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dc.contributor.authorMinina, Elena A
dc.contributor.authorFilonova, Lada H
dc.contributor.authorFukada, Kazutake
dc.contributor.authorSavenkov, Eugene I
dc.contributor.authorGogvadze, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorClapham, David
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Vera, Victoria
dc.contributor.authorSuárez-Marín, María Fernanda 
dc.contributor.authorZhivotovsky, Boris
dc.contributor.authorDaniel, Geoffrey
dc.contributor.authorSmertenko, Andrei
dc.contributor.authorBozhkov, Peter V
dc.identifier.citationElena A. Minina, Lada H. Filonova, Kazutake Fukada, Eugene I. Savenkov, Vladimir Gogvadze, David Clapham, Victoria Sanchez-Vera, Maria F. Suarez, Boris Zhivotovsky, Geoffrey Daniel, Andrei Smertenko, Peter V. Bozhkov; Autophagy and metacaspase determine the mode of cell death in plants. J Cell Biol 23 December 2013; 203 (6): 917–927. doi:
dc.description.abstractAlthough animals eliminate apoptotic cells using macrophages, plants use cell corpses throughout development and disassemble cells in a cell- autonomous manner by vacuolar cell death. During vacuolar cell death, lytic vacuoles gradually engulf and digest the cytoplasmic content. On the other hand, acute stress triggers an alternative cell death, necrosis, which is char- acterized by mitochondrial dysfunction, early rupture of the plasma membrane, and disordered cell disassembly. How both types of cell death are regulated remains ob- scure. In this paper, we show that vacuolar death in the embryo suspensor of Norway spruce requires autophagy. In turn, activation of autophagy lies downstream of metacaspase mcII-Pa, a key protease essential for suspensor cell death. Genetic suppression of the metacaspase– autophagy pathway induced a switch from vacuolar to necrotic death, resulting in failure of suspensor differentiation and embryonic arrest. Our results establish metacaspase- dependent autophagy as a bona fide mechanism that is responsible for cell disassembly during vacuolar cell death and for inhibition of necrosis.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (to P.V. Bozhkov), Pehrssons Fund (to P.V. Bozhkov), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (to P.V. Bozhkov), the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (to P.V. Bozhkov), August T. Larsson Foundation (to A. Smertenko and P.V. Bozhkov), Olle Engkvist Foundation (to P.V. Bozhkov), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AGL2010-15684; to M.F. Suarez). V. Sanchez-Vera was a recipient of a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innova- tion (BES-2008-003592).es_ES
dc.publisherRockefeller University Presses_ES
dc.subjectCélulas - Muertees_ES
dc.subjectVacuolas vegetaleses_ES
dc.subject.otherCell deathes_ES
dc.subject.otherSomatic embryogenesises_ES
dc.subject.otherPlant developmentes_ES
dc.titleAutophagy and metacaspase determine the mode of cell death in plantses_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES
dc.rights.ccAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional*

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