Listar EAEEC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 103
A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis of the Efficiency of Educational Systems
(2016-11-21)How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
A Fuzzy Logic Based Approach to Measure the Principle of "Leaving no one Behind" on Multidimensional Poverty
(2021)In this paper we present a fuzzy multidimensional approach for the measurement of the ‘leaving no one behind’ principle underlying the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in European countries. In particular, we consider ... -
A measurement of seasonal concentration in tourism
(2013-06-24) -
¿Afecta el estrés laboral a la salud?
(2013-06-27)Se trata de determinar cómo las condiciones de trabajo y la incertidumbre laboral van a tener un impacto significativo sobre la salud de los trabajadores. -
An analysis of parental satisfaction with school
(2022-06-30)This article presents an analysis of factors which are important in the satisfaction with schools during primary education by families. The empirical evidence herein is based on students attending primary education in ... -
An international analysis of parental school preferences.
(2023)Parents are concerned about their children’s educational progress, and thus school choice has an important role in parenting. This research analyses the features when choosing a school in the countries participating in the ... -
Análisis de la concentración estacional del turismo en Andalucía a través de la entrada de flujos turísticos en los aeropuertos andaluces
(Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2013)En este trabajo se utiliza el pasajero de transporte aéreo como unidad de medida de concentración estacional. Para el análisis se ha clasificado a los pasajeros en cuatro grupos, según procedencia internacional o nacional, ... -
Análisis temporal de la sostenibilidad a través de indicadores sintéticos. Una aplicación a las empresas de aguas portuguesas
(2019-06-25)En este trabajo proponemos evaluar la evolución de la sostenibilidad a través de un nuevo indicador sintético dinámico basado en la programación por metas. Dicho indicador permite cuantificar, para cada observación, si los ... -
Are early writers and readers more successful than their counterparts?
(2016-02-12)There exists an increasing number of scientific contributions focused on the influence of the attendance to early childhood and/or preprimary education on the future academic track of the students, which employ the quarter ... -
Assesing individual income growth with relative concerns.
(2023)This paper addresses the assessment of individual income growth providing a framework in which each individual accounts for own income growth and for the growth of each individual’s reference group. We take as a starting ... -
Comparing parental satisfaction with their child’s school during primary and secondary education
(2023)A wide array of research has investigated the correlates and consequences of parental satisfaction with their child’s school. In brief, parents look at academic performance, but also other non-academic dimensions such as ... -
Confinamiento y salud mental. Análisis socioeconómico en Andalucía
(2022)El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los posibles efectos del confinamiento general, declarado en marzo 2020, sobre la salud mental de los andaluces y si afectó a todos los individuos del mismo modo o según sus características ... -
Determinantes del desempleo en España durante la Gran Recesión
(2019-07-08)El desempleo es uno de los principales problemas de la economía Española, con una evolución notablemente peor en los últimos años que en el resto de países comparables. En septiembre de 2017, según datos de Eurostat, la ... -
The difficulty of obtaining causal impact: an international analysis of students’ academic achievement
(2018-01-08)International large-scale assessments such as PISA are increasingly being used to benchmark the academic performance of young people across the world. Yet many of the technicalities underpinning these datasets are ... -
Does it matter what students read? Evidence from Andalusia
(2020-01-21)There is a great amount of literature which states that promoting reading among students is of public interest. Nevertheless, there is scarce evidence on the differential influence that each type of readings can have on ... -
Educación y satisfacción con la vida: un análisis con la World Values Survey
(2019-07-05)En este trabajo se adopta un enfoque de satisfacción con la vida para analizar si la educación contribuye al bienestar de los individuos, más allá del impacto positivo que ésta puede tener a través de variables como los ... -
Efectos condicionantes en la inclusión de un destino complementario en la visita a Málaga.
(2022)Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar aquellos perfiles turísticos y aquellas características del viaje que condicionan la probabilidad de complementar el viaje a la ciudad de Málaga con otro destino. Partiendo de ... -
Efectos de la pandemia sobre la salud de la población andaluza.
(2023)El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los posibles efectos que el COVID19 haya podido tener sobre la salud de los andaluces y sus factores determinantes. La fuente de información elegida es la “Encuesta Sanitaria y Social ... -
Effect of parent's education on children's time use: Evidence from Spain
(2014-07-07)Children's time use is of great interest for both parents and policy makers. The concern is because allocation of time by the young people between productive and unproductive activities, their social patterns and their ... -
The effect on students’ academic progression of relative school socioeconomic status
(2019-01-29)It has been widely studied that students’ academic achievement may be affected by the socioeconomic characteristics of their peers. Nevertheless, little is known on whether the relative position that students occupied ...