the barriers traditionally dividing ... -
La literatura inglesa medieval en Sudamérica: Jorge Elliott y 'The Canterbury Tales'
(Edition Reichenberger, 2017)Este estudio analiza la traducción en verso que Jorge Elliott vertió en la segunda mitad del siglo XX en Sudamérica de dos cuentos ('The Miller’s Tale' y 'The Reeve’s Tale') incluidos en el clásico de la literatura inglesa ... -
Los manuscritos en lengua vernácula inglesa de las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson de la Universidad de Glasgow.
(Peter Lang, 2021)El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de dos colecciones de manuscritos de temática científica, a saber, las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson, alojadas en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Glasgow (Reino Unido). Los ... -
Medicina para mujeres en la época medieval: estudio de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, Ms. Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v).
(Renacimiento, 2024)El presente trabajo centra su atención en la versión del tratado ginecológico y obstétrico The Sekenesse of Wymmen (‘Las enfermedades de las mujeres’) contenida en los folios 149v-165v de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, ... -
Mi opinión cuenta: la expresión del sentimiento en la Red
(Cátedra, 2019-01)Este capítulo representa una contribución significativa al estudio de la expresión de opiniones y sentimientos en el ámbito digital. Este trabajo se destaca por su análisis profundo de cómo los usuarios de Internet expresan ... -
Migrant Lives and the Dynamics of (Non)belonging in the Polish-British Works of A.M. Bakalar, Wioletta Greg, and Agnieszka Dale
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)Migration exposes such givens as home and belonging to be more than national or ethnic categories; instead, they emerge as complex affective affiliations which fluctuate in the emotionally volatile situation of relocation. ... -
Motherlands as Gendered Spaces. Cultural Identity, Mythic Memory and Wholeness in Julie Dash's Daughters of the Dust.
(Peter Lang, 2020)This paper will analyze from an interdisciplinary, post-colonial and Black feminist point of view the project of reconstruction and revision that deeply affects the thematic and formal features of the work of African ... -
Museums, Collections and Cabinets: 'Shelf after Shelf after Shelf'.
(Peter Lang, 2009)This chapter offers an interdisciplinary analysis of A.S. Byatt’s production from the perspective of museum studies, with the goal of discovering the recurrent presence of museums, collections, and collectors in her works. ... -
On how adopting an ELF pedagogical perspective can help CLIL teachers.
(Dr. Kovac Verlag, 2022-01-09)English as a global language has visibly undergone a number of changes and its fluidity and variability both functional and formal are evident (e.g. Archibald et al. 2011; Baird et al. 2014; Seidlhofer 2011). Current ... -
El paisaje y las emociones en la obra del autor británico Ian McEwan
(Comares, 2018)Este estudio profundiza en la interrelación entre paisaje y emociones en la obra de Ian McEwan, aportando un enfoque interdisciplinar que combina literatura y geografía emocional. A través del análisis de Atonement y On ... -
La politemporalidad en la representación literaria contemporánea de la dicotomía entre hombre y naturaleza.
(Dykinson, 2022)El carácter biológico de la amenaza por COVID-19, a la que está dando respuesta la literatura contemporánea en lengua inglesa, pone de relieve la complejidad y fragilidad del equilibrio en la relación entre hombre y ... -
Reorientación del patrimonio a través de la ficción literaria y audiovisual.
(2021)Este trabajo lleva a cabo una aproximación a la capacidad de la ficción literaria y audiovisual para modificar y recrear la percepción de espacios físicos reales cuando estos entran a formar parte de las historias narradas, ... -
Sh@Kespe@Re 2.0: La Presencia de El Bardo en Twitter
(Tirant, 2019)El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la presencia digital del dramaturgo inglés William Shakespeare en la popular plataforma de microblogging Twitter. Pese a la corta vida aún de la red social, resulta sorprendente la ... -
Sisterhood or Female Bonding? Third-wave Feminism in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and The Robber Bride (1993)
(Fundamentos, 2010)The aim of this chapter is to discuss Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and The Robber Bride (1993) against the backdrop of the third wave of feminism. Mindful of the fact that Margaret Atwood has been ambivalent ... -
Supa Dupa Fly Wimen: Global Perspectives of Women in Hip-Hop
(KRK Ediciones, 2009)Despite its far-reaching effects and transformative impact, hip-hop has not often beeb discussed in Academia, particularly not as an aesthetic movement that encapsulates bell hook's idea of working "from margin to center", ... -
Supra-textuality in The Sekenesse of Wymmen in Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v)
(Edition Reichenberger, 2024)This chapter takes into consideration the witness of the gynaecological and obstetrical treatise known as The Sekenesse of Wymmen held in folios 149v-165v of Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307, which is a translation ... -
Survival Strategies in Recent Plays by African American Women Playwrights
(Palgrave McMillan, 2012) -
The Plays of Carlton and Barbara Molette: The Transformative Power of African-American Theater pp. 94-114
(Liverpool University Press, 2018)My paper will explore several plays of Atlanta based playwrights Barbara and Carlton Molette, former staff at Spelman College and members of the Dramatist Guild. The first play, Rosalee Pritchett (1970), is clearly ... -
‘The Private Rooms and Public Haunts': Theatricality and The City of London In Michel Faber's The Crimson Petal and The White.
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)The Victorian period was a densely voyeuristic era in which visual forms of entertainment proliferated and the culture of spectacle stretched beyond the theatrical scene. The use of theatrical imagery for representing the ...