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dc.contributor.authorBoluda-Ruiz, Rubén 
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Zambrana, Antonio 
dc.contributor.authorCastillo-Vázquez, Beatriz 
dc.contributor.authorCastillo-Vázquez, Carmen
dc.identifier.citationRubén Boluda-Ruiz, Antonio García-Zambrana, Carmen Castillo-Vázquez, and Beatriz Castillo-Vázquez, "Novel approximation of misalignment fading modeled by Beckmann distribution on free-space optical links," Opt. Express 24, 22635-22649 (2016)
dc.description.abstractA novel accurate and useful approximation of the well-known Beckmann distribution is presented here, which is used to model generalized pointing errors in the context of free- space optical (FSO) communication systems. We derive an approximate closed form probability density function (PDF) for the composite gamma-gamma (GG) atmospheric turbulence with the pointing error model using the proposed approximation of the Beckmann distribution, which is valid for most practical terrestrial FSO links. This approximation takes into account the effect of the beam width, different jitters for the elevation and the horizontal displacement and the simultaneous effect of nonzero boresight errors for each axis at the receiver plane. Additionally, the proposed approximation allows us to delimit two different FSO scenarios. The first of them is when atmospheric turbulence is the dominant effect in relation to generalized pointing errors, and the second one when generalized pointing error is the dominant effect in relation to atmospheric turbulence. The second FSO scenario has not been studied in-depth by the research community. Moreover, the accuracy of the method is measured both visually and quantitatively using curve-fitting metrics. Simulation results are further included to confirm the analytical results.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipJunta de Andalucía (research group "Communications Engineering (TIC-0102)") and Universidad de Málaga.es_ES
dc.publisherOptica Publishing Groupes_ES
dc.subjectTurbulencia atmosféricaes_ES
dc.subjectComunicaciones ópticases_ES
dc.subject.otherAtmospheric turbulencees_ES
dc.subject.otherFree-space optical communicationes_ES
dc.subject.otherOptical communicationses_ES
dc.titleNovel approximation of misalignment fading modeled by Beckmann distribution on free-space optical linkses_ES
dc.centroE.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciónes_ES

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