In this work the multiaxial behaviour of 316 stainless steel is studied under the lens of
critical plane approach. A series of experiments were developed on dog bone shaped hollow
cylindrical specimens made of type 316 stainless steel. Five different loading conditions were
assessed with: (i) only tensile axial stress, (ii) only hoop stress, (iii) combination of axial and
hoop stresses with square shape, (iv) combination of tensile axial and hoop stresses with Lshape and (v) combination of compressive axial and hoop stresses with L-shape. The fatigue
analysis is performed with four different critical plane theories, namely Wang-Brown, FatemiSocie, Liu I and Liu II. The efficiency of all four theories is studied in terms of the accuracy of
their life predictions and crack failure plane angle. The best fatigue life predictions were
obtained with Liu II model and the best predictions of the failure plane were obtained with Liu
I model.