Teoría e Historia Económica - (THECO)
Estas son las colecciones en las que puede catalogar la producción investigadora del departamento Teoría e Historia Económica. Si considera que ninguna de estas se ajusta a su material pida una nueva colección en la sección de sugerencias.
Colecciones en esta comunidad
Envíos recientes
The role of intellectual property rights in a directed technical change model.
(Wiley, 2021)We propose a two country, Innovator and Follower, directed technical change model between tradable and nontradable sectors. The Innovator performs innovative R&D and the Follower adopts the available technological knowledge. ... -
Industry concentration and wage inequality: a directed technical change approach.
(Springer Nature, 2018-10-03)Despite several theoretical approaches linking rising market power to more income inequality, a theoretical-based empirical quantification of this relationship has not been made. We devised a directed technical change model ... -
How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological approach.
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)ven for the standard skill-biased technological change (SBTC) literature, the generic rise in the skill premium in the face of the relative increase in skilled workers since the 1980s seems a little puzzling. We develop a ... -
Directed Technical Change and Environmental Quality.
(Springer Nature, 2020)We propose a directed technical change model with two sectors, clean and dirty, to analyze the impact of the degree of substitutability between sectors and the degree of scale effects on the environmental quality. The ... -
Garbling an evaluation to retain an advantage
(Elsevier, 2025-02)We study information transmission in a model of career concerns in which experts evaluate their worth based on social comparisons. There are two experts, each of whom receives an informative signal about the state of the ... -
Proactive Distributed Renewable Energy Resources (DRER) for Powering Tomorrow.
(Springer Nature, 2024)The production and consumption of cleaner energy by distributed renewable energy resource (DRER) owners, sometimes referred to as prosumers, is expected to increase over the next few decades. With energy storage still ... -
La investigación histórica en las Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales: aplicación en los Trabajos de Fin de Grado.
(Dykinson, 2024)Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer la necesidad de generar nuevas metodologías, contenidos y actividades para fomentar la investigación histórica a través de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en la Facultad de ... -
The Exchange Rate Regime, a determinant of the degree of Risk Sharing between Profits and Wages
(Elsevier, 2024)The interaction between economic growth, profits, and wages at the macroeconomic level provides insights into firms' ability to manage risk and the degree of competition in the goods market. In both instances, policymakers ... -
The Internationalisation of the British Gas Industry in Latin Europe in the Nineteenth Century.
(Springer, 2023)This study addresses the strategy followed by different English entrepreneurs to develop the gas industry in several countries of Latin Europe during the nineteenth century. Specifically, it analyses different cases, such ... -
Perfeccionamiento e innovación docente en la asignatura de Historia Económica: nuevas metodologías.
(Dykinson, 2023)El sistema de enseñanza universitario se caracteriza por encontrarse en constante cambio y evolución, lo que ha motivado la aparición de nuevas metodologías y herramientas docentes en los últimos años. En términos generales, ... -
Innovación docente en Historia Económica: Avances en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario.
(GKA, 2022)Las características de la enseñanza universitaria actual hacen necesaria una constante búsqueda de innovaciones que permitan introducir mejoras en la misma. Este artículo pretende dar a conocer las principales ... -
Recovery Measures for the Tourism Industry in Andalusia: Residents as Tourist Consumers.
(MDPI, 2022-06-08)The pandemic caused by the coronavirus continues to test barriers around the world. In this sense, the tourism industry has become the sector most affected by the crisis with more than 900 million euros in losses. Recovery ... -
Short and Long Run Effects of Leniency Programs on Cartel Stability and Prosecution
(Oxford University Press, 2024-05-26)This study investigates the effects of leniency programs on cartel duration, cartel fines, and the length of investigations, providing empirical insights that contribute to the ongoing debate regarding their theoretical ... -
El mercado de los cruceros en cifras en el siglo XXI cruise industry by the numbers in the XXI century
(EUMED. Universidad de Málaga, 2014)La trayectoria de crecimiento del sector cruceros en la última década, es clave para entender el progreso de este segmento turístico. Este artículo analiza la evolución del turismo de cruceros en el mundo, atendiendo al ... -
Land capital and emissions convergence in an extended Green Solow model
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-06)The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the contribution of land capital to the growth of emissions and income per capita in the long run. We collect new satellite data from the Earth Observatory to obtain estimates ... -
Who Blows the Whistle on Cartels? Finding the Leniency Applicant at the European Commission
(Springer, 2023-07-28)Competition authorities need a better understanding of the determinants of cartel self-reporting in order to increase cartel members’ incentives to apply for the benefit from leniency programs and thus improve the effectiveness ... -
Divisionalization in vertical structures.
(Wiley, 2024)We evaluate the incentives to create within-industry independent divisions once thevertical structure of the industry is considered. Divisionalization allows a firm to gainmarket share in the final market, but it also leads ... -
Historia económico-financiera del turismo en la Unión Europea: Un análisis heterodoxo.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)Estudio revisor de Economía Política e Historia Económico-Empresarial, desde enfoques heterodoxos, para analizar la gestión del turismo europeo, con especial atención a su paradoja y riesgos financieros dentro de UEM-UE. ... -
Building and communicating territorial brand values: The case of Destination British Columbia
(2024-07-12)In today’s interconnected world, efectively communicating territorial values is paramount for regions seeking to distinguish themselves globally. Efective destination branding requires carefully synthesizing cultural, ... -
Handbook of Merger Control and Environmental Policy: Theory and Applications.
(Springer, 2024-01)This book presents an integrated theory of firms’ strategies and two types of policies, namely environmental policies, and merger control policies. It develops a framework to examine the intricate relationship between ...