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Listar PMCC - Artículos por autor "Blanca-Mena, María José"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 29
Assessing Satisfaction With Online Courses: Spanish Version of the Learner Satisfaction Survey
Torrado Herrera, Macarena; Blanca-Mena, María José(Frontiers, 2022-04-27)
The aim of this study was to develop a Spanish version of the Learner Satisfaction Survey (LSS-S) and to analyze its psychometric properties. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of 1,194 university students. ... -
Bias, Precision, and Accuracy of Skewness and Kurtosis Estimators for Frequently Used Continuous Distributions.
Bono Cabré, Roser; Arnau Gras, Jaume; Alarcón-Postigo, Rafael; Blanca-Mena, María José
(MDPI, 2019-12-20)
Several measures of skewness and kurtosis were proposed by Hogg (1974) in order to reduce the bias of conventional estimators when the distribution is non-normal. Here we conducted a Monte Carlo simulation study to compare ... -
Character strengths as protective factors against engagement in sexting in adolescence
Yépez-Tito, Pula A.; Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Editum. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia., 2021)
El sexting es una nueva forma de interacción sexual en adolescentes que ha sido asociada tanto a problemas psicológicos como comportamientos de riesgo sexual. Aunque varios estudios han examinado la relación entre sexting ... -
Development and Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire for Assessing Educational Podcasts (QAEP).
Alarcón-Postigo, Rafael; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Frontiers, 2020-11-23)
The aim of this research was to develop and validate the Questionnaire for Assessing Educational Podcasts (QAEP), an instrument designed to gather students’ views about four dimensions of educational podcasts: access and ... -
Development and psychometric properties of the stressors in Breast Cancer Scale.
Cerezo-Guzmán, María Victoria; Soria-Reyes, Lorena M.; Pajares, Bella; Gómez-Millán Barrachina, Jaime; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Frontiers, 2023-03-28)
Background: A diagnosis of breast cancer generates psychological stress, due not only to treatment and its side effects but also to the impact on different areas of the patient’s daily life. Although there are instruments ... -
Effect of variance ratio on ANOVA robustness: Might 1.5 be the limit?
Blanca-Mena, María José; Alarcón-Postigo, Rafael
; Arnau, Jaume; Bono Cabré, Roser; Bendayan, Rebecca (Springer, 2017-06-22)
Inconsistencies in the research findings on F-test robustness to variance heterogeneity could be related to the lack of a standard criterion to assess robustness or to the dif ferent measures used to quantify heterogeneity. ... -
Immunomodulatory Effects in Healthy Individuals Following a 4-Week Taoist Qigong Intervention: A Comparative Study.
Manzaneque-Vázquez, Juan Manuel; Vera-Fernández, Francisca María
; Rodríguez-Peña, Francisco Miguel; Alonso, Antonio; Blanca-Mena, María José
(International Scientific Information, 2023-07-05)
Qigong, an ancient health preservation technique forming part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, combines slow body movements, breathing, and meditation. While this meditative movement system has been reported to offer various ... -
Life Satisfaction and Character Strenghs in Ecuatorian Adolescents
Yépez-Tito, Pula A.; Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Cóndor-Guerrón, Shally; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Springer, 2021-11-27)
There is empirical evidence that life satisfaction (LS) in adolescence is associated with adequate development and future well-being. Research into the factors underpinning LS can therefore help to promote healthier ... -
Life Satisfaction and Character Strengths in Women With Breast Cancer: Zest and Hope as Predictors.
