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Mostrando ítems 56-75 de 83
Teaching ELF aware pedagogical strategies to EMI professors of architecture
(Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, 2020-04)The internationalization process of Spanish universities has increased the need for teacher training courses to EMI professors. These training programs have a dual objective, to improve content lecturers’ linguistic skills ... -
The derivation of verbs in Old English and Middle English.
(Ediciones Complutense, 2022)Within the framework of minimalist syntax, it is argued that the core-syntax derivation of verbs in OE and ME (up to approx. 1450) is regulated by two licensing T(ense) heads (that is, two T Probes) plus a licensing v head ... -
The Deviant Body in Neo-Victorian Literature: A Somatechnical Reading of The Freak in Rosie Garland’s The Palace of Curiosities (2013)
(Universidad de la Rioja, 2016-04)The contemporary fascination with historical, social and literary representations of the deviant body calls for new understandings of corporeality that question the body as a purely biological entity, and invites readings ... -
The dissemination of English philosophical works in Spain via translations: The case of Siro García del Mazo’s 'Fundamentos de la moral' (1881) from 'The Data of Ethics' (1879) by Herbert Spencer.
(Universitat de València, 2017)The dissemination of English philosophical literature in Spain during the last quarter of the nineteenth century calls for an in-depth study of some of the works of Herbert Spencer. His most radical views were recognised ... -
The dissemination via translations of Herbert Spencer's Liberalism in the Hispanic context
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2024-12-19)This study examines the dissemination of English Liberalism, as expounded by Herbert Spencer in The Man versus the State (1884), by analysing various Spanish translations published in Spain and Hispanic America between ... -
‘The Egiptians adored the Sun, and called it the visible sone of the invisible God’: Clausal Boundaries in Early Modern English Scientific Handwritten Texts
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2018)In comparison with late Middle English, a period characterised by a high level of orthographic variation, the beginning of the 16th century witnesses the emergence of an identifiable standard English spelling, which was ... -
The language of happiness in self-reported descriptions of happy moments: words, concepts, and entities
(Springer, 2022-07)This article attempts to study the language of happiness from a double perspective. First, the impact and relevance of sentiment words and expressions in self-reported descriptions of happiness are examined. Second, the ... -
The Music-Hall Actress and Transcending Femininity in the Victorian Public Sphere: A Re-Orientation of Her Moral Status.
(Instituto Universitario de Estudios de las Mujeres (IUEM), 2022-02-18)The actress, like the prostitute, was one of the female figures who in the nineteenth century bore a certain social stigma for being professionally active in public and non-domestic roles that were considered vulgar and ... -
The neural signature of syntactic processing.
(Ediciones Complutense, 2017)The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding about the processing of syntax in the brain and/or mind of speakers. The focus is specifically on the neural signature of the processing of tense features and of ... -
‘The night before beg'd ye queens's pardon and his brother's’: the apostrophe in the history of English
(Cambridge University Press, 2023-11-24)The apostrophe was introduced into the English orthographic system by the mid sixteenth century as a printer's mark especially designed ‘for the eye rather than for the ear’ (Sklar 1976: 175; Little 1986: 15). Whereas the ... -
The Philanthropist in Neo-Victorian Literature: (Im)Proper Femininity, Gender Inversion and Freakishness
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2017)The present article singles out the female philanthropist in neo-Victorian fiction to explore the patriarchal unease regarding the unsexing effect of feminism in the mid-Victorian era as well as the literary constructions ... -
The status of English modals prior to their recategorization as T and the trigger for their recategorization.
(ICI Publishers Panel, 2022-09-01)This is an account of English modals that invokes their exceptional morpho-syntactic tense properties as original preterite-present verbs in order to explain their becoming T elements. Within the framework of minimalist ... -
The Translation of John Stuart Mill's Considerations on Representative Government (1861) in the Spanish-speaking World: A Case Study.
(2024-12)This article examines the sustained dissemination of John Stuart Mill’s Considerations On Representative Government (1861) through Spanish-language translations on both sides of the Atlantic, from the initial Chilean ... -
The translation of reformist 19th-century English pedagogy in the United States: La educación intelectual, moral y física (1890) by Juan García Purón from Herbert Spencer’s Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1860).
(Universitat de València, 2019)This study examines Juan García Purón's Spanish translation of "La educación intelectual, moral y física" (1890) from Herbert Spencer's "Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical" (1860), both published by Appleton. In ... -
The use of Tik Tok in higher education as a motivating source for students
(Universidad de Granada, 2022-06)This article presents a study conducted at the University of Málaga with the participation of second-year students from the Degree in English Studies. It focuses on a TikTok project that the participants had ... -
The Wise Book of Astronomy and Philosophy in London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 (ff. 32r-37v).
(Masaryk University, 2019)London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 is a one-volume codex from the late fifteenth century which holds a collection of short treatises and tracts in English and Latin on different topics including prognostications, nativities, ... -
Tracking diachronic sentiment change of economic terms in times of crisis: Connotative fluctuations of ‘inflation’ in the news discourse
(2023-11)The present study focuses on the fluctuation of sentiment in economic terminology to observe semantic changes in restricted diachrony. Our study examines the evolution of the target term ‘inflation’ in the business section ... -
Tracking the transnational trickster: Gary Shteyngart and his protagonists
(Nordic Association of English Studies, 2018-12-31)The purpose of this paper is to analyze Gary Shteyngart’s protagonists in the light of his works, particularly his debut work, The Russian Debutante’s Handbook (2002) and his memoir, Little Failure (2014). Drawing on the ... -
Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative.
(Open Edition Journals, 2022)Book review of Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual (editors)'s Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative.”, European journal of American studies -
La transición hacia el envejecimiento femenino sobre el trasfondo del arte: la narrativa breve de A.S. Byatt.
(Manuel Brito, 2023)Este artículo aborda la narrativa breve de A.S. Byatt desde la perspectiva de la representación del envejecimiento femenino en su conexión con el arte. Para ello, toma como punto de partida la publicación en 2021 de la ...