Listar FIFA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 29-48 de 157
Danger and Disability: The Female Body of Miniature in Neo-Victorian Fiction
(2018-11-21)Neo-Victorian reimaginations of the freak simultanously repeat and reject the binaries of normalcy and deviance to criticise the exploitative and objectifying conventions of nineteenth-century enfreakment practices. This ... -
Death in the Spinning House: Cambridge Prostitution and University Regulations by the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
(2016-04-19)The aim of this paper is to analyse the situation of prostitution in Cambridge and its regulation by the middle of the nineteenth century based on archival research. Cambridge Universitiy was characterised at the time by ... -
“Del mito matriarcal a la matrifocalidad a través de la literatura anglo-nigeriana”
(2021-09)Algunos autores definen el matriarcado africano en función a reglas de sucesión y herencia, mientras que otros definen dicho concepto basándose en la unidad matricentrada en la madre. A la hora de tratar el matriarcado ... -
Detective Fiction and the Neo-Victorian: Sexual Violence, Morality and Rescue Work in Lee Jackson’s The Last Pleasure Garden (2007)
(2014-09-30)In his third Inspector Decimus Webb novel, a detective from Scotland Yard, Jackson Lee re-appropriates the crime-fiction genre to portray several stories of gender abuse and violence. Several women become the victims of ... -
Digital Editing of Early Modern English Handwritten Texts: Handling Scribal Errors and Corrections
(2017-11-21)An important philological question is how to edit texts. An edition always entails interpretation of the text and also of the socio-cultural context in which the manuscript was created and used. In new philological theory, ... -
Distinguishing neo-Edwardianism from neo-Victorianism
(2014-12-01)Ever since the 1930s, with Vita Sackville-West’s The Edwardians (1930), representations of the Edwardian period can be found in British fiction. However, those have evolved throughout the years, as neo-Edwardian novels ... -
“Domesticating ‘Fallen Women’: Gender Violence and Detection in Lee Jackson’s A Metropolitan Murder (2004)”
(2022-09-12)Poverty and prostitution were some of the most important concerns for the Victorian mind and lots of associations and charities were established by the middle-class who tried to put an end to what was known as the “Great ... -
Early modern english scientific text types: different levels of linguistic complexity?
(2017-06-05)Complexity was first defined by Simon as hierarchies of different elements originating from simplicity (1962: 468). In Linguistics, Givon (2009) has analysed syntactic complexity from the point of view of language typology; ... -
Eastern Europe as a Liminal Space in the Life and Fiction of Philip Roth
(2013-10-25)In the present paper, the concept of liminality is applied to study the portrayal and significance of the post-war Eastern Europe, and Czechoslovakia in particular, in the life and fiction of one of the best contemporary ... -
Eastern or Central? Tracing Poland’s Place in the American Literary Representations and Cultural Discourses on Europe.
(2024)In this paper, I attempt to explore Poland’s place within the American imaginative geographies of East-Central Europe by looking at selected American texts and discourses from the second-half of the twentieth century and ... -
Editing The Cure of Bytyng in London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 (ff. 56r-61r)
(2022)London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 is a codex in one volume which houses a collection of practical treatises and tracts in English and Latin, in verse as well as in prose, on different topics including prognostications, ... -
El empleo de las actividades de mentoría entre iguales.
(2020-10-19)Este capítulo trata sobre el rol de los mentores en la enseñanza superior universitaria en la enseñanza del inglés como medio de instrucción. Esta investigación se desarrolla dentro del marco de un Proyecto de Innovación ... -
Elevator pitch: an english-spanish sociolinguistic analysis
(2018-10-05)Análisis contrastivo en inglés y español del Elevator Pitch desde una perspectiva sociolingüística, basado en los programas televisivos Dragon's Den y Tu Oportunidad. -
ELF Pedagogy in Spain and the UK
(2018-09-05)Our research project shows that exposing ELT practitioners to language change and to reflective attitudes towards language and towards new developments in ELT methodology can in return help them envisage an ELF aware ... -
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Advocacy for Women’s Homeownership in 19th-century America through Her Writings.
(2023)Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1922) received the well-deserved acclaim and recognition as an exceptional author, with a remarkable body of work encompassing over fifty books, hundreds of articles, poems, and short stories ... -
Émotions, terrorisme, tourisme. Le cas de la Côte d'Azur
(2018-04-30)Confrontés à l’incertitude et la peur provoquées par les attaques terroristes, les agents de l’activité touristique réagissent de façon diverse. Le refoulement des émotions, la mise en discours des mesures de prévention ... -
English as a lingua franca in higher education: local perspectives of a global phenomenon. The case study of the University of Málaga
(2018-05-16)English as a Lingua Franca in higher education: Local perspectives of a global phenomenon. The case study of the University of Málaga PINEDA, INMACULADA (Universidad de Málaga) This presentation introduces the main ... -
Entre objectivité et subjectivité, le tourisme de santé et de bien-être sur le web
(2017-05-29)Internet es una de las fuentes principales de información para preparar viajes y estancias. Los sitios web y los documentos digitales creados por las empresas generadoras de servicios turísticos, del mismo modo que los ... -
Erased identities: Marita Conlon’s The Magdalen (1999)
(2015-12-15)Following postmodernist and trauma studies discourses our aim here is to analyse Marita Colon’s novel in which she gives voice to a fictional character, Esther, as representative of those Irish women who were sent to a ... -
Un estudio lexicológico basado en corpus sobre los relatos eróticos amateur y su influencia contemporánea en el uso del lenguaje
(2022-04)La literatura erótica amateur es un género publicado mayoritariamente por autores anónimos. Este es un género muy prolífico y ha estado muy presente desde los primeros pasos de Internet en español donde ha contado con ...