There are no scientific studies in the context of airports and museums relationship, which analyze the impact of
airports for identifying the relationship between museums and air accessibility, as well as promotion campaigns
to attract visitors and passengers at museums and airports. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the
locations of US airports in the top 20 US museums, due to connectivity, accessibility, and technological change
that aviation and museums activities are experiencing because of pandemic crisis. Moreover, this study evaluates
promotion and travelling exhibitions factors, with the aim of attracting more visitors to museums and how these
two variables can affect to airports. This research addresses this knowledge gap by providing discussions and
justifications on how airports and museums should fortify their interaction and cooperation to develop joint
marketing strategies. Results show how airports provide accessibility, connectivity, and frequencies of flights
through airlines, and they have a direct impact of number of passengers’ arrivals on destinations and museums.
Indeed, the findings revealed the need to implement joint strategies alliances by DMOs, airports, and museums,
to increase the number of tourists in cities, particularly in this time of economic uncertainly. Airport and airlines
operators could encourage to museum managers to incorporate customized travel packages and commercial
discounts together through their official website and apps. These commercial strategies remove unnecessary
intermediaries and increasing the profit margins