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Listar EAEE - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por autor "García-Pozo, Alejandro"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 31
A sectorial analysis of the gender wage gap along the wage distribution in Spain
This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish service sector along the wage distribution. This analysis of the gender wage gap is carried out in three stages. The first is based on a specific ... -
Analysis of the management of environmental proactivity and its structural determinants in the field of hotel
Recent literature has shown that a firm's environmental commitment can be a potential source of comparative advantage and may translate into higher revenues that could offset the additional costs involved in implementing ... -
Comparative analysis of the returns to human capital in the Spanish hospitality industry from a gender perspective: the period of crisis 2006-2010
Based on information provided by two consecutive samples of the four-year version of the Spanish Wage Structure Survey (WSS), in this paper we estimate, from a gender perspective, the returns to human capital in the Spanish ... -
Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap in Europe: Evidence from the Tourism Sector
Unfavourable labour conditions in the tourism sector and the gender wage gap have been found to be significant in studies carried out for different countries, demonstrating that this is an international phenomenon. However, ... -
Does destination choice affect environmental attitudes of european tourists?
Campos-Soria, Juan Antonio; García-Pozo, Alejandro; Marchante-Mera, Andrés Jesús; Núñez-Carrasco, Juan Aníbal (2017-06-09)Different studies have shown that environmental activists at home display an attitude-behaviour gap when they go on holiday. Attribution theory investigates why people who are actively involved in protecting the environment ... -
Eco-innovation and management in time of crisis: a comparative analysis of environmental good practices and labour productivity in the spanish hotel industry (2008-2012)
The economic crisis in recent years has significantly affected the Spanish hospitality industry. Some factors that affect labor productivity and therefore business performance in this sector may have affected the productivity ... -
Efectos salariales del desajuste educativo en el sector agroindustrial español desde una perspectiva de género.
La industria alimentaria es una de las más importantes en las economías desarrolladas por su peso en el PIB y en el empleo. Desde el punto de vista del empleo, se está observando una progresiva profesionalización de su ... -
Effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the andalusian hotel industry
Sánchez-Ollero, José Luis; Marchante-Mera, Andrés Jesús; García-Pozo, Alejandro; López-Rubio, José (2013-11-19)In this work, we analyze the effect of labour flexibility on productivity in the Andalusian hotel industry. For this purpose, we use the data obtained by the Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness in the Hospitality ... -
Environment, innovation and productivity: application of a CDM model to the spanish service sector
The main aim of this study is to determine the impact of innovation on productivity in service sector companies — especially those in the hospitality sector — that value the reduction of environmental impact as relevant ... -
Environmental attitudes of European tourists: A multilevel analysis
Literature shows that heterogeneity in willingness to pay for traveling is explained by regional clusters because not all the tourists are equally sensitive to income and price adjustments. This paper demonstrated that ... -
Environmental concern in tourism from a cross-national perspective
This paper analyzes how tourist from European countries consider environmental issues when making decisions about their their holiday plans. Modelling these decisions is a challenge because environmental concerns depends ... -
Environmental engagement of costumer in the tourism industry
This article contributes to a better understanding of tourists’ environmental concerns, assuming that distance from the place of residence is relevant. The analysis is conducted for EU-27 countries, combining micro-data, ... -
Explaining tourists´ support for environmental protection
Any movement towards sustainable tourism is dependent not only upon the industry and other key stakeholders but also the demand side, namely the tourists. Yet, there is a limited literature from the demand point of view. ... -
Gender wage gap along the wage distribution: Evidence at sectorial level.
This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish services sector, through the specific analysis of its four main sub-sectors: hospitality industry, transport industry, travel agencies services and ... -
Horizontal and vertical coordination and integration of subjects of the department of applied economy (Economic Structure) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses of Degree in Tourism at the University of Malaga
García-Pozo, Alejandro (2017-06-12)The Department of Applied Economics (Economic Structure) of the University of Malaga has its headquarters in the Faculty of Economics, although its professors teach in six centers of our University. We intend to develop ... -
Impact of introducing ecoinnovation measures on productivity in transport sector companies
García-Pozo, Alejandro; Sánchez-Ollero, José Luis (2016-12-12)The transport and storage sector, like other sectors of the Spanish economy, is experiencing the effects of the current economic crisis. The Annual Services Survey prepared by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics ... -
Implementation of the CDM model to the analisys of the hotel sector
García-Pozo, Alejandro (2016-06-07)The main aim of this study was to determine the impact of innovation on productivity in service sector companies — especially those in the hospitality sector — that value the reduction of environmental impact as relevant ... -
Innovación, actividades intensivas en conocimiento y productividad en el sector servicios
En este trabajo pretendemos determinar si el proceso de innovación y su impacto sobre la productividad del trabajo en empresas de servicios difieren según el grado de intensidad en conocimiento de los distintos subsectores ... -
Innovation, knowledge intensity and productivity in the Spanish services sector
Benavides-Chicón, Carlos Guillermo; García-Pozo, Alejandro; González-Guerrero, Eva Isabel (2018-10-03)This study aims to determine whether there are significant differences in the innovation process and its impact on the productivity of Spanish services firms, according to the level of knowledge intensity of the various ... -
Job insecurity and salary in the Spanish hotel sector: a regional analysis
García-Pozo, Alejandro; López-Rubio, José; Sánchez-Ollero, José Luis (2014-07-17)The economic crisis in which the Spanish economy finds itself has had serious negative impact on wages and in the lack of job stability for Spanish workers. In this paper, using the data available from the sample of 2010 ...