Soria-Reyes, Lorena M.; Cerezo-Guzmán, María Victoria; Molina, Paula; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2023-10-05)
Background:Empirical evidence shows that life satisfaction is positively related to character strengths, and although this association has been observed in different populations, it is scarce in breast cancer patients. ... -
Life satisfaction and the mediating role of character strengths and gains in informal caregivers
García-Castro, F. Javier; Hernández, Ana; Blanca-Mena, María José(2021-04-27)
Introduction: Being an informal caregiver can have both negative and positive consequences for well-being. Within the framework of he stress process model, few studies have examined values and perceived gains of caregiving ... -
New Evidence for the Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Gain in Alzheimer Care Instrument
García-Castro, F. Javier; Holgado-Tello, Pablo; Blanca-Mena, María José(Cambridge, 2021-05-07)
The aim was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Gain in Alzheimer Care Instrument (GAIN), providing validity evidence based on its internal structure, reliability, item analysis, and ... -
Non-normal Data in Repeated Measures ANOVA: Impact on Type I Error and Power.
Blanca-Mena, María José; Arnau, Jaume; García-Castro, F. Javier; Alarcón-Postigo, Rafael
; Bono Cabré, Roser (Grupo Editorial de Psicofundación, 2022-09-25)
Background: Repeated measures designs are commonly used in health and social sciences research. Although there are other, more advanced, statistical analyses, the F-statistic of repeated measures analysis of variance ... -
Personalidad y perfiles clínicos relacionados con el éxito o recaída en el tratamiento de jugadores patológicos.
Ortiz-Tallo-Alarcón, Margarita; Blanca-Mena, María José
; Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta
; Cobos, Sebastián (Universidad de Málaga, 2011)
El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer si existen diferencias en patrones de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en función de la rehabilitación o recaída en el juego patológico. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un ... -
Personality profiles and psychological adjustment in breast cancer patients.
Dispositional personality characteristics may play a role in psychosocial adjustment to any disease, including cancer. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify personality profiles in breast cancer patients and ... -
Personality, Emotions and Coping Styles: Predictive Value for the Evolution of Cancer Patients.
Cardenal Hernáez, Violeta; Cerezo-Guzmán, María Victoria; Martínez, Joaquina; Ortiz-Tallo-Alarcón, Margarita
; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Cambridge University Press, 2012)
Este estudio tiene un doble objetivo: describir las diferencias en los aspectos psicológicos entre los pacientes con cáncer y un grupo control,y explorar el posible valor predictivo de estos aspectos en la evolución de la ... -
Prevalence and profile of sexting among adolescents in Ecuador.
Yepez-Tito, Paula; Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
Sexting is an emergent phenomenon in adolescents that has been studied in the USA and Europe, but scarcely in Latin American countries. This study examined the psychometric properties of an instrument to measure sexting ... -
Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Spain: A Representative Sample Study
Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Ortiz-Tallo-Alarcón, Margarita
; Blanca-Mena, María José
(Sage Journals, 2022)
The prevalence of child sexual abuse (CSA) is difficult to assess, and rates vary widely across studies due to methodological and sample differences. In Spain, prevalence data from representative samples are lacking. The ... -
Psychological values as protective factors against sexist attitudes in preadolescents
Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Blanca-Mena, María José
; Ortiz-Tallo-Alarcón, Margarita
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2013)
Sexist attitudes are one of the factors that justify domestic violence. Positive psychology can provide keys to prevent sexist violence at an early age. Psychological values are a group of psychological strengths in a ... -
Psychological virtues during adolescence: A longitudinal study of gender differences
Ferragut-Ortiz-Tallo, Marta; Blanca-Mena, María José
; Ortiz-Tallo-Alarcón, Margarita
(Routledge, 2014)
Adolescence is a key stage in terms of character formation, and it is important to study positive aspects such as character strengths and virtues by means of longitudinal studies. To this end, this study uses longitudinal ... -
Psychometric properties of a short form of the Adolescent Stress Questionnaire (ASQ-14).
Blanca-Mena, María José; Escobar-Espejo, Milagros
; Lima-Ramos, Juan Francisco
; Byrne, Donald; Alarcón-Postigo, Rafael
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2020)
Background: Exposure to minor stressors is related to a range of emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents. The purpose of this study was to develop a screening instrument for assessing adolescent stressors. Method: ...