Listar EAEE - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 69
A comprehensive cost analysis of reclaimed water production: is it a financially viable resource for agricultural irrigation in southern Spain?
(2023)Although the use of reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation in Spain has been done since decades, during the drought period (2005-2008 ) its use was regulated. Since the entry into force of the Royal Decree 1620/2007, ... -
A measure of the economic dependence of countries on tourism
(2022)El principal objetivo de este estudio fue construir un índice de dependencia económica del turismo para una muestra de 144 países y el período comprendido entre 1995 y 2019. A continuación, analizamos la convergencia en ... -
A sectorial analysis of the gender wage gap along the wage distribution in Spain
(2022-11-17)This paper contributes to the study of the gender wage gap in the Spanish service sector along the wage distribution. This analysis of the gender wage gap is carried out in three stages. The first is based on a specific ... -
An analysis of regional economic vulnerability through the lens of tourism dependence: The case of Spain.
(2023)The main aim of this piece of work is to provide evidence of the existence of regions in Spain in which the excessive dependence on tourism is conditioning their long-term economic development possibilities, placing their ... -
An analysis of the impact of implementing Revenue Management Systems on hotel operational performance
(2013-09-24)The aim of this paper was to analyse the degree to which hotels whose managers employ a Revenue Management System (RMS) as a strategy to increase demand outperform other non-RMS-user establishments. This analysis was based ... -
An empirical analysis of the efficiency in reducing child mortality (Millennium Development Goal 4)
(2015-09-25)The main aim of this article is to analyse, at the macro-level, why some countries are more efficient in converting inputs (physicians density and relative total health expenditure) into both a specific health-output ... -
Analysis of the management of environmental proactivity and its structural determinants in the field of hotel
(2014-11-07)Recent literature has shown that a firm's environmental commitment can be a potential source of comparative advantage and may translate into higher revenues that could offset the additional costs involved in implementing ... -
Aplicación de la Lesson Study en la asignatura de Economía del Trabajo: Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas.
(2024)En esta comunicación se presenta una aplicación de la Lesson Study en la asignatura Economía del Trabajo de 3er curso de Grado en RRLL y RRHH en la UMA. La lección experimental llevada a cabo tiene como foco “que el ... -
Aplicación de la Lesson Study en la asignatura de Microeconomía y Macroeconomía Aplicadas al Turismo.
(2024)El propósito de este trabajo es aplicar el método de investigación-acción cooperativa denominado Lesson Study, en el que, a través de un conjunto de fases y procesos, un grupo de docentes diseñan, desarrollan y analizan ... -
Bottom-of-the-pyramid innovations: the impact of gender diversity.
(2023)This study is aimed at exploring the factors that can promote the fulfilment of the “bottom-of-the-pyramid” approach (BoP). We focus on the intra-organizational dimensions that might impact inclusive innovation developed ... -
Comparative analysis of the returns to human capital in the Spanish hospitality industry from a gender perspective: the period of crisis 2006-2010
(2014-06-12)Based on information provided by two consecutive samples of the four-year version of the Spanish Wage Structure Survey (WSS), in this paper we estimate, from a gender perspective, the returns to human capital in the Spanish ... -
Cultura, Turismo y Desarrollo Regional
(2022)¿Es posible cambiar el posicionamiento de un destino turístico?¿Si lo es, qué es necesario para ello? En este trabajo se analiza la ciudad de Málaga como elemento de análisis de un modelo de éxito -
Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap in Europe: Evidence from the Tourism Sector
(2023)Unfavourable labour conditions in the tourism sector and the gender wage gap have been found to be significant in studies carried out for different countries, demonstrating that this is an international phenomenon. However, ... -
Decomposing the gender wage gap: an analysis of the tourism sector at the European level.
(2025)Objective: This paper uses a micro and macro perspectives simultaneously, through a multilevel approach, which may be helpful for understanding how the characteristics of the employees of each country and how the country ... -
Decomposing the gender wage gap: An analysis of the tourism sector at the European level.
(2026-09-24)Studies carried out in different countries show that workers in the tourism sector face unfavourable labour and pay conditions and a significant gender wage gap, which shows that this is an international phenomenon. However, ... -
Decomposing the gender wage-gap in the hospitality industry: a quantile approach
(Congreso ASEPELT-2021, 2021)This paper discusses the factors that determine the wage differences between men and women in the Spanish hospitality industry across the wage distribution. In general, previous studies have analysed the gender wage gap ... -
Do Illicit Financial Flows Hurt Basic Healthcare Provision? The Case of Infant Vaccination Coverage in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
(2017-06-12)Since 1980, developing countries have lost US$16.3 trillion dollars through broad leakages in the balance of payments, trade misinvoicing, and unrecorded financial transfers. Moreover, according to the Global Financial ... -
Does destination choice affect environmental attitudes of european tourists?
(2017-06-09)Different studies have shown that environmental activists at home display an attitude-behaviour gap when they go on holiday. Attribution theory investigates why people who are actively involved in protecting the environment ... -
Eco-innovation and management in time of crisis: a comparative analysis of environmental good practices and labour productivity in the spanish hotel industry (2008-2012)
(2014-12-18)The economic crisis in recent years has significantly affected the Spanish hospitality industry. Some factors that affect labor productivity and therefore business performance in this sector may have affected the productivity ... -
Educational signaling under different education systems.
(2024)We consider a two-period signaling model in which an informed worker has to decide whether she invests in education or participates in the labor market in the first period. When the rate at which the cost of education ...