Listar Filosofía - (F) por título
Mostrando ítems 161-180 de 191
Spontaneous religiosity as a way of life in the global civil society
(2013-10-30)I follow here some of Robert R. Williams thesis on the relationship between God, nature and human being in Hegel. I try to connect them with a religiosity of the absence of God in contemporary times, and with the absolute ... -
The Sudden Awakening / Gradual Cultivation Schema. A Somaesthetic Approach to Jinul’s Thought
(2020-04-30)The aim of this paper’s presentation is to examine the Sudden Awakening-Gradual Cultivation Schema from a somaesthetic approach to show Jinul’s teachings as an embodied and highly conscious art of living. For that, I start ... -
Sufism in Latin Europe (France, Spain, Italy).
(Brill, 2023)The current chapter describes global trends that affect Sufism prior to framing them in local contexts. Although the abovementioned sources of Latin European Sufism are similar across all Western countries, their outcomes ... -
Sufismo negro. Una breve historia del sufismo en África occidental.
(Almuzara, 2019)La historia de África contemporánea no puede entenderse sin el sufismo. Una espiritualidad vibrante llena de historias increíbles de santos y santas quienes han configurado la identidad de los países del Sahel enlazándola ... -
Superestabilidad: estudio sobre la concepción de la verdad como Superasertabilidad en Crispin Wright
(Ediesser, 2008)Este trabajo trata el problema de la verdad y la objetivad aplicado a distintos ámbitos del discurso (matemático, físico, moral, estético o cómico). Se centra en un estudio de la posición de Crispin Wright en Verdad y ... -
La técnica Alexader y John Dewey: propuesta para una educación corporal
(2015-06-30)Esta presentación revisa la propuesta de Frederick Matthias Alexander (1869-1955) en relación a la filosofía deweyana, tratando de destacar su actual potencial. La exploración trata de proporcionar una revisión del cuerpo ... -
Teorías de la democracia e investigación empírica: El caso de una acampada por la justicia climática
(2023)Los movimientos sociales son a menudo un lugar de innovación y experimentación política singular. En ellos activistas y ciudadanos de a pie tienen la ocasión de interpretar y poner en práctica sus valores políticos y así ... -
The Art of Living: Meliorism in John Dewey and Confucius
(2022-08-02)Meliorism has long been acknowledged to be central to pragmatist philosophy. However, despite the increasing interest has been risen in the recent years we barely find studies focuses on this important theme. Why? This ... -
The European Union and new dimensions of citizenship
(2016-10-19)The European integration process raises interesting challenges to the conceptualization and the exercise of citizenship in a multinational cosmopolitan context. Certainly, the current institutional architecture of the ... -
The intercultural perpective of ruins. Decaying heritage and what do we do with it
(2022-10-07)Physical remains of architectural dereliction have been and still are very exciting. Ruins can emanate aesthetic appeal, stimulate melancholic thoughts, offer the observer numerous modes to contemplate the transience of ... -
The Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the Study of Political Thought: Kari Palonen in Conversation with Rosario López and José María Rosales.
(Università di Bologna, 2024-07-03)Kari Palonen’s work has remained an inspiration for conceptual and intellectual historians as well as for political theoristsover the years. His career and contributions make him an ideal interlocutor for a conversation ... -
The Later Wittgenstein on Language and its Role in the Constitution of Reality. Its Connection with the Previous Philosophical Tradition.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)This dissertation examines the later Wittgenstein¿s ideas on language and its role in the constitution of reality and the influence of the previous philosophical tradition on the development of these ideas. I have analysed ... -
The Logic of Time: from Aristotle to Computer Science
(2017-11-24)This short course will explore that continuous thread which connects the discussion about time in philosophy with the modern use of temporal logic in computer science. It will go through the history of temporal logic to ... -
The Pace of Aesthetic Process: A Comparative Approach
(2013-09-25)Traditionally, western theory of art has been equipped with a set of dualisms such as subject-object, artistic process-artistic product, active artist-passive spectator, that has supposed a rejection of a plenary notion ... -
The Poetic Dimension of Everyday Aesthetic Appreciation. Perspectives from East-Asian Cultures
(2013-07-30)As Yuriko Saito, one of the main exponents of everyday aesthetics holds, East-Asian cultures have long established a deep link between artistic practices and everyday life, transforming apparently mundane practices such ... -
The Rhythm of our Lives. Aesthetic Perspectives East & West
(2016-09-14)The leading approach to everyday aesthetics for the past few decades has departed from analytic philosophical grounds, generating some tensions or dichotomies regarding its foundational cornerstones: the ordinary vs. ... -
Torture, Democracy and Human Rights
(2018-05-24)Indagación histórica y conceptual del término 'tortura' en relación con la democracia y los derechos humanos, recurriendo a autores clásico como Beccaria o contemporáneos como Améry. -
Toward a Harmonic Relationship between Humans and Nature: A Humanist Reinterpretation of Early Confucian Philosophy
(University of Ljubljana Press, 2023)We are living in an era in which the world is being turned into an object to be exploited and nature into a storehouse. From environmental pollution and deforestation to toxic waste and the depletion of resources, the Earth ... -
Tracing the territory: a unitary foundational account
(“Gheorghe Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research of The Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, 2017-03)The paper offers an integrative interpretation of the different lines of thought Wittgenstein was inspecting in On Certainty and what he might have been looking for through them. It suggests that we may have been focusing ... -
Transboundary Aesthetics in Korean Women Artists
(2019-09-16)As C. Korsmeyer has remarked (Gender and Aesthetics, 2004), there is a deep level in the gendered condition of traditional Western aesthetics that has to do with general philosophical and epistemological frameworks, ...