Listar Finanzas y Contabilidad - (FC) por título
Mostrando ítems 82-101 de 159
Identificando impulsores de comportamiento sostenible de estudiantes universitarios de finanzas con redes neuronales artificiales.
(2023)Estudios recientes han tratado de explorar hasta qué punto la sostenibilidad está incorporada en la educación superior, y cómo las personas educadas en conocimiento ambiental se convierten en el futuro en profesionales con ... -
Identifying risk determinants of the financial sustainability of regional governments
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)This paper identifies some of the important factors that influence the financial sustainability of regional governments. Data from all of Spain’s regional governments show that unemployment, immigrant population, dependent ... -
Implications of the use of different payment models – the context of PPP Road Projects in the UK
(Emerald Insight, 2016)This paper sets out to illustrate the payment models and financing structures used for road Infrastructure projects under Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the UK. Comparison of funding and financial structures in ... -
Integration and convergence in efficiency and technology gap of European life insurance markets
(Springer, 2022-04-23)This paper applies the meta-frontier Data Envelopment Analysis and the main concepts of convergence from the economic growth literature (β-convergence and σ-convergence) to analyze integration and convergence both in ... -
Integration and Efficiency convergence in European Life Insurance markets
(2016-09-28)This study examines the impact of integration on the efficiency of European Union (EU) life insurance markets for the post deregulation period 1998-2007. To assess the effects of deregulation, we first estimate cost and ... -
Inteligencia emocional y rasgos de la personalidad para la gestión financiera de las empresas turísticas: Un análisis comparativo entre estudiantes universitarios y profesionales de la industria
(2018-11-26)El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contrastar si existen diferencias entre los niveles de inteligencia emocional y los rasgos de la personalidad de los estudiantes universitarios de turismo y los profesionales de la ... -
Investment in Human Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs providing accommodation services. The specificity of family firms
(2022)The general purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of Human Capital Investment (HCI) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in small and medium-sized enterprises providing accommodation services. ... -
La reputación del puerto de escala de cruceros: un análisis de antecedentes y consecuencias
(2019-01-16)Actualmente, el turismo de cruceros está teniendo un fuerte impacto económico en la región mediterránea. Los destinos de cruceros pueden ganar reputación dependiendo de las intenciones de los pasajeros de volver a visitarlos ... -
La volatilidad: concepto, índices y cómo invertir en ella
(2018-07-04)La conferencia aborda, en primer lugar, el concepto y la interpretación de la volatilidad de los activos financieros, dejando detalle de la volatilidad histórica, implícita y de su estructura temporal. En segundo lugar, ... -
Liderazgo ético
(2019-04-26)La ética se interesa por las causas de las reglas, por distinguir entre lo que está bien y está mal; entre lo correcto e incorrecto. Identifica los valores pretendiendo dar razón a las elecciones que toman las personas. -
Lone founders, types of private family firms and firm performance
(2013-09-04)The purpose of this article is to provide an explanation for the contradictory findings about the links between private family businesses (FBs) and organisational performance. The paper suggests that lone founder firms ... -
Managing extreme cryptocurrency volatility in algorithmic trading: EGARCH via genetic algorithms and neural networks.
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2024)The blockchain ecosystem has seen a huge growth since 2009, with the introduction of Bitcoin, driven by conceptual and algorithmic innovations, along with the emergence of numerous new cryptocurrencies. While significant ... -
Mapping SMEs financial literacy research: bibliometric analysis and literature review
(2021-09)Financial literacy in SMEs constitutes an emerging research field, increasing its scientific production exponentially in recent years, and in a very heterogeneous way. The purpose of this paper ... -
Market valuation of firms
(2016-04-11)Existen tres enfoques para aproximar el valor del patrimonio empresarial: el enfoque patrimonial, el enfoque comparativo y el enfoque dinámico. En una economía competitiva el exceso de ganancias de la nueva economía ya no ... -
Measuring success in PPP road projects in Europe: A performance measurement system (PMS).
(Routledge, 2016)There are many studies carried out that aim to search for the most appropriate approach to conceptualise and measure the success of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects in infrastructure. The concept of a project ... -
Measuring Success of PPP Transport Projects: A Cross-Case Analysis of Toll Roads
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2015)The aim of this paper is to measure ‘overall’ success of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) transport projects using 04 case studies. All four case studies are PPP toll roads from 04 different EU countries (UK, Spain, ... -
Measuring the financial sustainability and its influential factors in local governments.
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)The economic crisis has led international organizations and previous research to point out the need for measuring and controlling financial sustainability in governments. Based on the main international pronouncements, ... -
Mercados de capitales y finanzas islámicas. Especial referencia a la financiación de infraestructuras
(Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España, 2015) -
Mercados de capitales y finanzas islámicas. Especial referencia a la financiación de infraestructuras
(Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Gobierno de España, 2015)A pesar de la contracción del crédito financiero internacional, una gran cantidad de proyectos de infraestructuras en diferentes sectores están siendo financiados por modalidades de finanzas islámicas junto a financiación ...