The assessment of vulnerability to the danger of flooding, with a focus on the need for
rescue and assistance from the population, is still in an exploratory scientific phase. The main
objective of this research is to propose a methodology based on the issues of rescue and assistance in
the face of the risk of floods and to provide a tool for its management. A series of maps is presented,
indicating those territorial elements that require rescue and surveillance in a prioritized manner in a
visual and accessible way for public administration. Four methodological cartographic proposals
have been designed as follows: (1) a map of territory sectors with special rescue needs (dependent
population and/or buildings without shelter); a map of the impact on transportation infrastructure
and vulnerable areas of buildings (2); a map of vulnerability to possible disorder and looting caused
by flooding events (3); and a map of the increase in the cost of deployment for rescue and assistance
systems (4). As an experimental zone to test the effectiveness of these proposals, a peri-urban area of
the municipality of Málaga (Spain) is chosen, which has an extensive history of severe floods. The
results confirm the applied and preventive nature of the tool, which can be incorporated into flood
risk management plans and local flood risk action plans developed by public administrations. The
main finding of the research is the technical advancement that comes with a precise understanding of
vulnerability and its resulting issues for better flood risk management.