The objective of this research is to explore the processes of the generation of trust and purchase intentions among followers of virtual influencers. During October and November 2021, an online survey was distributed among active Instagram users who follow the virtual influencer LilMiquela. The model variables were measured using 7-point Likert-type scales validated in previous studies. A total of 167 valid responses were obtained. The model was evaluated using the PLS-SEM technique, with SmartPLS software, version 3.3.3 (Henseler et al., 2018; Ringle & Sarstedt, 2016). Content quality is the variable with the greatest effect on trust, followed by homophily and social attractiveness. Unlike studies into human influencers that have highlighted the key roles of their physical and social attractiveness, this research into virtual influencers highlights the key role of their ability to generate quality content. This may be because Instagram users accept their messages, but are aware they are not real people. Homophily is understood as being the similarity that followers perceive between their beliefs, values, experiences and lifestyles, and those of their influencers; it strengthens trust by creating good feelings and reduced uncertainty among followers, as occurs in communication between humans. Finally, the negative effect of high anthropomorphism is not statistically significant. In the literature this is a controversial topic with very different results, so further study is needed to arrive at more reliable conclusions.