In this study, landfill gas emissions from a landfill located in southern Spain were estimated using static surface flux chambers and applying and comparing four geostatistical methods; ordinary kriging, lognor- mal kriging, intrinsic random functions of order K and indicator kriging. This paper presents the method- ology used to calculate methane (and carbon dioxide) emissions from a landfill in southern Spain. Static flux chambers were used to estimate emissions through the sealing layer of a landfill assuming that the geospatial mean best expresses the average value of these emissions. This study considers several geostatistical methods for obtaining the corresponding spatial estimation, using measurements obtained from static flux chambers and finding the best proven results. The most appropriate geostatistical analysis method was found to be indicator kriging and lognormal kriging because of the simplicity of its imple- mentation and the transformation of the flux measurements. Methane surface emissions (100 g·m-2·d-1) and visualization of the hotspots were significant enough to result in the placement of a new cover across the entire landfill. This additional cover had an immediate impact on the effectiveness of the recovery system and increased LFG collection flow rates by 15% with an increase in CH4 concentration in the col- lected gas from 50% to 60%.