Listar EAE - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 278-297 de 316
Un taller basado en juegos de rol para estudiantes de ingeniería de la edificación
(2020-12-16)En la enseñanza tradicional los únicos contenidos que se contemplan son los conocimientos. En cambio, la enseñanza basada en competencias, que propugna la Convergencia Europea, exige la integración en cada materia de tres ... -
Teletrabajo. ¿se cumplen las expectativas organizativas de la empresa y la mejora del balance de vida laboral y familiar del trabajador?
(XXXI Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Gestión Científica, 2022-02-03)El teletrabajo ha ido generado altas expectativas para consolidarse como una de las opciones más atractivas en políticas de flexibilización laboral. En 2020, tras la irrupción de la COVID-19, debido al confinamiento ... -
Tendencias de la felicidad laboral de las mujeres. Una revisión de la literatura.
(2024)El estudio de la felicidad y la satisfacción en el trabajo es un campo prolífero en los últimos años. Siendo conscientes de los beneficios que, para las organizaciones tiene el contar con una fuerza de trabajo motivada y ... -
Tendencias, brecha y evolución de la investigación sobre responsabilidad social empresarial en las instituciones de educación superior cmo apoyo de los SGDs en la literatura científica
(2023-02)La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) ha consolidado como línea de investigación. Sin embargo, a pesar de la prolífica producción bibliográfica, todavía existen gaps en el análisis de la implementación y las implicaciones ... -
The Contemporary Human Resources Function
(2017-02-13)Abstract Current companies encounter important challenges day to day. Many factors such as the economic globalization, the change in the way of working, the Internet boom, and the importance that the service sector is ... -
The Influence of Organizational Speed on Organizational Mishaps: The Moderating Role of Dynamism
(2016-09-30)Previous studies have shown the importance of organizational speed for firms’ competitive advantage and financial performance. However, more recent studies have also demonstrated that speed can be detrimental for companies. ... -
The influence of social bonds, emotions and personality on punishment attitudes.
(2024)From an evolutionary point of view, different emotions such as jealousy and attitudes of trust seem to have influenced close and affective bonds, and cooperative behaviors respectively, both of them key pillars that ... -
The initial public offering of high-technology firms: female executive managers and innovation
(2013-07-03)This study addresses how gender diversity in management teams influences the success of the IPO of research-intensive firms, and how critical indicators of innovation capabilities for those types of firms can mediate the ... -
The role of Science and Technology Parks in Spanish regional innovation ecosystem. Thesis project.
(2021)En esta presentación se pretendía dar a conocer el objetivo de proyecto de tesis en un espacio diseñado para ello. El Doctoral Forum, espacio organizado por la organización del congreso para estudiantes de doctorado, era ... -
The value of co-curricularity in entrepreneurial education
(2023-05)Ensure the quality of entrepreneurial education (EE) is understood as one of the main objectives and responsibilities of an Entrepreneurial University. When defining EE, there is common to make a subdivision, differentiating ... -
This chatbot is a smart one! Does perceived expertise increase willingness to interact with chatbots?
(2019-07-31)The development of artificial intelligence has led many companies to introduce computer operated chatbots that provide highly personalized services. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of perceived expertise on ... -
Total quality, social responsibility and gender in the hospitality industry
(2017-06-26)The purpose of this paper is to examine how the implementation of total quality management and corporate social responsibility influences the results of hotels’ stakeholders as an antecedent of business performance. This ... -
Tourists behavior during their trip: How they use and offer recommendations?
(2017-04-04)The rise of new technologies has changed the way tourists trust in eWOM to choose a restaurant. There is a growing use of opinion and price comparison websites, where opinions and ratings can be shared with other users. ... -
Training Entrepreneurial Competences with Open Innovation Paradigm in Higher Education
(2020-02-20)This communication shows the effects of training entrepreneurial competences on employability in higher education. It identifies teaching methods that are more effective in order to improve entrepreneurial competences. ... -
Travelling alone or in company? Solo travel as a growing trend: a bibliometric review.
(2024)Solo travel is an enriching way of experiencing the world, promoting personal growth and autonomy, which makes it an increasingly valued practice in today's society. The growing interest in this type of tourism has given ... -
La triple hélice de la innovación educativa: ¡muévete frente a un reto social!
(Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2020)La Triple Hélice de la innovación educativa, proyecta una idea de colaboración entre estudiantes de diferentes titulaciones que afrontarán un desafío planteado acorde a la sociedad y a los problemas actuales. La idea de ... -
El turismo cultural en Málaga. Una apuesta por los museos
(2016-06-23)El impacto del Turismo en el desarrollo económico y social de un país, puede ser enorme en la apertura de negocios, el comercio y la inversión de capital, la creación de empleo y la protección del patrimonio y los valores ... -
Un programa de TV local: una apuesta real por el modelo de la Triple Hélice
(2019-01-14)El presente trabajo traslada la experiencia derivada de la participación de profesores universitarios en un programa de televisión, creado y financiado a través de un ayuntamiento local. El programa, destinado a orientar ... -
Understanding responses to perceived complexity by internal stakeholders. Case study of a publicly-funded R&D project of an industrial SME.
(2024)The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on how to manage the perceived complexity by project participants. For this we carried out a case study approach and we chose an R&D project carried ... -
University Business Innovating
(2019-06-14)Purpose – The aim of the present paper is to explore whether in the context of universities as complex services, it is possible to develop new business models rooted in Service Dominant Logic (SDL), where the constituent ...