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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 83
A Corpus-Based Study of Some Aspects of the Notts Subdialect
(Universidad de Murcia, 2021)Rural dialects are slowly disappearing and giving way to larger, more generalised ways of speaking (Trudgill 2004; Kortmann 2008; Beal 2010; Braber 2015). This paper is concerned with the study of the specific subdialect ... -
A diachronic account of t-features and of their output as Vocabulary Items: On the limits to the Vocabulary Item Zero.
(Universidad de Alicante, 2023-07-31) -
‘A Feast for the [Cold-War] Imagination’: Liminal Eastern Europe in the Writings of John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-06-06)Inspired by the well-established trope of Eastern Europe’s in-betweenness, this article uses the notion of liminality to explore the images of Eastern Europe during the Cold War in the works of three American authors: ... -
‘A Feast for the [Cold-War] Imagination’: Liminal Eastern Europe in the Writings of John Updike, Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth.
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)Inspired by the well-established trope of Eastern Europe’s in-betweenness, this article uses the notion of liminality to explore the images of Eastern Europe during the Cold War in the works of three American authors: John ... -
'A very pleasant, safe, and effectual medicine’: The Serial Comma in the History of English.
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-10-31)Estudio ortográfico de la coma serial –también denominada coma de Oxford o coma de Harvard por ser un rasgo característico del estilo de estas dos editoriales– en la historia de la lengua inglesa para indagar en las ... -
“Am I paranoid enough?”: conceptualising and categorizing the mentally (dis)abled in Maniac and Infinite Jest
(Tirant Humanidades, 2023) -
Between Languages and Cultures: Gary Shteyngart as a Global Author.
(Comares, 2020)In this essay, I approach Shteyngart as a writer who has forged a voice of his own and built a successful literary career between cultures and languages. To do so, I will use the concept of limen as a fertile space where ... -
Bodies in the Novel Infinite Jest
(2021)This manuscript provides a literary analysis of the use of bodies in the novel Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. The novel describes a world where oversaturation of external stimulation leads to the perception of mind ... -
Border-Crossing Experience in Refugee Tales IV.
(MDPI, 2024-02-08)The year 2021 witnessed the publication of the latest volume of Refugee Tales, which chronologically coincided with the seventieth anniversary of the adoption of the 1951 Refugee Convention by the UK and other countries. ... -
Building the Great Recession News Corpus (GRNC): a contemporary diachronic corpus of economy news in English
(Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus (AELINCO), 2022-06)The paper describes the process involved in developing the Great Recession News Corpus (GRNC); a specialized web corpus, which contains a wide range of written texts obtained from the Business section of The Guardian and ... -
Claiming the Politics of Articulation through Agency and Wholeness in Two Afro-Hispanic Postcolonial Narratives.
(Bridgewater State University, 2016)Following a context-based approach and the tenets of post-positivist realist theory, this paper will analyze two post-colonial Afro-Spanish novels immersed in the context of the African Diaspora: María Nsue Angüe’s Ekomo ... -
Contemporary African American Women Playwrights: Shaping Identity through Violence
(Open Edition Search, 2012)Cet article explore le sujet de la violence comme l’un des facteurs responsables de la formation de l´identité des femmes afro-américaines défavorisées, selon la description qu’en donnent les dramaturges afroaméricaines. ... -
Corpus annotation and analysis of sarcasm on Twitter: #CatsMovie vs. #TheRiseOfSkywalker
(AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos), 2022-06)Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing task that has received increased attention in the last decade due to the vast amount of opinionated data on social media platforms such as Twitter. Although the methodologies ... -
“Definitely an Author to Watch”: Rosie Garland on the (Neo-)Victorian Freak
(Swansea University, Wales, UK, 2016)This article includes an interview with Rosie Garland, conducted by Dr Lin Pettersson, which gives insight into the author’s writing and her concern for issues regarding gender, normalcy and identity through a discussion ... -
Design and validation of annotation schemas for aspect‑based sentiment analysis in the tourism sector.
(2019-10-29)The use of linguistic resources beyond the scope of language studies, e.g., commercial purposes, has become commonplace since the availability of massive amounts of data and the development of software tools to process ... -
Digital Editing of Early Modern English Medical Manuscripts: Scribal Errors and Corrections
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020)An important philological question is how to edit texts. An edition always entails interpretation of the text and also of the sociocultural context in which the manuscript was created and used. In new philological theory, ... -
ELF and teacher education: attitudes and beliefs
(English Language Teaching, 2020-10-10)The growing relevance of research in English as a lingua franca (ELF) for ELT has led to a need to rethink the way we approach English in the language classroom and to reassess how we configure knowledge about language in ... -
Expanding Consciousness, Integral Consciousness, and Conscious Evolution in Paule Marshall's Fiction
(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2022-12)Marshall’s literary concerns link with key issues of the black diaspora such as black consciousness and the search for wholeness. This two preoccupations of the author connect in a straightforwardly manner with the pioneer ... -
Gendered Geographies of the European East in the American Cold-War Literary Imaginary
(Open Edition Journals, 2023)In the American Cold-War imaginary, the representation of Eastern Europe was strongly influenced by male intellectuals and writers from the region, whose works were celebrated in the US not only for their artistic merits ... -
Glocalization in CLIL: Analyzing the training needs of in-service CLIL teachers in Taiwan and Spain
(Taylor and Francis, 2022-03-17)Glocalization is the local adaptation of global trends, and though it has been extensively studied in other fields, there has been a lower emphasis on it in pedagogy. Glocalization is especially relevant in education given ...