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Listar Ingeniería de Comunicaciones - (IC) por autor "salcedo serrano"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
Análisis de técnicas de diversidad espacial adaptadas al canal óptico submarino en presencia de dispersión y turbulencia oceánica.
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Garrido-Balsells, José María; García-Zambrana, Antonio
; Puerta-Notario, Antonio
; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén
[et al.] (2023)
High absorption and scattering of the seawater impose new challenges in the design of novel underwater optical wireless transceivers. This paper presents a comprehensive comparison in terms of BER of Multiple-Input/Single-Output ... -
Capacity of underwater optical wireless communication systems over salinity-induced oceanic turbulence channels with ISI
Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
; Garrido-Balsells, José María
(Optica Publishing Group, 2021-07-19)
Point-to-point underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) links are mainly impaired by scattering due to impurities and turbidity in the open water, resulting in a significant inter-symbol interference (ISI) that ... -
Caracterización estadística del desvanecimiento inducido por dispersión en sistemas de comunicación óptica inalámbrica submarina
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
An accurate underwater channel characterization is necessary for underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) in order to improve its current limitations. This paper presents a new statistical model to characterize the ... -
Impact of scattering on secrecy outage probability of underwater optical wireless links
Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; García Zambrana, Antonio
; Garrido-Balsells, José María
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023-10)
The analysis of physical layer security aspects in underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) systems has attracted considerable attention in recent years due to the increasing need to transmit large and secure amounts ... -
Incremento de la capacidad del canal óptico submarino mediante técnicas MISO en presencia de dispersión y turbulencia oceánica
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
En este trabajo se presenta un sistema con múltiples transmisores y un único receptor (MISO) con el objetivo de analizar las prestaciones en términos de capacidad ergódica de un canal óptico submarino bajo efecto de ... -
Modelado estadístico del efecto de burbujas de aire en sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos inalámbricos submarinos.
Gómez-García, Carlos; Iamaguti-Debessa, Jacqueline; Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
; Puerta-Notario, Antonio
; Puerta-Notario[et al.] (2023)
The studies regarding underwater optical communications require an in-deep characterization of the water itself since its properties of absorption and scattering of light affect the transmission in an optical link. That ... -
On the Effect of Air Bubbles-Induced Scattering on Turbid Waters: An Experimental UOWC Channel Modeling Approach
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Gomez-Garcia, Carlos; Iamaguti-Debessa, Jacqueline; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; Puerta-Notario, Antonio
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
[et al.] (IEEE Xplore, 2024-05-23)
The influence of the oceanic medium on the underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) highlights the need for an accurate mathematical channel characterization that models the properties of realistic oceanic environments, ... -
On the scattering-induced fading for optical wireless links through seawater: statistical characterization and its applications
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
; salcedo serrano (Optica Publishing Group, 2021-11-08)
Recent research has shown that an accurate underwater channel characterization is necessary for underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) in order to improve its current limitations related to the achievable data ... -
Performance Evaluation of UOWC Systems from an Empirical Channel Model Approach for Air Bubble-Induced Scattering
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; Puerta-Notario, Antonio
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
[et al.] (MDPI, 2024-08-13)
Underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) systems provide the potential to establish secure high-data-rate communication links in underwater environments. The uniqueness of oceanic impairments, such as absorption, ... -
Revolutionizing electrical engineering education: a new active learning method based on student-generated multimedia content
Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-07-15)
A novel active and collaborative learning approach that uses videos to enhance student participation and motivation in Electrical Engineering courses at the University of Málaga, is implemented. This work arises in response ... -
UOWC spatial diversity techniques over hostile maritime environments: an approach under imperfect CSI and per-source power constraints
Salcedo-Serrano, Pedro; Boluda-Ruiz, Rubén; Garrido-Balsells, José María
; García-Zambrana, Antonio
; Castillo-Vázquez, Beatriz
; Puerta-Notario, Antonio
; Hranilovic, Steve[et al.] (Optica Publishing Group, 2024-11-18)
Optical communication in submarine environments has emerged as a novel technology that enables high bandwidth and high data rate links. However, the unique characteristics of the underwater channel impose new challenges, ...