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dc.contributor.authorMerchante-Berg, Catharina
dc.contributor.authorBrumós, Javier
dc.contributor.authorYun, Jeonga
dc.contributor.authorHu, Qiwen
dc.contributor.authorSpencer, Kristina R
dc.contributor.authorEnríquez, Paul
dc.contributor.authorBinder, Brad M.
dc.contributor.authorHeber, Steffen
dc.contributor.authorStepanova, Anna
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, José M.
dc.identifier.citationMerchante C, Brumos J, Yun J, Hu Q, Spencer KR, Enríquez P, Binder BM, Heber S, Stepanova AN, Alonso JM. Gene-specific translation regulation mediated by the hormone-signaling molecule EIN2. Cell. 2015 Oct 22;163(3):684-97. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.036. Epub 2015 Oct 22. PMID: 26496608.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe central role of translation in modulating gene activity has long been recognized, yet the systematic exploration of quantitative changes in translation at a genome-wide scale in response to a specific stimulus has only recently become technically feasible. Using the well-characterized signaling pathway of the phytohormone ethylene and plant-optimized genome-wide ribosome footprinting, we have uncovered a molecular mechanism linking this hormone's perception to the activation of a gene-specific translational control mechanism. Characterization of one of the targets of this translation regulatory machinery, the ethylene signaling component EBF2, indicates that the signaling molecule EIN2 and the nonsense-mediated decay proteins UPFs play a central role in this ethylene-induced translational response. Furthermore, the 3'UTR of EBF2 is sufficient to confer translational regulation and required for the proper activation of ethylene responses. These findings represent a mechanistic paradigm of gene-specific regulation of translation in response to a key growth regulator.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by NSF grants MCB 1158181 and 0519869 to J.M.A.; MCB 0923727 to J.M.A. and A.N.S.; IOS 1444561 to J.M.A., A.N.S., and S.H.; NCSU-RISF to S.H. and J.M.A.; a Marie Curie COFUND U-Mobility post- doctoral fellowship to C.M. (co-funded by the University of Ma´ laga and the EU 7FP GA N 246550); a postdoctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Educacion 2008-2011 to J.B.; and an NSF-REU MCB 06103224 to K.R.S.es_ES
dc.subjectHormonas vegetaleses_ES
dc.subject.otherp bodieses_ES
dc.titleGene-specific translation regulation mediated by the hormone-signaling molecule EIN2es_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES

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