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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 83
Policy reform of emission taxes and environmental research and development incentives in an international Cournot model with product differentiation.
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)This paper studies multilateral and unilateral policy reforms of environmental R&D subsidies and emission taxes in a two-country Cournot model with oligopolistic interdependence. The analysis indicates, inter alia, that ... -
Multilateral and unilateral policy reform of emission taxes and abatement subsidies in a two-country model with oligopolistic interdependence.
(Springer, 2013)This paper considers a two-country model with oligopolistic interdependence where firms make their output and emission decisions simultaneously, and face an emission tax and abatement subsidy. The impact of multilateral ... -
The intensive and the extensive margins: not only an international issue.
(Springer, 2013-03-27)Empirical evidence shows that quantity (intensive margin) and variety availability (extensive margin) have effects of different magnitude on populations’ welfare. Indeed, the pattern of a market dynamics may cause changes ... -
El mercado de los cruceros en cifras en el siglo XXI cruise industry by the numbers in the XXI century
(EUMED. Universidad de Málaga, 2014)La trayectoria de crecimiento del sector cruceros en la última década, es clave para entender el progreso de este segmento turístico. Este artículo analiza la evolución del turismo de cruceros en el mundo, atendiendo al ... -
Endogenous Home Bias in Portfolio Diversification and Firms Entry.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014-02-06)The home bias in portfolios is considered a main puzzle in international macroeconomics. This paper pro- vides a new benchmark for its analysis in a tractable new open economy macroeconomic model, where the home-biased ... -
Macroeconomic volatility and international integration.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014-04-21)This paper explores the effects that varying degrees of international openness have on macroeco- nomic volatility. The analysis is conducted for a two-symmetric-country world under three levels of international integration: ... -
Horizontal product differentiation and policy adjustment in the presence of abatement subsidies and emission taxes.
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-10-28)There are important examples of countries which have implemented policies to promote pollution abatement activities in sectors characterized by some degree of product differentiation. This paper examines the role of ... -
The impact of weather variation on energy consumption in residential houses.
(Elsevier, 2015)This paper studies the impact of weather variation on energy use by using 5-minutes interval weather–energy data obtained from two residential houses: house 1 is a conventional house with advanced efficiency features and ... -
Las movilizaciones de masas del franquismo. Un viaje voluntario del Kirch a la cultura basura
(2015-10-26)Las movilizaciones de masas del franquismo suponían un mecanismo de control de la población y una forma de hacer evidente los mensajes de la dictadura franquista centrados en su máximo dirigente. Utilizando un modelo ... -
Mergers in Cournot Markets with Environmental Externality and Product Differentiation.
(Elsevier, 2016)Due to the extensive work on why mergers take place our understanding of merger incentives has improved. However, there are not many studies examining how differences in pollution parameters between post and pre-merger ... -
Emission Taxes and Product Differentiation in the Presence of Foreign Firms.
(Wiley, 2016-08-16)Industries characterized by differentiated products are important contributors of greenhouse gases and currently subject to market-based policies such as emission taxes. In the context of developing countries, fears about ... -
Foreign direct investment under fiscal interdependence when policy is set unilaterally.
(Springer, 2017)This paper develops a partial equilibrium model of foreign direct investment to analyze the potentially opposing interests between a host and foreign country. The two countries are fiscally interdependent and the fiscal ... -
Environmental taxation and mergers in oligopoly markets with product differentiation.
(Springer, 2017)We analyze the effect of mergers on optimal environmental taxation in a Cournot oligopoly market with product differentiation. Our result indicates that the adjustment in emission tax crucially depends on the post-merger ... -
Local content and emission taxes when the number of foreign firms is endogenous.
(Springer Nature, 2017)There is a wide range of countries which have employed local content requirements to promote jobs and meet national green energy objectives. At the same time market-based policies (e.g., emission taxes) have been implemented ... -
Málaga y la marca territorio en el cine del turismo del franquismo
(scientific society iManagement &Tourism, 2017)Las tecnologías de la información, la red de redes, los cambios políticos, sociales y culturales experimentados en todo el mundo y, especialmente, el fenómeno de la globalización, han logrado redefinir los conceptos de la ... -
Marca terriorio y marca ciudad. Utilidad en el ámbito del turismo: el caso de Málaga
(iManagement and Tourism, 2017)La presente contribución pretende establecer la dinámica y la lógica de la construcción y gestión de las marcas de ciudad en la actualidad, bajo el prisma del marketing turistico. Para ello se realiza un recorrido desde ... -
Cádiz, ciudad vinatera entre mediados de los siglos XIX y XX
(Revista de Estudios Regionales, 2017)La ciudad de Cádiz ha sido históricamente reconocida por la importancia de su actividad comercial y de su puerto: lugar de entrada y salida de los intercambios entre Europa, África y América durante siglos. En ese comercio ... -
Pricing and Usage: An Empirical Analysis of Lines of Credit.
(Elsevier, 2017-09-06)The hypothesis that committed revolving credit lines with fixed spreads can provide firms with interest rate insurance is a standard feature of models on these credit facilities’ interest rate structure. Nevertheless, this ... -
Active labour market policies and the efficiency of the European Social Fund in Spanish regions
(Taylor and Francis online, 2018)En este artículo se calculan los determinantes del gasto público en las políticas activas del mercado laboral (PAML) de ámbito regional mediante datos de panel de una muestra de 17 regiones españolas (1989–2010). La ... -
Are Charter Value and Supervision Aligned? A Segmentation Analysis.
(Elsevier, 2018-06-05)Previous work suggests that the charter value hypothesis is theoretically grounded and empirically supported, but not universally. Accordingly, this paper aims to perform an analysis of the relations between charter value, ...