Listar AC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 109
Improving Signatures by Locality Exploitation for Transactional Memory
(IEEE, 2009)Writing multithreaded programs is a fairly complex task that poses a major obstacle to exploit multicore processors. Transactional Memory (TM) emerges as an alternative to the conventional multithreaded programming to ... -
Interval Filter: A Locality-Aware Alternative to Bloom Filters for Hardware Membership Queries by Interval Classification.
(Springer, 2010)Bloom filters are data structures that can efficiently represent a set of elements providing operations of insertion and membership testing. Nevertheless, these filters may yield false positive results when testing for ... -
Multiset Signatures for Transactional Memory
(ACM, 2011)Transactional Memory (TM) systems must record the memory locations read and written (read and write sets) by concurrent transactions in order to detect conflicts. Some TM implementations use signatures for this purpose, ... -
Unified Locality-Sensitive Signatures for Transactional Memory
(Springer, 2011)Transactional memory systems coordinate the execution of concurrent transactions by committing non-conflicting ones. Transaction conflicts are detected by recording on-the-fly the memory locations issued by the threads. ... -
A Framework For TV Logos Learning Using Linear Inverse Diffusion Filters For Noise Removal
(IEEE, 2013)Different logotypes represent significant cues for video annotations. A combination of temporal and spatial segmentation methods can be used for logo extraction from various video contents. To achieve this segmentation, ... -
Performance Analysis of the Multi-pass Transformation for Complex 3D-Stencils on GPUs
(2013-09-25)Performance Analysis of the Multi-pass Transformation for Complex 3D-Stencils on GPUs -
GPUs para HPC: Logros y perspectivas futuras
(2013-10-18)Hace una década comenzábamos a mejorar las primeras aplicaciones científicas en GPUs utilizando Cg y OpenGL. Ahora CUDA y OpenCL han tomado el relevo, marcando un ritmo vertiginoso en la aceleración de códigos procedentes ... -
Quantifying the regeneration of bone tissue in biomedical images via Legendre moments
(2013-10-21)We investigate the use of Legendre moments as biomarkers for an efficient and accurate classification of bone tissue on images coming from stem cell regeneration studies. Regions of either existing bone, cartilage or ... -
Efficient Floating-Point Representation for Balanced Codes for FPGA Devices
(2013-10-30)We propose a floating–point representation to deal efficiently with arithmetic operations in codes with a balanced number of additions and multiplications for FPGA devices. The variable shift operation is very slow in ... -
Aspectos computacionales en la bisección de un n-simplex regular.
(2013-11-05)En el ambito de la optimizacion global basada en tecnicas de ramificacion y acotacion, cuando el espacio de busqueda es un n-simplex regular es habitual utilizar como regla de division la biseccion por el lado mayor. ... -
Solución de múltiples sistemas lineales en GPUs
(2013-11-05)Este trabajo se centra en el calculo, de forma concurrente, de múltiples sistemas lineales definidos por matrices densas de una dimensión media. Se considera una solución basada en la factorización de Cholesky y su ... -
An Experience of e-assessment in an Introductory Course on Computer Organization
(2013-11-13)This work describes how the CTPracticalsMoodle module can be used for e-assessment in an introductory course on computer organization, where the practical content consists of the design and simulation of a basic CPU ... -
Improving Signature Behavior by Irrevocability in Transactional Memory Systems
(IEEE Computer Society, 2014)Signatures have been proposed in Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) to represent read and write sets of transactions and decouple transaction conflict detection from private caches. Generally, signatures are implemented ... -
Acelerando los momentos de Zernike sobre Kepler
(2014-05-02)Este trabajo analiza las características más avanzadas de la arquitectura Kepler de Nvidia, principalmente el paralelismo dinámico para el lanzamiento de kernels desde la GPU y la planificación de hilos con Hyper-Q. ... -
Entropy-based High Performance Computation of Boolean SNP-SNP Interactions Using GPUs
(2014-05-02)It is being increasingly accepted that traditional statistical Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) reveals just a small part of the heritability in complex diseases. ... -
Pre-Ictal Phase Detection with SVMs
(2014-07-29)Over 50 million persons worldwide are affected by epilepsy. Epilepsy is a brain disorder known for sudden, unexpected transitions from normal to pathological behavioral states called epileptic seizures. Epilepsy poses a ... -
Low-textured regions detection for improving stereoscopy algorithms
(2014-07-29)The main goal of stereoscopy algorithms is the calculation of the disparity map between two frames corresponding to the same scene, and captured simultaneously by two different cameras. The different position (disparity) ... -
Adaptive Partition Strategies for Loop Parallelism in Heterogeneous Architectures
(2014-07-30)This paper explores the possibility of efficiently using multicores in conjunction with multiple GPU accelerators under a parallel task programming paradigm. In particular, we address the challenge of extending a ... -
Paralelismo de datos en la obtención de Tablas de Control de Tráfico con información de llegada
(2014-09-24)Los semáforos se pueden controlar de forma dinámica a través de varias reglas que dictaminan el color del semáforo segun el número de vehículos a la espera. Estas reglas o acciones se recogen en lo que se conoce como ... -
Localizando partículas en un fluido a partir de holografías y computación de altas prestaciones
(2014-09-24)La tomografía se ha introducido recientemente en la velocimetría de fluidos para proporcionar información en tres dimensiones de la localización de partículas en el seno de fluidos. En concreto, algunos trabajos previos ...