Mixed transcortical aphasia (MTCA) is characterized by non-fluent speech and comprehension deficits coexisting with preserved repetition. MTCA may evolve to less severe variants of aphasias or even to full language recovery. Mechanistically, MCTA has traditionally been attributed to a disconnection between the spared left perisylvian language network (PSLN) responsible for preserved verbal repetition, and damaged left extrasylvian networks, which are responsible for language production and comprehension impairments. However, despite significant advances in in vivo neuroimaging, the structural and functional status of the PSLN network in MTCA and its evolution has not been investigated. Thus, the aim of the present study is to examine the status of the PSLN, both in terms of its functional activity and structural integrity, in four cases
who developed acute post-stroke MTCA and progressed to different types of aphasia. For it, we conducted a neuroimaging-
behavioral study performed in the chronic stage of four patients. The behavioral profile of MTCA persisted in one patient,
whereas the other three patients progressed to less severe types of aphasias. Neuroimaging findings suggest that preserved
verbal repetition in MTCA does not always depend on the optimal status of the PSLN and its dorsal connections. Instead, the
right hemisphere or the left ventral pathway may also play a role in supporting verbal repetition. The variability in the clinical
evolution of MTCA may be explained by the varying degree of PSLN alteration and individual premorbid neuroanatomical
language substrates. This study offers a fresh perspective of MTCA through the lens of modern neuroscience and unveils
novel insights into the neural underpinnings of repetition.