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Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 134
A Geo[X]/G[X]/1 retrial queueing system with removal work and total renewal discipline
(Elsevier, 2018-02)In this paper we consider a discrete-time retrial queueing system with batch arrivals of geometric type and general batch services. The arriving group of customers can decide to go directly to the server expelling out of ... -
Mean Lipschitz spaces and a generalized Hilbert operator.
(Springer, 2018-02-28)If μ is a positive Borel measure on the interval [0, 1) we let H_μ be the Hankel matrix H_μ={ μ_{n,k} }_{n,k} with entries μ_{n,k} =μ_{n+k} where μ_n denotes the moment of order n of μ. This matrix induces formally an ... -
The commutative core of a Leavitt path algebra.
(Elsevier, 2018-06-30)For any unital commutative ring R and for any graph E, we identify the commutative core of the Leavitt path algebra of E with coefficients in R, which is a maximal commutative subalgebra of the Leavitt path algebra. ... -
Leavitt path algebras of Cayley graphs C_n^j.
(Springer Nature, 2018-09-15)Let n be a positive integer. For each 0 <= j <= n-1 we let C_n^j denote the Cayley graph of the cyclic group Zn with respect to the subset {1,j}. Utilizing the Smith Normal Form process, we give an explicit description of ... -
Hankel matrices acting on the Hardy space H1 and on Dirichlet spaces.
(Springer, 2018-12-03)If μ is a positive Borel measure on the interval [0, 1) we let H_μ be the Hankel matrix H_μ={ μ_{n,k} }_{n,k} with entries μ_{n,k} =μ_{n+k} where μ_n denotes the moment of order n of μ. This matrix induces formally an ... -
Cohomological characterization of universal bundles of G(1,n)
(Elsevier, 2019)We characterize directs sums of twists of symmetric powers of the universal quotient bundle over the Grassmannian of lines. We use a method that could be used for analogue results on any arbitrary variety, and that should ... -
Enhancing CAS improper integrals computations using extensions of the residue theorem
(Springer, 2019)In a previous paper, the authors developed new rules for computing improper integrals which allow computer algebra systems (CAS) to deal with a wider range of improper integrals. The theory used in order to develop such ... -
A probabilistic extension to Conway’s Game of Life
(Springer (Advances in computational mathematics), 2019)The “Game of life” model was created in 1970 by the mathematician John Horton Conway using cellular automata. Since then, different extensions of these cellular automata have been used in many applications. In this work, ... -
SFOPDES: A Stepwise First Order Partial Differential Equations Solver with a Computer Algebra System
(Elsevier, 2019)Partial Differential Equations (PDE) appear in multiple Physic and Engineering applications. Normally, when modeling an application, the use of well-known and already solved PDE is considered. But what happens if a new PDE ... -
Basic ideals in evolution algebras
(Elsevier, 2019)With the aim of finding useful tools and invariants to classify finite dimensional evolution algebras, we introduce and study the notion of a basic ideal. Every n-dimensional perfect evolution algebra has a maximal basic ... -
On Coarser Interval Temporal Logics
(Elsevier, 2019)The primary characteristic of interval temporal logic is that intervals, rather than points, are taken as the primitive ontological entities. Given their generally bad computational behavior of interval temporal logics, ... -
The Riemann problem for the shallow water equations with discontinuous topography: The wet–dry case
(Elsevier, 2019-02-01)In this paper we consider Riemann problems for the shallow water equations with discontinuous topography whose initial conditions correspond to a wet–dry front: at time t=0 there is vacuum on the right or on the left of ... -
A family of Dirichlet Morrey spaces.
(Taylor & Francis, 2019-02-03)To each weighted Dirichlet space D_p, 0<p<1, we associate a family of Morrey-type spaces D_{λ,p}, 0<λ<1, constructed by imposing growth conditions on the norm of hyperbolic translates of functions. We indicate some of the ... -
The Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega-tsunami – numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis
(Copernicus Publication, 2019-02-15)The 1958 Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega- tsunami is simulated using the Landslide-HySEA model, a recently developed finite-volume Savage–Hutter shallow wa- ter coupled numerical model. Two factors are crucial if the ... -
An arriving decision problem in a discrete-time queueing system
(Springer, 2019-08)This paper discusses a discrete-time queueing system in which an arriving customer may adopt four different strategies; two of them correspond to a LCFS discipline where displacements or expulsions occur, and in the other ... -
Cohomological characterization of universal bundles of G(1,n)
(Elsevier, 2019-12-15)We characterize directs sums of twists of symmetric powers of the universal quotient bundle over the Grassmannian of lines. We use a method that could be used for analogue results on any arbitrary variety, and that should ... -
Multipliers and integration operators between conformally invariant spaces.
(Springer Nature, 2020)In this paper we are concerned with two classes of conformally invariant spaces of analytic functions in the unit disc D, the Besov spaces Bp (1 <= p < inf) and the Qs spaces (0<s< inf). Our main objective is to characterize ... -
Semigroups of composition operators in analytic Morrey spaces.
(Springer Nature, 2020)Analytic Morrey spaces belong to the class of function spaces which, like BMOA, are defined in terms of the degree of oscillation on the boundary of functions analytic in the unit disc. We consider semigroups of composition ... -
Parameterized simplification logic I: reasoning with implications and classes of closure operators
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)In this paper, we present a general inference system for reasoning with if-then rules. They are defined using general lattice-theoretic notions and their semantics is defined using particular closure operators parameterized ... -
On the characterization of the space of derivations in evolution algebras
(Springer Link, 2020)We study the space of derivations for some finite-dimensional evolution algebras, depending on the twin partition of an associated directed graph. For evolution algebras with a twin-free associated graph, we prove that the ...