Listar Filosofía - (F) por título
Mostrando ítems 106-125 de 172
La maturazione dell'idea di Assoluto nel pensiero di Hegel a Jena
(2015-04-10)La conferencia presenta el desarrollo del pensamiento de Hegel a través de la etapa de su pensamiento juvenil (Tubinga, Berna, Frankfurt), e ilustra en particular la maduración de la idea de absoluto y la génesis de la ... -
Meaning under the threat of paradox on two fronts
(Scientific Publishing House of the University of Szczecin, 2020)The paper defends the argument that the Resemblance Paradox (RP), or the problem of the ‘under-determination of meaning’, and the Rule-Following Paradox (RFP) are two sides of the same paradox threatening meaning from ... -
The meanings of 'racism': towards a history of the term and concept
(2019-05-21)This presentation is a sketch of my current research project about the history of the term and concept “racism,” as well as earlier terms and concepts that pre-dated “racism,” like “race prejudice.” This project is not ... -
Mítico Manet. Ideologías estéticas en los orígenes de la pintura moderna.
(Abada, 2019-05-03)Transcurrido un siglo y medio desde el Salos des Refusés, la concepción que otorga a Edouard Maner el privilegio de ser "mito fundacional" del relato canónico del arte moderno ha perdido concreción y ha ganado en glorificación ... -
Nacimiento, libertad y muerte. Hacia una fenomenología de la angustia
(2014-05-19)En la presente conferencia esbozaremos una fenomenología de la angustia como pieza fundamental para la elaboración de una filosofía de la condición humana. Más allá del énfasis puesto por el existencialismo en la visión ... -
A new framework for thinking about life extension
(2019-01-08)I propose an alternative framework for resolving the debate about life extension. This model builds upon the distinctions that Juengst (et al. 2003) and Wareham (2016) make about different levels and means to control human ... -
No hay soberano en el Estado constitucional
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2022)En este trabajo examino la relación entre constitucionalismo y democracia, puesto que las supuestas tensiones entre ambos aparecen en los diagnósticos actuales sobre la crisis de la democracia liberal. La cuestión se ... -
No tengo nada que ocultar. Consideraciones sobre el valor de la privacidad
(Tirant lo Blanch, 2020)Las discusiones sobre la privacidad suscitan dos problemas filosóficos fundamentales. En primer lugar, la cuestión conceptual: qué es la privacidad o en qué consiste. Una de las quejas más repetidas en la literatura al ... -
La noción de hábito y la concepción moderna de la subjetividad
(2016-03-03)La noción de hábito despierta un gran interés en nuestros días en ámbitos como la psicología, la neurociencia y la ética. En psicología y neurociencia el hábito se considera decisivo para comprender el aprendizaje, aunque ... -
Normatividad Lingüística, en contextos filosóficos y políticos
(2023)Buena parte de la literatura sobre el tema de la Vulnerabilidad y la Reproducción de Patrones de Injusticia se ha servido de los hallazgos sobre el lenguaje característicos de la filosofía de los siglos XIX y XX, tanto del ... -
Numbers, empiricism and the a priori
(Institute for Economic and Social Research of The Romanian Academy, 2020)The present paper deals with the ontological status of numbers and considers Frege ́s proposal in Grundlagen upon the background of the Post-Kantian semantic turn in analytical philosophy. Through a more systematic study ... -
Old ideas from a new philosophical model: levels and means of human life extension
(2018-09-24)Since 2000, the possibility of extending human lifespan has been a highly debated topic by both biomedical scientists (de Grey and Rae, 2007; Olshansky & Carnes, 2002) and philosophers (Agar, 2010; Overall, 2003). One kind ... -
On Birds, Beasts and Human Beings. An Approach to the Continuity between Art and Life
(2013-09-25)In 1934 John Dewey laid the foundation of a Philosophy of Art which had its roots in the essential conditions of life, that is, the basic vital functions which human beings share with birds and beasts. Dewey asserted that ... -
On the Interpretation of Historical Texts, with a Reading of Aristotle's Politics and Ethics
(2014-04-02)Impartido por el Profesor Roar Anfinsen, de la Universidad de Tromsø, el seminario plantea una revisión crítica del enfoque hegemónico de historia de las ideas (history of ideas, histoire des idées, Ideengeschichte) desde ... -
On the Search of a Hermeneutical Philosophy of the Political
(2014-04-24)My study can be considered as a part of my over 10-year research in the area of systematically spread out paradigm of hermeneutic philosophy. Briefly about that as I understand this philosophy. First of all, I do not equate ... -
On the Tension between Belief Formation and Argument Evaluation
(2019-09-06)There exists certain circularity between the formation of some epistemic atti- tudes of an agent and the way she assesses her available arguments. For the sake of simplicity, I will restrict my attention to the case of ... -
Patterns, patterns, patterns: art and meaning at the crossroads between two opposing forces
(Wiley, 2020-03-24)This article aims to defend the need to recognize the independent role of those cognitive abilities on whose behalf linguistic meaning is introduced from the proper institution of language. I call this capacity “private ... -
Persuasive argumentation and epistemic attitudes
(2019-10-16)These slides present the main notions and results of a work under construction that was presented in the 2nd DaLí Workshop, Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications in Porto, 9 October, 2019 and later published in the ... -
Philosophy as a Way of Life: A Comparative Study of the Confucian Notion of Harmony (he).
(Central European Pragmatist Forum, 2022)Confucian philosophy has recently attracted growing interest from academics, because this model of thought can make valuable contributions to the articulation of our present world. Nevertheless, most of this research has ... -
Philosophy as an Art of Living. An interpretation of Confucianism from an Aesthetic Approach.
(2023)Confucian philosophy is often regarded as a moral tradition and closely identified with a small set of ethical concepts that assumed a limited interpretation of a long-standing tradition. However, we can reconsider ...