Listar FIFA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 18-37 de 158
Bodies in Transit: Re-thinking vulnerability and resistance in post-colonial neo-Victorian literature and culture
(2019-11-18)The aim of my participation in this round table is to make an approach to an analysis of contemporary historical fiction through the lens of theories of vulnerability and resistance. In particular, I would like to address ... -
Building up uniqueness within institutional, tourism-related home pages
(2016-02-01)Institutional web sites put together and display a country image which represents a “decisive business card” as stated by Bonhomme & Stalder (2006, 1). Beerli & Martin (2004, 3) detail the dimensions and attributes of the ... -
By way of vs. by means of: on the Expression of Instrumentality in Middle English and Early Modern English
(2016-04-21)Grammaticalization is defined as “a process whereby a lexical item, with full referential meaning, develops grammatical meaning” (Fischer and Rosenbach 2000: 2; see also Hopper 1991; Diewald and Wischer 2002). According ... -
Cambridge Female Refuge Rules (1838-1844): An Institution for "Females Who Have Been Leading a Sinful Course of Life"
(2019-06-25)The Cambridge Female Refuge was an institution established in Cambridge Church Street in 1838 as a House of Mercy for the moral rescue of fallen women. Prostitution was a serious preoccupation at the time for both town and ... -
Cambridge Prostitution and the Rules Governing the University Spinning House in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
(2017-04-19)The aim of this paper is to analyse the situation of prostitution in Cambridge and its regulation by the middle of the nineteenth century based on archival research. Cambridge Universitiy was characterised at the time by ... -
Chekhov in the Times of Lockdown: Gary Shteyngart’s Our Country Friends as a “Fable of Our Broken Time”.
(2023)Inspired by the theme of the 2023 PAAS Conference, this paper approaches Our Country Friends (2021) by Russian-American author Gary Shteyngart as a novel which is at once atemporal and painfully contemporary. -
Claude Cahun, creadora y observadora inconformista
(2016-12-01)A Claude Cahun se la conoce todavía hoy más en los medios artísticos por sus fotografías y collages que en los literarios por sus textos innovadores, desde los ensayos-poema, autoficciones cercanas a la novela de aventuras ... -
“Constructing selfhood and otherness in the East-West context"
(2018-06-11)Since his debut in 2002, Gary Shteyngart, a Russian-American author of Jewish extraction has not only garnered popularity among readers, but also inspired critical interest from reviewers and scholars. While Shteyngart’s ... -
Crafting, Collecting, and Clubbing in the Victorian Drawing Room
(2022)In her volume Inside the Victorian Home (2003), Judith Flanders scrutinizes the space of home and domesticity as a microcosm of the ideal society of the nineteenth century. Considering Flanders’ ideas as a point of departure, ... -
Creation of a large news corpus for the discourse analysis of Violence Against Women (VAW)
(2022)The press is considered to play a fundamental social role, as it shapes public opinion. In this regard, CDA Critical discourse analysis (CDA) has as a primary aim to study “the way social power abuse, dominance, and ... -
Cultural Haunting and the Trace of the Colonial Other in Arthur Conan Doyle's Short Fiction
(2017-09-28)In Home Truths: Fictions of the South Asian Diaspora in Britain (2002), Susheila Nasta argues that “the arrival in Britain of several generations of black and Asian 'immigrants' in the period following decolonization and ... -
Danger and Disability: The Female Body of Miniature in Neo-Victorian Fiction
(2018-11-21)Neo-Victorian reimaginations of the freak simultanously repeat and reject the binaries of normalcy and deviance to criticise the exploitative and objectifying conventions of nineteenth-century enfreakment practices. This ... -
Death in the Spinning House: Cambridge Prostitution and University Regulations by the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
(2016-04-19)The aim of this paper is to analyse the situation of prostitution in Cambridge and its regulation by the middle of the nineteenth century based on archival research. Cambridge Universitiy was characterised at the time by ... -
“Del mito matriarcal a la matrifocalidad a través de la literatura anglo-nigeriana”
(2021-09)Algunos autores definen el matriarcado africano en función a reglas de sucesión y herencia, mientras que otros definen dicho concepto basándose en la unidad matricentrada en la madre. A la hora de tratar el matriarcado ... -
Detective Fiction and the Neo-Victorian: Sexual Violence, Morality and Rescue Work in Lee Jackson’s The Last Pleasure Garden (2007)
(2014-09-30)In his third Inspector Decimus Webb novel, a detective from Scotland Yard, Jackson Lee re-appropriates the crime-fiction genre to portray several stories of gender abuse and violence. Several women become the victims of ... -
Digital Editing of Early Modern English Handwritten Texts: Handling Scribal Errors and Corrections
(2017-11-21)An important philological question is how to edit texts. An edition always entails interpretation of the text and also of the socio-cultural context in which the manuscript was created and used. In new philological theory, ... -
Distinguishing neo-Edwardianism from neo-Victorianism
(2014-12-01)Ever since the 1930s, with Vita Sackville-West’s The Edwardians (1930), representations of the Edwardian period can be found in British fiction. However, those have evolved throughout the years, as neo-Edwardian novels ... -
“Domesticating ‘Fallen Women’: Gender Violence and Detection in Lee Jackson’s A Metropolitan Murder (2004)”
(2022-09-12)Poverty and prostitution were some of the most important concerns for the Victorian mind and lots of associations and charities were established by the middle-class who tried to put an end to what was known as the “Great ... -
Early modern english scientific text types: different levels of linguistic complexity?
(2017-06-05)Complexity was first defined by Simon as hierarchies of different elements originating from simplicity (1962: 468). In Linguistics, Givon (2009) has analysed syntactic complexity from the point of view of language typology; ... -
Eastern Europe as a Liminal Space in the Life and Fiction of Philip Roth
(2013-10-25)In the present paper, the concept of liminality is applied to study the portrayal and significance of the post-war Eastern Europe, and Czechoslovakia in particular, in the life and fiction of one of the best contemporary ...