Listar EAEEC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 82-101 de 103
Teachers’ satisfaction as indicator of education system performance
(2015-06-08)We investigate the potential trade-off between some teacher characteristics, particularly teachers’ satisfaction, and different measures of pupils’ performance, in order to optimize the outputs of the Spanish education ... -
The teaching crisis in less developed countries
(2018-01-08)There is a huge concern on the influence of teachers on students’ cognitive learning. However, little is known about the causal impact of teachers’ knowledge on students’ performance. In addition, this effect is likely to ... -
Testing the impact on educational achievement of expectations
(2016-02-11)Parental and students’ expectations on the educational achievement of the latter have been highlighted in the literature as proper proxies for students’ forthcoming performance and high school track elections. In this ... -
The big five personality traits and extracurricular activities
(2024)This study analyses the potential of extracurricular activities in the development of personality traits in adolescence. The five broad personality traits described in this model are extraversion, agreeableness, openness, ... -
The distribution of the left behind individuals in EU countries: Central and Eastern countries vs Western countries
(2022)This paper examines the differences in the extent individuals are left behind across the EU between Central and Eastern European (CEE) –former countries with non-democratic regimes and centrally planned economies – and ... -
The effect of cultural capital on the differential educational achievement of girls and boys
(2015-07-21)One of the less discussed issues in the literature on educational production functions, in Spain, is the contribution of variables related to students’ lifestyles to explain the gender gap in terms of educational achievement. ... -
The effect of ordinal rank at school on students’ academic performance
(XLVI REUNIÓN DE ESTUDIOS REGIONALES, 2021-11-24)School peers can condition students’ academic performance in different ways. On the one hand, students’ academic progression is driven by the level of academic performance of their peers. Second, students’ self-perception ... -
The evolution of the occupational status in Spain: An intergenerational approach
(2016-06-09)The relationship between the socio-economic status of parents and children is referred by the literature as intergenerational social mobility. The scope of this mobility encompasses different aspects such as educational ... -
The gender gap in educational mismatch: evidence from the Dominican Republic
(2017-01-30)In this paper we test the existence of gender gaps in educational mismatch for a developing country (Dominican Republic), an interesting case study due to its recent policies of education promotion, which achieved an ... -
The influence of gender and social roles on academic achievement
(2016-11-21)The analysis of the influence of certain social aspects across countries on gender differences in educational achievement has gained a great relevance. In this research the main objective is to deepen into the knowledge ... -
The influence of weekly instruction on student’s academic performance in Spain
(2021)Students attend compulsory school lessons every week, and this time should be used in such a way that it improves students’ competences; otherwise, it may be wasted. However, although parents suppose that their children ... -
The Measurement of Adequacy and Coverage in Decentralized Minimum Income Schemes: An Application to Spanish Regions
(2016-02-08)The existing literature on welfare decentralization has not produced a robust set of measures and properties and no consensus has emerged on how inequalities arising from welfare decentralization should be aggregated into ... -
The Relative Efficiency of Educational Systems: A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis
(2017-04-17)How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
The socioeconomic gradient in health: The role of intra-household resource allocation
(2016-06-28)This paper aims to analyse the impact of different household financial regimes on the health status of males and females in a number of European countries. Using the EU-SILC 2010 on intra-household sharing of resources, ... -
Time allocation and assimilation of foreign workers: Evidence from Spain
(2015-06-08)The assimilation of immigrant workers to the Spanish labour market is a topic widely addressed by the economic literature. However, a little explored issue is the time allocation of immigrants and its effects on their ... -
To weight or not to weight?: the case of PISA data
(2017-09-25)International large-scale assessments (ILSA) –like e.g. PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, etc.– have obtained a high worldwide popularity among researchers to study students’ academic achievement. Nevertheless, in spite of their recently ... -
Tourism mobility in time and seasonality in tourism
(2017-06-21)In this paper, tourism mobility is studied as a process that affects the population of a geographical area, like a country or a region, from the point of view of the generated trips in the region. To analyse mobility in ... -
Turismo y competitividad en los países de la Unión Europea
(Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2013)En este trabajo nos centramos en el análisis de la competitividad de los países de la Unión Europea (EU-27). Para ello, en una primera fase, se revisa la metodología e indicadores utilizados por el Foro Económico Mundial ... -
Universidades empredendoras y género
(2022)Tradicionalmente el objetivo de las universidades ha sido únicamente la trasmisión del conocimiento y la promoción de los descubrimientos científicos. Sin embargo, hoy sabemos que la universidad puede crear riqueza, tanto ... -
Wage growth and occupational mobility in Spain: Movers versus Stayers
(2013-06-05)The role of labour mobility as a mechanism for improving the productivity and the allocative efficiency of workers has been a main topic in economics for last years. A particular issue that has received considerable interest ...