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dc.contributor.authorRosas Díaz
dc.contributor.authorDan, Zhanga
dc.contributor.authorFan, Pengfei
dc.contributor.authorLiping, Wang
dc.contributor.authorXue, Ding
dc.contributor.authorYuli, Jiang
dc.contributor.authorJiménez-Góngora, Tamara
dc.contributor.authorMedina-Puche, Laura
dc.contributor.authorXinyan, Zhao
dc.contributor.authorZhengyan, Feng
dc.contributor.authorGuiping, Zhang
dc.contributor.authorXiaokun, Liuc
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez-Bejarano, Eduardo 
dc.contributor.authorLi, Tana
dc.contributor.authorHeng, Zhang
dc.contributor.authorJian-Kang, Zhua
dc.contributor.authorWeiman, Xinga
dc.contributor.authorFaulkner, Christine
dc.contributor.authorShingo, Nagawa
dc.contributor.authorLozano Durán, Rosa
dc.identifier.citationTabata Rosas-Diaz, Dan Zhang, Pengfei Fan, Liping Wang, Xue Ding, Yuli Jiang, Tamara Jimenez-Gongora, Laura Medina-Puche, Xinyan Zhao, Zhengyan Feng, Guiping Zhang, Xiaokun Liu, Eduardo R. Bejarano, Li Tan, Heng Zhang, Jian-Kang Zhu, Weiman Xing, Christine Faulkner, Shingo Nagawa, and Rosa Lozano-Duran. A virus-targeted plant receptor-like kinase promotes cell-to-cell spread of RNAi. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesVol. 115, No. 6. doi:10.1073/pnas.171555611es_ES
dc.description.abstractRNA interference (RNAi) in plants can move from cell to cell, allowing for systemic spread of an antiviral immune response. How this cell-to-cell spread of silencing is regulated is currently unknown. Here, we describe that the C4 protein from Tomato yellow leaf curl virus can inhibit the intercellular spread of RNAi. Using this viral protein as a probe, we have identified the receptor-like kinase (RLK) BARELY ANY MERISTEM 1 (BAM1) as a positive regulator of the cell-to-cell movement of RNAi, and determined that BAM1 and its closest homolog, BAM2, play a redundant role in this process. C4 interacts with the intracellular domain of BAM1 and BAM2 at the plasma membrane and plasmodesmata, the cytoplasmic connections between plant cells, interfering with the function of these RLKs in the cell-to-cell spread of RNAi. Our results identify BAM1 as an element required for the cell-to-cell spread of RNAi and highlight that signaling components have been coopted to play multiple functions in plants.es_ES
dc.subjectVirus fitopatógenoses_ES
dc.subject.otherC4 proteines_ES
dc.titleA virus-targeted plant receptor-like kinase promotes cell-to-cell spread of RNAies_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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