Listar Filosofía - (F) por título
Mostrando ítems 188-190 de 190
Why Heidegger still matters?
(2018-11-12)In this presentation I will defend the relevance of Heidegger’s thinking for our time. He has always been a disturbing philosopher, both because of his involvement with National Socialism and because of the fundamental and ... -
Why history is always political.
(Aeon, 2024-12-20)At present, describing historians as political actors evokes bias, political manoeuvring and a lack of critical thinking. This description conjures up historians merely as political pundits, rummaging through history in ... -
Ὑπόθεσισ e Ὑπότιθημι en las traducciones modernas de Platón.
(Comares, 2020-09-08)Aunque el sustantivo ὑπόθεσις sea una acuñación griega y, vía el préstamo latino hypothesis, esté presente en todas las lenguas europeas modernas, su significado actual puede distar mucho del significado que tenía en las ...