Dataset IBSE perceptions questionnaire for pre-service teachers.
2023-09-27 -
Universidad de Málaga -
Didáctica de las Matemáticas, de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Ciencias Experimentales -
Palabras clave
Profesores - Formación profesional; Educación - Investigación -
Validation of the scales of a questionnaire about pre-service science teachers’ perceptions of IBSE. It includes the dataset, the readme file and the R-code used in the validation process, that consisted of an exploratory analysis and refining, CFA and cluster analysis. -
Referenciado por
García-Ruiz, M.C. & Lupión-Cobos, T. (2023, 28 de septiembre). Analysis of pre-service science teachers' perceptions about their teaching competencies.ESERA 2023 - The 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association,Cappadocia (Turquía).