Listar FIFA - Artículos por autor "Calle-Martín, Javier"
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'A very pleasant, safe, and effectual medicine’: The Serial Comma in the History of English.
Calle-Martín, Javier; Criado Peña, Miriam (Taylor & Francis, 2022-10-31)Estudio ortográfico de la coma serial –también denominada coma de Oxford o coma de Harvard por ser un rasgo característico del estilo de estas dos editoriales– en la historia de la lengua inglesa para indagar en las ... -
'No cat could be that hungry!’ This/that as Intensifiers in American English
Calle-Martín, Javier (Routledge - Taylor and Francis, 2019-02-22)Estudio léxico-semántico de los intensificadores this y that como modificadores de adjetivos y adverbios en inglés americano, la variedad del círculo interno donde este fenómeno se detecta con mayor protagonismo. El estudio ... -
On the rise and diffusion of new intensifiers: this/that in some asian varieties of english
Calle-Martín, Javier; Lorente-Sánchez, Juan (Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, 2021-12)Estudio léxico-semántico de los intensificadores this y that como modificadores de adjetivos y adverbios en cuatro variedades del inglés asiático. El estudio cuantitativo confirma, por un lado, la influencia del inglés ... -
Spelling Forms in Competition The Case of -ise vs. -ize
Calle-Martín, Javier (Cambridge, 2021-03-30)One of the problems of English spelling is the dual representation of the so-called ‘eyes’-words, rendered in discourse as -ise and -ize, both with high-frequency verbs such as modernise/modernize and rare coinages, as in ... -
Suffixes in Competition: On the Use of -our and -or in Early Modern English
Calle Martín, Javier; Pacheco-Franco, Marta; Calle-Martín, Javier (Servicio de publicaciones, Universidad de Murcia, 2020)This paper presents a corpus-driven analysis of the linguistic competition between the suffixes -our/-or in Early Modern English. It is conceived as a state of the art to provide an explanation of the development and ... -
‘The Egiptians adored the Sun, and called it the visible sone of the invisible God’: Clausal Boundaries in Early Modern English Scientific Handwritten Texts
Calle-Martín, Javier; Esteban-Segura, María Laura (Taylor and Francis Group, 2018)In comparison with late Middle English, a period characterised by a high level of orthographic variation, the beginning of the 16th century witnesses the emergence of an identifiable standard English spelling, which was ... -
‘The night before beg'd ye queens's pardon and his brother's’: the apostrophe in the history of English
Calle-Martín, Javier; Pacheco-Franco, Marta (Cambridge University Press, 2023-11-24)The apostrophe was introduced into the English orthographic system by the mid sixteenth century as a printer's mark especially designed ‘for the eye rather than for the ear’ (Sklar 1976: 175; Little 1986: 15). Whereas the ... -
'We kissed one another and parted good friends’. On the Expression of Reciprocity in Early Modern English
Calle-Martín, Javier (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020-06)El estudio cualitativo indaga, por un lado, en el proceso de gramaticalización y lexicalización de la forma discontinua anglosajona ælc + oþer en la forma fosilizada each other ya en el siglo XIII, que convivieron en ...