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dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Lafuente, Jesús 
dc.contributor.authorNaranjo-Rosa, Cristina Belén 
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Leal, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorSammartino, Simone
dc.contributor.authorBellanco, María Jesús
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Garrido, José Carlos 
dc.contributor.authorSoto-Navarro, Francisco Javier
dc.identifier.citationJesús García-Lafuente, Cristina Naranjo, Ricardo Sánchez-Leal, Simone Sammartino, Maria J. Bellanco, Jose C. Sánchez-Garrido, Javier Soto-Navarro, On the origin of the seasonal and interannual T–S variability of the inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers,101,38-53. 2015. DOI:
dc.descriptionSe adjunta la versión postprint aceptada, que incluye las correcciones de de los revisores, debido a que la editorial tiene los derechos de copyright y no permite la difusión en acceso abierto de la versión publicada. Puede accederse a la misma a través del DOI que se incluye en los datos de la publicación.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDifferent datasets have been analyzed to identify the origin of the temperature and salinity seasonal and interannual fluctuations in the surface layer of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, close to the Gulf of Cadiz. The analysis was motivated by the surprising short-term salinity trend recorded by a monitoring station deployed in the Atlantic layer of the Strait of Gibraltar between years 2003 and 2007, which has been described and investigated by Millot (2007. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L21609. doi:10.1029/2007GL031179.). Temperature and salinity display similar annual cycles whose maxima occur by the end of the year, the former leading the latter by one month approximately. Despite their similarities, their origin is not the same. More than 80% of the variability of the temperature seasonal cycle is accounted for by the annual cycle of surface heat flux, while advective fluxes are secondary. This is not true for salinity, which both seasonal and interannual fluctuations are shaped by the advection and the evaporative annual cycle jointly. For the advection contribution, the identified external agent is the wind stress that drives the upwelling season in the eastern mid-latitude boundary of the North Atlantic. Vertical advection of salinity associated with the Ekman pumping and horizontal advection caused by the upwelling jet and the fluctuations of the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre are behind the local advective changes. The strengthening (weakening) of the seasonal upwelling in summer (winter) decreased (increased) the local salinity in the Gulf of Cadiz, giving rise to the observed cycle in the data recorded at Gibraltar. Short term trends in the wind-inducing upwelling off the Iberian Peninsula during the above mentioned period triggered concomitant changes of the salinity in the waters that fed the inflow and produced the short–term trend observed in the Strait of Gibraltar.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipEste trabajo fue financiado por el Ministerio de Competitividad de la Economía de España en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación INGRES-3 (CTM2010-21229). CN disfrutó de la beca BES-2011-043421 y JCSG la Beca Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva JCI-2012-13451 de ese Ministerio.es_ES
dc.subjectMares y océanos - Temperatura - Proceso de datos - Gibraltar (Estrecho)es_ES
dc.subjectSalinidad - Proceso de datos - Gibraltar (Estrecho)es_ES
dc.subjectGibraltar (Estrecho) - Clima - Observaciones - Proceso de datoses_ES
dc.subject.otherGulf of Cádizes_ES
dc.subject.otherNorth Atlantic subtropical gyrees_ES
dc.subject.otherUpwelling seasones_ES
dc.subject.otherSurface and advective fluxeses_ES
dc.subject.otherSeasonal signales_ES
dc.titleOn the origin of the seasonal and interannual T–S variability of the inflow through the Strait of Gibraltares_ES
dc.centroE.T.S.I. Informáticaes_ES
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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