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dc.contributor.authorCalvo-Serrano, Silvia
dc.contributor.authorMatamoros, Esther
dc.contributor.authorCéspedes, José Antonio
dc.contributor.authorFernández-Santamaría, Rubén
dc.contributor.authorGil-Ocaña, Violeta
dc.contributor.authorPérez-Inestrosa, Ezequiel
dc.contributor.authorFrecha, Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorMontañez-Vega, María Isabel 
dc.contributor.authorVida-Pol, Yolanda 
dc.contributor.authorMayorga Mayorga, Cristobalina
dc.contributor.authorTorres-Jaén, María Josefa
dc.identifier.citationCalvo-Serrano, S.; Matamoros, E.; Céspedes, J.A.; Fernández-Santamaría, R.; Gil-Ocaña, V.; Perez-Inestrosa, E.; Frecha, C.; Montañez, M.I.; Vida, Y.; Mayorga, C.; et al. New Approaches for Basophil Activation Tests Employing Dendrimeric Antigen–Silica Nanoparticle Composites. Pharmaceutics 2024, 16, 1039.es_ES
dc.descriptionPublicación en Open Acces.
dc.description.abstractIn vitro detection of specific IgE bound to high-affinity receptor on basophils’ surface is 25 a widely used strategy for the evaluation of IgE-mediated immediate hypersensitivity reactions to 26 drugs. Due to the drug small size, IgE recognition requires conjugation to a carrier molecule present 27 in blood. Thus, the conjugate formed is large enough to allow the cross-linking of two IgE bound to 28 the basophil’s surface and their degranulation. However, no information about size and composi-29 tions of these conjugates is available. The use of well-defined hapten-carrier conjugates would be a 30 valuable tool for the investigation of the mechanism through which the activation occurs and could 31 offer clinical potential for diagnosis of drug-allergy. Silica Nanoparticles decorated with PAMAM-32 dendrimer-amoxicilloyl conjugates (NpDeAXO) of different size and amoxicilloyl densities have 33 been prepared and chemically characterized. Their functional effect on basophils was measured 34 using an in-house basophil activation test (BAT) by determining CD63+ or CD203chigh activation 35 markers. It was observed that NpDeAXO nanocomposites are not only able to specifically activate 36 basophils, but also do so with a lower concentration of amoxicilloyl compared to free amoxicillin. 37 These results indicate that NpDeAXO possess high basophil activation potency, pointing to a trans-38 lational potential of this strategy in the context of in vitro allergy determination.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyectos 639 de I+D+I «Programación Conjunta Internacional», EuroNanoMed 2019 (PCI2019-111825-2), Minis-640 terio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2022-136705NB-I00, CNS2022-136144), Instituto de Salud Carlos 641 III (ISCIII) (through projects co-funded by the European Union: AC19/00082, PI21/00329, 642 PI20/01734, PI23/00620, RETICS ARADYAL RD16/0006/0001 and RD16/0006/0012, RICORS Red de 643 Enfermedades Inflamatorias RD21/0002/0008); Junta de Andalucía (ProyExcel00971 and PE-0172-644 2018, all co-funded by the European Union). C.M. holds “Nicolas Monardes” research contract by 645 Andalusian Regional Ministry Health (Grant No. RC-0004-2021). This project has received funding 646 from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie 647 Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101027955”. S.C.S. holds a grant from the Ministry of Eco-648 nomic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge, and Universities of the Andalusian Regional Govern-649 ment under the predoctoral contract with reference PREDOC_01545.es_ES
dc.titleNew approaches for Basophil Activation Tests employing Dendrimeric Antigen-Silica Nanoparticle composites.es_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES

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