Listar AM - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por tipo "info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject"
Mostrando ítems 1-12 de 12
A bayesian approach for one-way ANOVA under unequal variances
(2022)In this report a Bayesian solution to the problem of testing the equality of the means of k independent normal populations with unknown and arbitrary variances is provided. An important issue in the solution of this problem ... -
A Bayesian approach to the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem.
(2023)The multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem consists of testing the equality of the mean vectors of two independent multivariate normal populations with unknown and arbitrary covariance matrices. In this work we provide a ... -
A data-based approach for solving the Rank Pricing Problem.
(2024)The Rank Pricing Problem is a challenging mixed-integer optimization problem. It aims to determine the optimal pricing strategies of a set of products ranked by customer preferences. Given its NP-hard nature, existing ... -
Algoritmos eficientes para convoluciones adaptados a las aplicaciones
(2022)Proponemos algoritmos para la aproximacion de determinadas ecuaciones integrales de Volterra relevantes en las aplicaciones, que consiguen minimizar el coste computational, comprimir la memoria y son faciles de implementar. ... -
HySEA model verification for Tohoku 2011 Tsunami. Application for mitigation tsunami assessment
(European Geosciences Union, 2015-04)In many aspects Tohoku-Oki 2011 mega tsunami has changed our perception of tsunami risk. The tsunami-HySEA model is used to numerically simulate this event and observed data will we used to verify the model results. Three ... -
HySEA: An operational GPU-based model for Tsunami Early Warning Systems
(EGU, 2014-04)HySEA numerical model for the simulation of earthquake generated tsunamis is presented. The initial sea surface deformation is computed using Okada model. Wave propagation is computed using nonlinear shallow water equations ... -
Introducción al Método de Volúmenes finitos
(2018-04-23)Se presentará una introducción a las leyes de conservación escalares, incluyendo el cálculo de la solución de problemas de Riemann. Se presentarán los métodos de tipo Godunov y se discutirá la estabilidad en el caso lineal. ... -
Un modelo 1D NPZ de acoplamiento entre la hidrodinámica y los flujos biogeoquímicos en estrechos bicapa. Aplicación a la dinámica mareal en el Estrecho de Gibraltar
(CEDYA 2013/IMAC/Universitat Jaume I, 2013)Los modelos NPZ (siglas para Nutrientes-Fitoplancton-Zooplancton en inglés) son comúnmente utilizados en estudios de biología marina. Este tipo de modelos utiliza un conjunto de ecuaciones diferenciales muy sencillo para ... -
Non-linear shallow water models for coastal run-up simulations
(European Geosciences Union, 2013)Shallow water models are frequently used to simulate ocean or coastal circulation or tsunami wave propagation. But these models are seldom used to explicitely reproduce for example tsunami wave run-up into coast. In this ... -
Numerical tool for tsunami risk assessment in the southern coast of Dominican Republic
(2017-02-06)The southern coast of Dominican Republic is a very populated region, with several important cities including Santo Domingo, its capital. Important activities are rooted in the southern coast including tourism, industry, ... -
Random sets on manifolds under an infinite–dimensional Log–Gaussian Cox process approach.
(Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2022)A new framework is introduced in this paper for modeling and statistical analysis of point sets in a manifold, that randomly arise through time. Specifically, in the characterization of these sets, the random counting ... -
Tsunami-HySEA model validation for tsunami current predictions
(European Geophysical Union, 2016)Model ability to compute and predict tsunami flow velocities is of importance in risk assessment and hazard mitigation. Substantial damage can be produced by high velocity flows, particularly in harbors and bays, even when ...