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dc.contributor.authorLlamas Dios, Marta Inés
dc.contributor.authorJiménez-Gavilán, Pablo 
dc.contributor.authorLuque Espinar, Juan Antonio
dc.contributor.authorBenavente Herrera, José
dc.contributor.authorCandela Lledó, Lucila
dc.contributor.authorSanmiguel-Martí, M.
dc.contributor.authorRambla-Nebot, J.
dc.contributor.authorAranda-Mares, J. L.
dc.contributor.authorVadillo-Pérez, Iñaki
dc.identifier.citationM.I. Llamas, P. Jiménez-Gavilán, J.A. Luque-Espinar, J. Benavente-Herrera, L. Candela, M. Sanmiguel-Martí, J. Rambla-Nebot, J.L. Aranda-Mares, I. Vadillo-Pérez, Hydrogeological, hydrodynamic and anthropogenic factors affecting the spread of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in water resources of the Granada plain (Spain), Journal of Hydrology, Volume 610, 2022, 127791, ISSN 0022-1694,
dc.description.abstractThe anthropogenic organic contaminants contemplated in the environmental legislation, as well as those of emerging concern, threaten the quality of water resources to a degree that remains largely unknown. Contaminant exposure in the aquatic environment is a crucial element if a full understanding of the risk is pursued. There are still many uncertainties about the occurrence of organic pollutants and behavior in the hydro(geo)logical media in large scale areas. The case study of the unconfined aquifer of the Granada Plain (approximately 200 km2) is presented here. Two surface and groundwater monitoring campaigns were conducted (March 2017 and June 2018). In total, 41 out of 171 target organic pollutants were detected, at least once: 17 pharmaceuticals or drugs of abuse, 21 pesticides or their metabolites and three polyaromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, physico-chemical parameters were measured during the monitoring campaigns and hydrochemical parameters and stable isotopes (δ2H, δ18O, δ13C) were analyzed. Statistical tests confirmed the significance of seasonal changes for some of these parameters (e.g., EC, Cl-, F-, δ18O, δ13C), revealing the influence from snowmelt water input on streams and the intensification of irrigation. In March 2017, the group of pesticides (largely represented by triazines) predominated, whereas the frequency of detection of pharmaceuticals increased substantially in June 2018. Results suggest four main factors affecting the spatial and seasonal variation of organic pollutants in the aquifer: the anthropogenic factor determining the period of contaminant release throughout the year (pesticide application period and growth of tourism) along with irrigation practices that include reclaimed wastewater; unsaturated zone thickness; [...]es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis article is a contribution to the Research Groups RNM-308 and RNM 128 of the “Junta de Andalucía” and the project “Study, detection and behavior of emerging contaminants in anthropized watersheds in Andalusia-EMAN (P20_397)”. We are grateful to technical translation specialists GeoTranslations for proofreading the English version. We would also like to thank the Associate Editor, and the anonymous reviewers, who largely contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUAes_ES
dc.subjectEfectos de la contaminación del aguaes_ES
dc.subjectToxicología acuáticaes_ES
dc.subject.otherDetrital aquiferes_ES
dc.subject.otherSeasonal variationes_ES
dc.subject.otherUnsaturated zonees_ES
dc.subject.otherRecharge processes_ES
dc.titleHydrogeological, hydrodynamic and anthropogenic factors affecting the spread of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in water resources of the Granada plain (Spain)es_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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